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Let’s learn about the history of the hula hoop. The exact origin of the hula hoop is unknown, but it has been with us for ages.

My Hula (hoop) History

The History of the hula hoop
The history of the hula hoop

When I think back on my history with hula hooping, I am transported back to the colorful early 90’s. It almost feels like the little hot pink hula hoop with the white stripe existed before I did because I can’t remember a time when it wasn’t around. When I was 5, we went to Toys ‘R’ Us and picked up a big see-through Barbie hula hoop that had glitter in it. This hoop seemed enormous compared the the original pink one.

When I gave it a spin, it fell to the ground. I guess not a lot has changed. We all got a good laugh as we passed the hoop around to family members and friends, but back then it became a once-in-a blue moon kind of activity for me. You’ll hear more about my hula hoop story as we get to know each other, but the actual history of the hula hoop is even more interesting than mine.

The History of the Hula Hoop

Now that we know what a hula hoop is and we’ve learned about the different kinds of hula hoops, it is time to learn about the history of the hula hoop. I always feel more passionate about a subject matter when I am familiar with its origin story.

Wham-O was the first company in the United States to mass market their version of the hula hoop so they are often known as the inventors of the hula hoop. This is partially true. The truth is that the hula hoop came from many places.

Hoop Like an Egyptian

The history of the hula hoop

Around 3,000 BCE, the Egyptians were curving rattan and reeds into circles. They spun these hoops around the waist, tossed them in the air, and rolled them along the ground.

History of the hula hoop

It’s All Greek to Me

The Ancient Greeks were the first to popularize the hula hoop. There are ancient documents and art on pottery that shows the hoop in action. The Greeks fashioned hoops from grapevines that were used not only as toys for children, but also as exercise equipment for people who needed a gentle, low-impact workout. Or those who wanted more wiggle room in their toga. Both Greek and Roman children played with hoops constructed with scrap metal.

Eskimos utilized hoops too

Eskimo children in North America used hoops as a learning tool. They practiced their harpooning skills by rolling the hoop and trying to throw a pole through it. This took good hand-eye coordination, timing, and accuracy.

Native American Hoop Dance

History of the hula hoop

Native Americans used hoops for much more than toys and exercise equipment. The hoop has sacred significance for many First Nation and Native American people. Native American Hoop Dance is a form of storytelling that utilizes anywhere from 1-30 hoops that create dynamic and static shapes. A solo dancer uses the hoops to transform into animals and other elements of the story. Shapes such as the eagle, butterfly, coyote, and snake are depicted in the ritual.

The hoop symbolizes the never-ending circle of life

The hoop symbolizes the “never-ending circle of life.” It has no beginning and no end. Tribal groups across North America used hoops in traditional healing ceremonies. Originally, it was a male-only dance form, but in recent years women have become active participants in hoop dance and hoop dance competitions.

Hoop dance utilizes very dynamic, rapid movements. The hoops are usually very small in diameter (1 – 2.5 feet). There are elaborate sequences in which the hoops interlock and are extended from the body to portray wings and tails. It takes years of practice to master this beautiful art form due to its complexity.

The dancers build their hoops out of plastic piping (sometimes wood) wrapped in colorful tape.

Hula Hoop Name Origin

The history of the hula hoop

Hooping came to Great Britain In the 14th century. English households started building homemade hoops that were used by all ages. Hooping became a craze that swept the country. Sadly, this came to a screeching halt when doctors started blaming the use of hoops for back pain and even heart attacks.

Hula Hoops Make a Comeback

Hoops became socially acceptable once again in England in the 1800’s where hoop rolling became a fad. Those hoops were wooden with metal strips or tires on the outer edge. Hoop rolling was called “bowling a hoop.” The hoop was rolled along the ground by hand or with a stick called a skimmer.

Around this time, British sailors traveled to the Hawaiian Islands. This is where they witnessed hula dancing for the very first time. They made the connection between hooping and hula dancing because they looked similar in motion and that is how the term hula hoop was created.

In the early 20th century, a modern version of the hula hoop was made of bamboo in Australia. School children used these hoops as exercise equipment. The demand for hoops became so high that it caught the attention of two American toy manufacturers.


In 1948, Richard Kerr and Arthur “Spud” Melin founded the Wham-O company from their garage in Los Angeles. They named their company “Wham-O” because they were marketing a slingshot created for training pet falcons and hawks. This groundbreaking invention hurled meat at the birds.

History of the hula hoop

Wham-O was the sound the slingshot made when it hit the target and became the company’s catchy name. In the first 6 months, over twenty million Wham-O hoops sold for $1.98 / piece. Wham-O went on to become the most successful hula hoop manufacturer. In 1958, they trademarked the Hula Hoop name and started building hoops out of the new Marlex plastic.

Fun Wham-O Facts

Wham-O manufactures and markets some of the world’s most recognizable consumer brands such as:

Do you have a toy idea? Wham-O is looking for new toy ideas! Click on the link below to submit a proposal:

*BTW, I’m not personally affiliated or sponsored by Wham-O, but I thought it was super cool that they are accepting new ideas. If I had a creative toy idea, I would definitely submit a proposal because you never know what can happen!


Shoop Shoop Hula Hoop!

Wham-o Hoop-Related Facts:

  • Wham-O’s founders Arthur “Spud” Melin and Richard Knerr were both USC graduates. Go Trojans!
  • Today’s modern hula hoop was inspired by bamboo exercise rings that kids is Australia were playing with.
  • In 1957, 25 million hula hoops were sold in less than 4 months.
  • 2 years after its launch, hula hoop sales reached more than 100 million units. This made $45 million in revenue.
  • The hula hoop, superball, and frisbee were inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame.
  • In 1994, the comedy film, “The Hudsucker Proxy” was co-written, directed, and produced by the Coen Brothers. It was a fictionalized account of Wham-o’s invention of the Hula Hoop and the Frisbee.

Original Hula Hoop Commercial | I love the variety of moves that they featured

Hula Hoops are popular worldwide but…

  • Japan banned hula hoops for indecency in the 60’s
  • The British Medical Journal once claimed that the hula hoop was to blame for an increase in back, neck, and abdominal injures.
  • Russia banned hula hoops for being an example of the “Emptiness of American culture.”
  • A news outlet in China called hula hoops “a nauseating craze”
  • Indonesia banned hula hoops because “they might stimulate passion.”

Isn’t it empowering to know that we have such a powerful tool at our disposal?

The history of the hula hoop

Carry on the tradition and start hula hooping today!


My teacher Bee Varga the Hula Hooper offers a Free hula hoop kickstarter course. I highly recommend all of her courses. The best value is her Hula Hoop Studio which gives you access to all of her courses. Click on THIS LINK to claim a Free sneak peek into her studio.

I hope you learned something new today! What are your thoughts?

I hope you enjoyed this quick history of the hula hoop! Researching and writing this article has been an enriching experience for me. I feel like I only scratched the surface and I would like to continue writing about this topic.

Which section of hula hoop history fascinates you the most? Comment below to share!

I had a lot of fun strolling down memory lane as I learned about the toy industry. I am also very interested in Native American Hoop Dance. When I first watched the video I felt a stirring in my soul and want to learn more!

I hope to see you again soon!

The post The History of the Hula Hoop appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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You think you’re a good person, but you’re really a prey item. (Understand the predator’s mindset before SHTF) https://prepperfacts.com/you-think-youre-a-good-person-but-youre-really-a-prey-item-understand-the-predators-mindset-before-shtf/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=you-think-youre-a-good-person-but-youre-really-a-prey-item-understand-the-predators-mindset-before-shtf https://prepperfacts.com/you-think-youre-a-good-person-but-youre-really-a-prey-item-understand-the-predators-mindset-before-shtf/#comments Mon, 02 Oct 2023 03:57:05 +0000 http://prepperfacts.com/?p=11529 Our contemporary society, teeming with complexity, is like a house of cards that few truly understand. At its base, our peak population thrives on a delicate balance provided by the...

The post You think you’re a good person, but you’re really a prey item. (Understand the predator’s mindset before SHTF) appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Our contemporary society, teeming with complexity, is like a house of cards that few truly understand. At its base, our peak population thrives on a delicate balance provided by the complex global economy, particularly the intricacies of high-energy farming products and equipment. For those who want to survive SHTF (Shit Hits The Fan) scenarios, understanding this balance is crucial. Many of us may believe in our moral compass, thinking that in times of extreme crisis we would help others and perhaps even lead a community. Yet, faced with the brutal facts of food production, this notion might be naïve. The chilling truth? Without the lifeline of commercial fertilizer plants, there’s absolutely no way we can sustain even half of the current human population. You think you’re a good person, but you’re really a prey item.

You think you're a good person, but you're really a prey item
You think you’re a good person, but you’re really a prey item

Sobering Truth: When people are starving, their priorities shift dramatically.

While it’s noble to consider running a community or aiding others when SHTF, it might be a touch idealistic. The sobering truth is that our current population level is largely maintained by a sophisticated global economy, primarily driven by high-energy farming products and machinery. Without industrial-scale fertilizer production, maintaining the livelihood of even half the population becomes next to impossible. Hunger can be swift and brutal. When people are starving, their priorities shift dramatically.

The magnitude of the challenge to feed everyone is staggering. Even if one could replicate the Haber process, a critical method for producing fertilizer by extracting nitrogen from the atmosphere, and even if there was sufficient hard-wood to procure the essential potassium, there’s still the challenge of phosphorous. To gather enough of it requires proximity to a working mine, equipped with the essential chemicals and fuel – a tall order in itself. And such facilities? They’re sparse, with only a handful per continent. And in the dire scenario of nuclear conflict, they’re likely secondary targets, risking obliteration. Haber-Bosch Process – An Overview (Science Direct.)

The somber conclusion is that, before sustainable recovery and humanitarian action can take root, a significant portion of the population will have to starve. You cannot rebuild a functioning society when half the population is armed and hungry.

The chemical reaction that feeds the world – Daniel D. Dulek

Fertilizer: The Unsung Hero of Modern Civilization

a bird sitting on top of a rock next to a body of water

In the days long past, discovering uninhabited islands could be the equivalent of finding treasure chests. Such isolated, barren lands harbored wealth beyond imagination, but not in the form of glittering gold or sparkling jewels. The real treasure found on those uninhabited islands was bird guano. It is a source packed with rich phosphorous content. This made it invaluable as a fertilizer. The British government, along with others, recognized and highly sought it. In the 19th century, there was a relentless quest for agricultural advancement. This quest intensified the exploration for these islands. Those fortunate enough to find islands with abundant guano deposits could transform their fortunes overnight. They often struck lucrative deals, particularly with British authorities, to exploit these newfound resources.

The Era of Guano Goldmines: A Bygone Epoch

However, the days of easily accessible bird guano are far behind us. The islands are discovered. What remains are individuals driven by hunger and selfish desires, prepared to risk the safety of others for precious resources. Consider a bustling Walmart… Ponder the number of people wandering the aisles. Now think—how many of them can grow enough food to stave off starvation? Even if provided with the required means? The answer is likely a dismal 5%.

The Inevitability of Starvation

Given these hurdles, it’s not pessimism but sheer practicality to conclude that, in a post-collapse world, a significant portion of the population will face starvation. The resources, infrastructure, and knowledge required to feed billions are presently centralized and fragile. Post-SHTF, these resources would be dispersed, degraded, or altogether destroyed.

It’s an unsettling truth to accept. For those with a benevolent nature, the thought of turning away the needy seems cruel. If your ultimate goal is to rebuild society, to create a semblance of order from chaos, then difficult choices lie ahead. History shows that undernourished individuals can quickly become desperate, willing to do anything for their next meal.

Desperation and Survival: Extreme Measures in History

Human history is fraught with battles for survival amidst scarcity. These battles reveal extreme human resilience and desperation. They highlight our adaptability and our limits. They show how far people can go when facing extreme hunger and despair. These are not merely tales of hardship; they are stark reminders of our vulnerabilities. They expose the depths one can reach when deprived of the basics.

In periods of severe food shortages, people have resorted to unthinkable actions. A lack of resources has spawned tales of survival trumping morality. From enduring war sieges to suffering the outcomes of disastrous policies and natural calamities, we see raw human desperation. These shadows of extreme measures still linger, providing insights into the human condition bereft of basic needs.

This next section reveals distressing stories of communities entangled in famine and lack. It illuminates times when hunger eclipsed human ethics, pushing individuals to their limits. These stories give a glimpse into the darker sides of our history, displaying the unbridled struggle for life. Each narrative here illustrates a period when the pursuit of sustenance became a moral battleground, challenging the very essence of humanity.

Past Shadows: Instances of Extreme Struggle

There are several historical instances where severe lack of food led to extreme desperation and behaviors among affected populations. Below are a few examples:

1. The Siege of Leningrad (1941-1944)

  • During World War II, the citizens of Leningrad experienced one of the longest and most destructive sieges in history. It lasted nearly 900 days. Due to extreme food shortages, there were reports of desperate behaviors, including instances of cannibalism. The Siege of Leningrad (History.com)

2. The Great Chinese Famine (1959-1961)

  • The policies of the Great Leap Forward led to widespread famine in China, with millions of people starving. This led to numerous accounts of desperate actions, including consumption of inedible plants and tree bark. In extreme cases, reports of cannibalism emerged. China’s Great Famine: the True Story (Guardian.com).

3. The Irish Potato Famine (1845-1852)

4. The Holodomor (1932-1933)

5. North Korean Famine (1990s)

6. Ethiopian Famine (1983-1985)

7. Bengal Famine of 1943

In every case, acute food shortages drove people and communities to the edge. Many turned to desperate, extreme actions to survive.

The Worst Droughts And Famines In History | Weird History

Understanding a Predator’s Mindset

So, with such grim prospects, how does one prepare? It begins with understanding a predator’s mindset. When people are pushed to the brink, their primordial instincts kick in. For some, this might manifest as an overpowering urge to protect their family. For others, it could translate to aggression, dominance, and exploitation. You think you’re a good person now, but under extreme circumstances, what lines would you cross for survival?

Understanding how individuals might respond in extreme circumstances is crucial. Insights into human behavior under stress reveal that societal norms can swiftly crumble when survival is jeopardized. This knowledge is pivotal when navigating through a world after a catastrophe.

The Predator’s Mindset: A Dance of Survival and Dominance

In this exploration, we observe the intertwining strands of survival instinct and calculated dominance. The predator’s mindset is like a rich tapestry. It helps us understand the intricate dance of evolution, strategy, and adaptability. This understanding enlightens our view of the natural world and our role in it.

This intricate mindset is not exclusive to the animal kingdom; it has echoed throughout human history. It has manifested in various forms, impacting societies, and shaping civilizations.

Nature’s Calculated Gamble

In nature, predators such as lions and wolves embody this mindset. It’s a calculated gamble, a balancing act between energy expenditure and food intake. They observe, they wait, and when the time is right, they strike with precision and purpose. They exemplify patience, strategy, and efficiency. Any miscalculation can mean a missed meal or, worse, a threat to their survival.

The Human Predatory Instinct

This predatory instinct is mirrored in human history. One could argue that humans, as a species, have been the most effective predators, leveraging intellect, cooperation, and technology to dominate ecosystems. Historical figures like Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan can be seen as human embodiments of the predator’s mindset, conquering lands and subjugating populations with strategic brilliance and, often, ruthless efficiency.

Strategies of Dominance and Control

Philosophical Insights

book lot on black wooden shelf

Philosophers have long pondered the essence of the predatory mindset. Hobbes, in his seminal work “Leviathan,” paints humanity’s natural state as “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” A war of all against all, suggesting an inherent predatory nature in human beings driven by self-preservation and desire for dominance. Levithian By Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury.

Historical Tactics and Maneuvers

Historically, this mindset has manifested in various strategies and tactics:

  1. Sun Tzu’s “Art of War” emphasizes the importance of strategy, subterfuge, and psychological warfare, essential components of a predatory mindset.
  2. Machiavelli’s “The Prince” outlines the ruthless and calculated approaches rulers can adopt to maintain power and control. It reflects on the manipulative aspect of the predator’s mindset.

Adaptation and Evolution: The Predator’s Dance

Adaptability in Nature

In the animal kingdom, adaptability is key to a predator’s survival. Predators must constantly evolve their hunting strategies, adapting to the shifting behaviors and defenses of their prey. The cheetah’s incredible speed, the owl’s silent flight, the chameleon’s camouflage—all are evolutionary answers to the ever-evolving challenges of predation.

Human Innovation and Progress

Humans, too, have showcased incredible adaptability. The development of tools, agriculture, and technology are testaments to human ingenuity in securing resources and adapting to diverse environments. This continuous innovation is a reflection of the predator’s mindset—constantly evolving, learning, and exploiting available resources to ensure survival and dominance.

The Dual Edge of the Predator’s Mindset

close-up photography of gold-colored and black sword

The Balancing Act

The predator’s mindset is dual-edged. It brings progress and destruction, innovation and exploitation. It’s a dance between survival and dominance, requiring a constant balancing act to avoid the pitfalls of overconsumption and self-destruction.

Reflection and Synthesis

Synthesizing these reflections reveals the predator’s mindset as a fascinating lens. It lets us explore power, survival, and adaptation dynamics. These exist in both nature and human societies. It draws parallels between the animal kingdom and human civilization. This offers deep insights into behaviors that have shaped life on Earth. These behaviors are both inherent and learned.

The Mirage of Morality: Understanding the Predator’s Mindset for Survival

brown sand field under blue sky during daytime

You may consider yourself a good person. However, in the eyes of some, you may merely be prey. Understanding the predator’s mindset before a catastrophic event is crucial for survival. This perspective could be the thin line between life and death in dire situations.

The Descent into Savagery: A Literary Example

brown and black sail boat on lake during daytime

Lord of the Flies, penned by William Golding, delves into the inherent evil and chaos that can arise in human society, illustrated through a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island. Initially, they attempt to establish order, assigning roles and creating rules. However, as disagreements occur and the struggle for power intensifies, their miniature society begins to crumble. The boys’ civilized façades erode, exposing their primal and savage natures. The competition for leadership unleashes a brutal struggle, leading to tragic consequences and the loss of innocent lives. The boys transform into true “lords of the flies,” symbols of decay and human malevolence. Eventually, a naval officer rescues the boys, but the scars of their actions linger, serving as haunting reminders of the darkness within humanity.


The real Lord of the Flies: what happened when six boys were shipwrecked for 15 months

The Dynamics of Predation and Vulnerability

The predator-prey dynamic in humans can be perilous, especially in survival scenarios. Those with a predator’s mindset can exploit others, creating a dangerous environment. This dynamic can lead to unsettling scenarios reminiscent of “Lord of the Flies,” where morality takes a backseat to survival.

Moral Collapse and Predatory Opportunism

In “Lord of the Flies,” the struggle for survival illustrates how societal norms can rapidly disintegrate. The boys’ descent into savagery isn’t over substantial resources but initially over Piggy’s glasses, essential for making fire. This fire is not merely for warmth but their only hope for rescue, a symbol of connection to civilization. When Piggy’s glasses are stolen, it not only heightens conflict but also signifies the eroding sense of order and morality. The boys are not killing for survival but are driven by fear, power struggles, and a loss of civilized restraint. Piggy’s eventual death marks a final plunge into barbarity. It results from unchecked aggression. This reflects deep impacts of predatory opportunism. It illustrates the breakdown of moral codes in harsh conditions. This step is irreversible, showcasing profound consequences of survival instincts overcoming humanity.

The Elements of Predatory Behavior

Understanding these elements is essential:

  1. Manipulation can be used to gain control and access to resources.
  2. Dominance establishes a hierarchy, often leading to the exploitation of the vulnerable.
  3. Strategic Planning involves calculated moves to secure necessities and overpower others.

How to Recognize the Signs of Predatory Behavior and Prepare the Mind

Recognizing predatory behavior is crucial but challenging. Preparing mentally can be lifesaving. Cultivating awareness, adaptability, and strategic thinking is vital. In a chaotic world, these traits can protect you from exploitation.

The Charismatic Predator

Many who seek to exploit are charming and charismatic. They can draw people in effortlessly, masking their true intentions. They create an illusion of safety, trust, and mutual respect, subtly manipulating perceptions and emotions.

Warning Signs and Defense Mechanisms

red and yellow road sign on white sand under blue sky during daytime

To protect oneself, recognizing early signs is imperative:

  1. Charm and Charisma can mask malicious intentions.
  2. Manipulation and Control slowly encroach on personal freedoms.
  3. Isolation from Loved Ones disconnects individuals from their support systems, making them vulnerable to further manipulation.

Vulnerability and Cult Influence

Many find themselves ensnared in cults or facing dire consequences through such manipulations. Charismatic leaders exploit vulnerabilities, offering solace, belonging, and purpose. This exploitation can lead to loss of individuality, personal resources, and, in extreme cases, life. This process can be so subtle and gradual that it becomes almost invisible. It’s often nearly impossible to recognize the creeping influence. Understanding this stealthy progression is crucial for maintaining autonomy and avoiding manipulation.

Shielding the Self: A Call to Action to Avoid Becoming Prey

In a world where the unseen and the charismatic can be the most dangerous, creating a shield against predatory behavior is essential.


  1. Do Maintain Strong Boundaries:
    • Establish and uphold your limits. They are your first line of defense against manipulation and control.
  2. Do Cultivate Awareness:
    • Be mindful of the intentions of those around you. Awareness is your ally in recognizing predatory behaviors early on.
  3. Do Enhance Emotional Resilience:
    • Build emotional strength to guard against manipulative emotional tactics and maintain mental clarity.
  4. Do Foster Critical Thinking:
    • Regularly question and analyze information you receive to discern truth from manipulation effectively.
  5. Do Keep a Supportive Circle:
    • Maintain strong connections with loved ones and supportive friends. They can provide perspective and support.
  6. Do Seek Knowledge:
    • Educate yourself continuously about manipulation tactics and predatory behavior to stay one step ahead.


  1. Don’t Ignore Red Flags:
    • Pay attention to warning signs, no matter how small they may seem. They can be early indicators of predatory intent.
  2. Don’t Isolate Yourself:
    • Avoid becoming secluded from your support network. Isolation can make you more vulnerable to manipulation.
  3. Don’t Be Complacent:
    • Keep honing your instincts and refining your defenses. Complacency can leave you unguarded.
  4. Don’t Overlook Your Instincts:
    • Trust your gut feelings about people and situations. Your instincts can often sense danger before your conscious mind can.
  5. Don’t Discard Your Values:
    • Hold fast to your morals and values. They are your compass in a world that can be morally ambiguous.

Acting on these do’s and don’ts is a powerful step in guarding against predatory behavior. It empowers you to navigate the world securely, ensures your autonomy, and fortifies your defenses against the unseen threats lurking in the shadows. By embracing these protective measures, you reinforce your armor in the ever-evolving battle between predator and prey. The shield you forge today can be your safeguard in the unknown territories of tomorrow.

Preparation: Knowledge, Defense, and Community

While the prospects might sound bleak, preparing for the worst doesn’t mean surrendering to despair. Firstly, arm yourself with knowledge. Understand the intricacies of food production, from the science behind fertilizers to the logistics of distribution. The more you know, the better equipped you’ll be to address challenges when SHTF.

Defense is another crucial aspect. If you’re planning to run a community or take on a leadership role, it’s naive to think that goodwill alone will suffice. You’ll need to defend your resources and people from those who would take them by force. Establishing security measures and forming alliances can help deter potential threats.

Lastly, there’s power in unity. While the instinct might be to isolate and protect what’s yours, pooling resources, skills, and knowledge within a trusted community can significantly increase your chances of survival. In a world where you’re a potential prey item, there’s strength in numbers.

The Moral Dilemma of Post-Apocalyptic Leadership

However, the greatest challenge might not be logistical but moral. Faced with limited resources, how do you decide who gets to eat and who doesn’t? How do you maintain a sense of humanity when every decision could mean life or death for someone? These are questions that no book or course can answer for you. You’ll have to dig deep, understand your values, and make peace with the fact that in a post-SHTF world, being a good person might mean making heart-wrenching choices.

Conclusion: Reality Check for the Benevolent

In a world that teeters on the brink, the true test of character lies not in how we act during times of comfort but how we respond in moments of crisis. You think you’re a good person now, but the real question is, what kind of leader will you be when everything you know crumbles? By understanding the challenges ahead, the hard truths of food production, and the depths of human behavior under stress, you can better prepare for the unimaginable. It’s not about fostering cynicism but embracing realism. For in a world where billions might go hungry, understanding the predator’s mindset might be the key to not just surviving but rebuilding a shattered world.

The post You think you’re a good person, but you’re really a prey item. (Understand the predator’s mindset before SHTF) appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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What is Prepping and What exactly is a Prepper? https://prepperfacts.com/what-is-prepping/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-is-prepping https://prepperfacts.com/what-is-prepping/#comments Fri, 01 Sep 2023 23:27:10 +0000 http://prepperfacts.com/?p=4608 Prepping is a refined skill, an art form of survival. Those who engage in prepping recognize the potential limitations of their skills, experience, and time, should our societal infrastructure crumble....

The post What is Prepping and What exactly is a Prepper? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Prepping is a refined skill, an art form of survival. Those who engage in prepping recognize the potential limitations of their skills, experience, and time, should our societal infrastructure crumble. Having a stockpile of supplies at the ready not only provides immediate security but also affords them the time to devise a sustainable long-term survival strategy. Preppers are typically pragmatic individuals, keenly attuned to the shifting political landscape and well-versed in identifying warning signs.

The art of prepping incorporates a wide array of components, from the storage of essential supplies and commodities to the mastery of generative crafts such as fabrication. Trapping skills also feature prominently in the prepper’s repertoire. Welcome to my blog, where we delve into the intricate world of prepping.

Our philosophy on Survival Prepping is different.

Distinctly different from mainstream prepper blogs, our unique perspective serves as our hallmark. Rather than blindly accepting the established prepping principles and lessons that are often propagated by well-known survivalist influencers across various digital platforms, we courageously venture further. We delve deep, meticulously scrutinizing these norms and narratives, and consistently offer hands-on, practical experience.

We Prove our Strategies in the Real World

For instance, during our comprehensive exploration of starvation prevention, we ingeniously developed a simple-to-replicate snare trap, utilizing easily accessible materials. With a keen eye for detail, we meticulously documented each step of our fascinating journey, from the thrilling capture of a 263lb wild hog, through its careful slaughter and preservation, to the eventual rewarding act of cooking.

Subsequently, when we found ourselves pondering the feasibility of food cultivation in a potentially grim post-apocalyptic scenario, we diligently crafted an effective process. This process, aimed at creating a nutrient-rich black bean fertilizer, relied solely on the might of our bare hands and the bounty of resources from our surrounding environment. Our efforts didn’t stop at mere theorizing – we actually cultivated those beans, diligently harvested them, and realistically calculated the practicalities of feeding a small community through our innovative method.

What is Wrong with the Prepping Community

Unwavering in our commitment, we prioritize authenticity and practicality. This often leads us to voice opinions that contradict some of the more prominent figures in the prepper community. Firmly rooted in our belief system is the conviction that there are elements within this sphere who unscrupulously profit from fear, and peddle bulky, unnecessary products, thereby trapping you in a web of suboptimal survival strategies.

So, apart from our warmly welcoming introduction, we strongly encourage you to delve into our thought-provoking article, “Don’t waste your money on Generators and Batteries,” as your very next read. This insightful piece will serve to further illustrate our unwavering commitment to reliable, tested survival strategies and our resolute defiance against fear-mongering and ineffective prepping methods.

3 Primary facets of prepping:

  1. Acquiring supplies that would enable survival if a catastrophe occurs.
  2. Getting survival skills.
  3. Building relationships with other preppers.

It all comes down to being able to take care of yourself.

The Dictionary Definition of Prepping

What is prepping?

According to the fine people at “Oxford Languages” prepping is “the action or process of preparing something or preparing for something. I was going to use the words “stored” or “stocked”, but I like their use of the word “stockpiling” because it sounds extra dramatic and word choice matters!

We live in a stormy world right now

What is prepping?

This new interest was sparked by recent events. When the pandemic happened and the world went into lockdown I started to think more about essentials we should have on hand for survival. Let’s face it, the frantic mass-buying of toilet paper was slightly alarming. I started asking the big scary questions like what would we do if we had a massive power or grid failure? Could I actually survive without the internet? Our environment is changing and the world is definitely heating up. I have noticed that the summers have been hotter than ever and the extremes have become even more extreme. As we deplete the world’s natural gifts and resources, what is our plan for the future?

Reels or Real issues | Distractions from the actual issues?

Life has been condensed into reel form. You can learn how to do just about anything in a 30-90 second reel and it can become addictive to learn how to do everything right from our office chairs. Is this really living and learning or is this just a distraction from REAL issues?

The war in Eastern Europe is heartbreaking and I can’t imagine what those families are going through. It hurts to be so powerless and unable to help them from this side of the world. It also makes me wonder what would we do if we had a war here on US soil? I think that it is fairly unlikely because the government taxes us so heavily to make sure that our arsenal of weapons is over the top stocked. At the same time, I’m concerned about day-to-day survival. What would we do? And what should we do to prepare?

I used to think it wasn’t very cool…

I grew up in a place that was very new-agey. A place in the woods where people belonged to cults, worshipped crystals and practiced witchcraft and magic. There was a town nearby where the folks were known “preppers” they had cellars and bunkers and a surplus of food and supplies stockpiled for the “end times.” Back then, we thought those people were a little out there and maybe a little coo coo. A little bit “oh yeah, so that thing in the air is a UFO?” and “by the way I love how shiny and fashionable your tin hat is.” You made it? Yes! Please send me the recipe ??. Maybe I’ll try to “DIY it.”

I could get used to this

In all seriousness, maybe these people were on to something. I really couldn’t hurt to have the proper supplies in the event of an emergency. Wouldn’t it be nice to know how to access clean drinking water? The best way to get food. What supplies to take and what supplies are not worth stockpiling? I feel like this is all practical information that could come in handy especially during these uncertain times.

So you and I are going to go on an adventure! You just read the full extent of my current knowledge of prepping, but I’m about to change that. I will research, learn, and share my findings with you here and together we shall learn how to survive! Let’s learn how to prepare for whatever life throws at us!


How can we prepare if we are unaware? | Knowledge is power

I have to be honest. This type of material used to freak me out. As much as I would love to remain in a state of “blissful innocence (or ignorance),” time on this earth has taught me that our lives are delicate and the world can be volatile. I think that it is important to be aware of the types of crises that can happen. I am not writing this to freak you out or cause you stress, rather, I believe that knowledge is power. If we are aware and educated about the factors that can affect our lives we will be better equipped to deal with uncertainty. Let’s be brave and press on. I think that learning how to properly prepare for any situation can be empowering.

What is prepping?

The topic of prepping has become even more popular than before. Many people rely on the complex economic system to support their needs, but some people are opting out of this system at varying degrees and are taking matters into their own hands. Prepping is the process of preparing for the known and especially unknown events that happen in life. It is the mindset of learning to take care of yourself, your family, and your community. This type of mentality used to be common sense, but now it is sometimes seen as a fringe sub-culture. Major society-altering disasters are extremely common in the world’s history and large scale disasters are more common than we think.

Preppers focus on acquiring and producing the things they need to survive and storing these supplies for potential breaks in the system.

Why are we preparing?

Life is full of uncertainty and a crisis can happen at the most inopportune time. If we are aware of the risks and dangers that may threaten us we can be more prepared. Let’s take a look at some of those risks. Again, this is not to push you into a state of panic, but to empower you with the knowledge and foresight you may need to prepare for the future.

I have to be honest, right now I feel very unprepared and vulnerable. In about a half hour I am going to need to do my hula hoop workout and some yoga to clear my mind. I am actually very thankful that we are learning about these things.

I plan on writing fuller, more in-depth articles on each kind of crisis, but here is a little something to get us started.

Types of Crises:

  • The Carrington Event
  • EMP- Electromagnetic Pulse
  • Economic / Financial Collapse
  • Civil Unrest
  • Peak Oil
  • Martial Law
  • Polar Shift
  • “Natural” Disasters
  • World War

Carrington Event 1859 | Most intense solar storm in history

Extreme solar storms can wreak havoc with earth’s technology. The Carrington Event was history’s most intense geomagnetic storm that wreaked havoc with technology.

This event took place a few months before the solar maximum of solar cycle 10. In August 1859, astronomers including Richard Carrington (an amateur sky-watcher near London) observed the number of sunspots on the solar disk increase.

A Sudden White Flash of Light

On September 1st, Carrington was sketching sunspots when he was suddenly blinded by a white flash of light. This event lasted for about 5 minutes. This flare was a coronal mass ejection (CME.) This CME traveled over 90 million miles (150 million km) in 17.6 hours, from the sun to Earth and unleashed its force on the planet. According to NASA, it usually takes several days for CMEs to reach Earth.

The Aftermath / An Uncommon Light Show

What is prepping?

The day after Carrington’s alarming observation, earth experienced its most intense geomagnetic storm. It caused sparking, fires, and failures in telegraph stations cutting off communications around the world. According to NASA, it created auroral displays even visible in the tropics that were normally confined to polar latitudes.

The Northern Lights (aurora borealis) were seen as far south as Honolulu, Hawaii and Cuba. Meanwhile, the southern lights (aurora australis) were witnessed as far north as Santiago, Chile, according to National Geographic. This was the very first time that people around the world had witnessed the aurora.

What would the Carrington Event do today?

If a geomagnetic storm of that magnitude occurred today, it would cause widespread electrical disruptions, blackouts, and extensive damage due to the prolonged outages of the electrical power grid.

Our world is way more dependent on electricity than it was when the Carrington Event took place. If a similar solar flare that was pointed towards earth were to explode, it would cause severely unprecedented damage.

There could be years of power outages | It would be serious

Loyd’s of London conducted a 2013 study and estimated that electrical outages from a Carrington-level event could lead up to $2.6 trillion in lost revenue for the Northern American power industry alone.

Multiple year global blackouts could occur because an event of this magnitude could simultaneously destroy multiple extra-high-voltage transformers that are very difficult to replace.

This kind of event would cause major disruptions to:

  • financial markets
  • banking
  • telecommunications
  • business transactions
  • emergency and hospital services
  • the pumping of water and fuel
  • food transport

Let’s take a moment to let this all sink in…

If the Carrington Event happened today essentially all the electronics in the entire world would have a real chance of failing. And the reason that they would fail is because electromagnetic energy at unprecedented levels would fry the circuitry.

This event happened over 100 years ago when we barely had any technology. There was so much power that the telegram systems were turning on when they weren’t connected to a power source. With the fine intricacies of today’s electronics, that level electromagnetic energy could take down the Chinese banking system.

Why does this matter?

China’s banking system operates off of a central financial database which has very little geographical redundancy much like the World Trade Center in 2001. No one stressed the importance of protecting this system from electromagnetic storms. That would be a huge problem because logistics could fail everywhere. Farmers need supplies to till their fields and need to know what to make.

The whole world probably wouldn’t starve overnight, but it would make everything a hell of a lot more difficult. Vehicles need an ECU (engine control unit) and many other electrical components to run. If the circuitry got fried by a Carrington level event then vehicles would stop functioning.

If it was just a nuclear EMP it would only affect a small area and the consequences would be comparatively minor. Let’s look at those next!

EMP – Electromagnetic Pulse

An Electromagnetic Pulse or EMP is an intense burst or electromagnetic energy caused by the rapid acceleration of charged particles (usually electrons.) The origin of an EMP can be natural or artificial, depending on its source. This pulse can occur as an electromagnetic field, electric field, magnetic field, or as a conducted electric current. An EMP can cause an electromagnetic interference that disrupts communications and damages electronic equipment.

A lightening strike is an EMP that gives rise to large electrical currents in nearby wires. A current surge can damage hardware such as computers and peripherals. Surge Protectors, AC outlets, and modem jacks should offer limited protection against EMPS that occur during thundershowers. However, the best mode of protection is to unplug modem lines of computers and AC cords when they are not in use.

Any nuclear bomb detonated in space can cause an EMP that will disrupt the unprotected infrastructure in a country. This induces destructive electrical currents in wireless antennas, telephone lines, and utility wires.

An EMP has no known effect on living organisms, but it can temporarily or permanently disable electrical and electronic equipment. Most electronics will not be affected by EMPs. As a whole, EMPs are NOT a serious threat.

Solar Flares

You probably remember that the Carrington Event was an example of a solar flare. I decided to bring it back here to share another lesser known example.

Solar flares are large explosions from the sun’s surface that emit intense bursts of electromagnetic radiation. These flares can last several minutes and be visible as bright flashes. These outbursts are linked to the (approximately 11 year) solar cycle driven by the sun’s magnetic field.

On March 13, 1989 the entire province of Quebec Canada suffered an electrical power blackout that was caused by a solar storm accompanied by a coronal mass ejection that hit earth. This event left millions without power and costed millions in damage. Substantial communications blackouts occurred as the burst caused short-wave radio interference. This included the jamming of radio signals from Radio Free Europe into Russia. The magnetic disturbance was so intense that the entire Quebec power grid lost power and sparked a 12 hour blackout. If we can learn more about the sun’s “space weather” then we can hopefully be prepared for the next storm.

Economic / Financial Collapse

Economic collapse is another key concern for preppers. When the economy of the United States spirals downwards, the value of the dollar goes down with it.

5 of the World’s most Devastating Examples in History:

  1. The Credit Crisis of 1772 This was a peacetime financial crisis that has been described as the first modern banking crisis faced by the Bank of England. It originated with the closing of two London banks and spread across England and Scotland and also Dutch banks. A dramatic rise in bankruptcies was observed after the crisis. This distressful turn of events is what gave rise to what we call the modern-day “American Revolution.” There’s more to it than this, but I wanted to sum it up as briefly as possible because we have a lot of material to cover. Please consult google for a more in depth description of “the credit crisis of 1772.”
  2. The Great Depression 1929 – 1939 This was the worst financial and economic disaster of the 20th century that was triggered by the Wall Street crash of 1929. Other causes of the crash were low wages, proliferation of debt, struggling agriculture, and an excess of bank loans that could not be liquidated.
  3. OPEC Oil Price Shock of 1973 This first oil crisis began when the members of OAPEC proclaimed an oil embargo. This embargo targeted the nations that supported Israel throughout the Yom Kippur War. By the end of the embargo in 1974, the oil price had risen nearly 300%.
  4. Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 This crisis started in 1997 in Thailand and rapidly spread throughout East Asia and its trading partners.
  5. The Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 This sparked the Great Recession which was the most severe financial crisis since the Great Depression.

Civil Unrest

According to Law Enforcement, civil unrest is typically defined as: “A gathering of 3 or more people in reaction to an event, with the intention of causing a public disturbance in violation of the law.”

Civil unrest involves damage to property or injury to people. Terrorism is a form of civil unrest.

The main causes of civil unrest are:

  1. Political grievances (including opposition to tyrannical governments.)
  2. Economic disputes
  3. Long-standing oppression

I plan on writing full article on “prepping for unrest,” so be sure to keep your eyes open for it.

The Rwandan Genocide which took place in 1994 is one of the most notorious modern genocides. During this 100 day period, nearly one million ethnic Tutsi and moderate Hutu were killed as the international community and UN peacekeepers stood by.

Peak Oil

Peak oil is the hypothetical point in time when the maximum rate of oil production is reached. It is argued that once this point is reached, production will be on an irreversible decline.

Martial Law

In the United States in the case of an emergency, martial law is a power that allows the military to take the place of the government and exercise jurisdiction over civilians. The unsettling truth is that “martial law” has no established definition. Across history, people have used the term ambiguously to describe actions, practices, or roles for the military.

Polar Shift (not likely)

The cataclysmic pole shift hypothesis is a claim based on pseudo-science. It claims that there have been recent geologically rapid shifts in the axis of rotation of earth. This shift may cause calamities such as rapid climate changes, floods, and tectonic events.

Geomagnetic pole reversals have taken place throughout earth’s history. Although they sound alarming, polar shifts take a very long time to occur and are not an immediate threat. The last polar shift took place 780,000 years ago.

“Natural” Disasters

A natural disaster is a large- scale geological or meteorological event that may cause the loss of life or property. These include:

  • Tornadoes and Severe Storms
  • Hurricanes and Tropical Storms
  • Floods
  • Wildfires
  • Earthquakes
  • Drought
  • Heat Wave
  • Tsunami
  • Volcanic Activity / Super Volcanoes

The severity of the damage depends on the population’s resilience and available infrastructure.

The term “natural disaster” has been called a misnomer (since 1976)

In today’s modern world, it is difficult to draw the divide between natural, man-made, and man accelerated disasters. Human choices such as architecture, fire, resource management, and even climate change can potentially contribute to causing “natural disasters.” The combination of a hazard and the exposure of a vulnerable society can result in a disaster.

Some aggravating factors that contribute to natural disasters are:

  • Climate change
  • Inadequate building norms
  • Marginalization of people
  • Inequities
  • Overexploitation of resources
  • Extreme urban sprawl

The frequency and severity of disasters has escalated as a result of the rapid growth of the world’s population and increased concentration in hazardous areas.

Additional factors that make disaster prone areas more vulnerable:

  • Tropical climate
  • Unstable landforms
  • Deforestation
  • Unplanned growth proliferation
  • Non-engineered constructions

If a region is adequately prepared and doesn’t have a vulnerable population then the adverse event is less likely to reach the level of disaster. Such an adverse event can have severe repercussions and leave lasting damage that takes years to repair.

World War

A world war is an international conflict which involves all or most of the world’s major powers. The past world wars were devastating in every way and I’m hoping and praying that we will not have another world war. At the same time, the sad truth is that it could happen.

Epidemic Vs. Pandemic

In survival circles the terms “pandemic” and “epidemic” are often mistakenly used interchangeably. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a pandemic refers to an epidemic that has spread over several countries or continents, usually affecting a large number of people. Does this sound familiar?!?! I’m stunned by how quickly we ran through the phases.

  1. Phase 1: Infections are limited to animals with no reported human infections.
  2. Phase 2: The animal virus has mutated and infected at least one human.
  3. Phase 3: Groups of humans in a single community have been infected. This may lead to an epidemic, but a pandemic may not necessarily happen next.
  4. Phase 4: Virus outbreaks have happened in multiple communities. At this point, it is still an epidemic and has not reached pandemic status.
  5. Phase 5: At least two countries within a region are reporting outbreaks. Most countries remain unaffected, but a pandemic is potentially imminent.
  6. Phase 6: Global pandemic is reached. At this point, government mitigation plans are underway with a goal stopping and preventing further spread of the disease.

Yikes! Even over 2 years later, I’m disturbed by the fact that we reached all of this checkpoints before we were fully aware of what was happening. When the world went into lockdown I felt completely unprepared and at the mercy of delivery services and the store’s limited hours.

It’s better to be in control rather than be controlled

Many people blamed various government agencies for failing to provide sufficient emergency response when Hurricane Katrina happened. While some of the blame was deserved, a fair amount of it was not. I don’t think that any government or agency would have been capable of handling a disaster of that magnitude without error.

As a prepper, you can take the responsibility for disaster readiness away from the government and agencies and put it into your own hands. This can be an empowering place to operate from. Control your own destiny rather than waiting around for someone else to control it for you.

Regardless of the severity of the disaster, resources are always going to be limited. I think that it is much better to prep for ourselves and our families and allow those limited resources to go to the people who really need them.

Would you rather be the girl who had the foresight to stock up on water and food and take care of your family or be the guy waiting in line for hours hoping that the resources and food don’t run out before his turn?

Prepping provides peace of mind

Being prepared for emergencies can provide peace of mind and self-assurance. As the supermarket shelves get cleaned out in anticipation of a coming storm; you don’t have to put yourself at risk to acquire supplies because you already have them.

Being prepared is Hot!

What is prepping?

According to the pick-up artist community and a book by Neil Strauss called “The Game,” the #1 attractive trait in a man is survivability. I agree it is super attractive when a man knows how to survive, but as a woman I also think it is super important for women to have these survival skills too.

What is prepping?

Thank goodness we are collecting these skills for our toolboxes. That way you won’t have to wait for your Prince (or Princess) Charming to rescue you because you can take care of yourself. And when you are autonomously independent and strong, just imagine how much more efficient you can be when you join forces with another strong person!

Let’s get prepping!

Moving forward we shall talk about strategies to prepare and mitigate the effects of both small and large disasters. We will talk about the essential emergency supplies to have on hand, acquiring food and clean water, how to create shelter in a pinch, and everything in between.

Have you ever heard of prepping? What does prepping mean to you? Do you have a survival plan in place? Comment below to share your thoughts!

Let’s learn and figure this out together!


The post What is Prepping and What exactly is a Prepper? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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History of AI https://prepperfacts.com/history-of-ai/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=history-of-ai https://prepperfacts.com/history-of-ai/#comments Sat, 17 Jun 2023 23:03:08 +0000 http://prepperfacts.com/?p=10519 The Dawn of Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a significant leap in technological advancement. However, the concept of AI, or machines thinking like humans, isn’t new. The seeds were...

The post History of AI appeared first on Prepper Facts.

The Dawn of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a significant leap in technological advancement. However, the concept of AI, or machines thinking like humans, isn’t new. The seeds were sown as early as antiquity, with myths, stories, and speculations of artificial beings endowed with intelligence or consciousness by master craftsmen. But the real journey, the scientific exploration of AI, began in the 20th century. Let’s explore the history of AI.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a marvel of human ingenuity. It represents our desire to create, to innovate, and to explore the seemingly impossible frontiers of technology. The narrative of AI’s evolution or the “History of AI,” traces back to the conceptual seeds sown in ancient times, meanders through the corridors of the 20th century, and emerges into the present day, where it’s increasingly becoming a part of our everyday lives. To fully appreciate this journey, let’s travel back to the birth of the idea.

The Genesis of Machine Intelligence: 1936-1955

history of AI

One could argue that the true scientific groundwork for AI was first laid by British mathematician and logician Alan Turing. His seminal paper, ‘On Computable Numbers,’ penned in 1936, introduced the concept of a universal machine capable of computing anything that is computable. This fundamental premise forms the bedrock of the modern digital computer. Turing’s work was transformative and far-reaching. On Computable Numbers (Alan Turing 1936.)

Another milestone in the birth of AI was the development of the first programmable digital computer during World War II, known as the ENIAC. It demonstrated that machines could be made and programmed to perform complex calculations, an ability essential for developing AI. The first programmable digital computer (Britannica.)

The Birth of “Artificial Intelligence”: 1956

The official christening of the term “Artificial Intelligence” occurred in 1956. At the Dartmouth conference, John McCarthy coined the term that would shape the future of technology and spawn a new field of scientific inquiry. McCarthy’s vision of building machines that could mimic human intelligence sparked a flurry of research activities. The subsequent decade, the 1960s, witnessed a quick transition of AI from concept to reality, fueled by academic curiosity and significant financial investment. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Coined at Dartmouth.

The Rollercoaster Ride of AI: 1960-1980

roller coaster ride during golden hour

The 1960s and 1970s were characterized by an atmosphere of significant optimism around AI. This era saw lavish funding, exuberant enthusiasm, and impressive strides in AI research. AI laboratories were established across the globe, and the creation of the first expert systems – rudimentary AI programs – signaled a leap from theory to application. However, towards the late 1970s and early 1980s, the tides began to turn. The progress in AI research failed to keep pace with the sky-high expectations, revealing apparent limitations in the technology. This period of disillusionment, marked by reduced funding and waning interest, is commonly referred to as the ‘AI winter’. AI Winter: The Highs and Lows of Artificial Intelligence (History of Data Science.)

The Phoenix Rises: 1980-2010

yellow and red smoke illustration

The 1980s brought a resurgence of interest in AI, triggered by the success of expert systems. These rule-based systems, capable of performing tasks usually done by human experts, rekindled the flame of AI research and development. These systems could mimic the decision-making ability of a human expert, and they proved to be commercially successful.

The most famous example is the XCON system developed by Carnegie Mellon University for the Digital Equipment Corporation. Despite the renewed enthusiasm, the flames flickered yet again. But the 1990s and 2000s witnessed a paradigm shift in the approach towards AI. The focus transitioned from rule-based systems to machine learning, primarily due to the burgeoning availability of big data and vast improvements in computational power. Machine learning diverged from traditional programming methods. Instead of feeding machines explicitly programmed rules, machines were now being taught to learn from data, improving their performance autonomously. Case Study: Expert Systems for Configuration at Digital: XCON and Beyond.

A Major Shift: 1990s – 2000s

scrabble chips forming shift happens word near white feather

The 1990s and 2000s brought a shift in AI from rule-based systems to machine learning. This shift was driven by the availability of big data and improvements in computational power.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that enables computers to learn from and make decisions based on data. Instead of programming specific rules for the system to follow, machine learning involves developing algorithms that can learn from and make decisions or predictions based on patterns in the data.

This learning process can be either supervised, where the model learns from labeled data to make predictions, or unsupervised, where the model identifies patterns in unlabeled data. There are also semi-supervised and reinforcement learning methods that fall somewhere in between.

Overall, machine learning is a powerful tool that allows systems to automatically improve their performance over time, as they are exposed to more data. This has a wide range of applications, from recommendation systems to self-driving cars.

Computer Scientist Explains Machine Learning in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED

The Contemporary Landscape: 2010-Present

gray typewriter and MacBook

Since 2010, AI has embarked on a new chapter that is propelled by advancements in deep learning and neural networks. These technologies enable machines to learn from examples and recognize complex patterns in vast amounts of data. This leap allows AI to mirror the human brain’s functioning in many aspects, sparking unprecedented transformations across industries. Today, AI forms the backbone of numerous applications, from digital assistants like Siri and Alexa, to autonomous vehicles, and AI-driven healthcare and financial systems. The History of AI continues to be written as we push the boundaries of what machines can do. AI vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning vs. Neural Networks: What’s the difference? (IBM.)

Key Breakthroughs in the History of AI

ice bergs and alp mountains facing calm body of water

Throughout the History of AI, there are several key breakthroughs that have shaped the field. These include the invention of the perceptron, the first algorithm that could learn from data, in the late 1950s by Frank Rosenblatt. Another important milestone was the development of the backpropagation algorithm in the 1980s, which made training deep neural networks feasible and efficient. I highly recommend this article: Professor’s Perceptron Paved the way for AI 60 years too soon(Cornell.edu)

From Dawn to Dusk and Back Again: The Rollercoaster Journey of the Perceptron in AI History:

a blurry photo of a train track

The story begins in the mid-20th century, during the initial surge of interest in artificial intelligence. In 1957, a psychologist named Frank Rosenblatt at the Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory was inspired by earlier work on artificial neurons, and invented the Perceptron, one of the earliest artificial neural networks. Rosenblatt was inspired by the workings of the human brain, and his goal was to create a machine not just that could simulate logical reasoning, but one that could learn from its experience.

Rosenblatt’s perceptron was seen as revolutionary. He famously stated that perceptron “may eventually be able to learn, make decisions, and translate languages.” It garnered significant attention from the media, including The New York Times, which reported that the perceptron was an “electronic brain” that could “teach itself.”

However, this enthusiasm was short-lived. In 1969, Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert, two leading AI researchers, published a book titled “Perceptrons,” where they demonstrated the limitations of perceptrons, such as their inability to solve the XOR problem, a simple problem that requires distinguishing the points (0,0) and (1,1) from the points (0,1) and (1,0). This criticism, along with the growing disillusionment with the lack of progress in AI, led to the first “AI winter”, a period of reduced funding and interest in AI research.

The Perceptron made a comeback after the first AI Winter

Yet, the perceptron made a comeback. The limitation pointed out by Minsky and Papert applied only to single-layer perceptrons. It was discovered that a network of perceptrons, also known as a multi-layer perceptron, could solve problems that a single perceptron couldn’t. This resurgence was part of a broader revival of interest in neural networks and AI in the 1980s and 1990s, which continues to this day.

Therefore, the journey of the perceptron, from initial excitement to disappointment and resurgence, mirrors the history of AI itself. Its story serves as a reminder of the complexities involved in the ongoing quest to replicate human intelligence.

Unpacking the Perceptron: A Fundamental Building Block of Artificial Intelligence

A perceptron is a fundamental component of artificial intelligence and a type of artificial neural network. It’s a mathematical model of a biological neuron. While in reality, a biological neuron can have hundreds of thousands of inputs along dendrites, an artificial neuron, or perceptron, usually only has a few.

The perceptron was developed and patented by Frank Rosenblatt in 1957 and is used for binary classifiers, meaning it can decide whether an input, represented by a vector of numbers, belongs to some specific class or not.

Here’s how a basic perceptron works:

  1. Inputs: A perceptron takes multiple binary inputs (either 1 or 0).
  2. Weights: Each input also has a weight which is assigned based on its importance. The weights are usually initialized with random values.
  3. Summation: These inputs and their corresponding weights are multiplied and then added together.
  4. Activation Function: The resulting sum is then passed through an activation function, often a step function in the case of a perceptron. The function’s purpose is to transform the input signal to an output signal. It introduces non-linearity into the output of a neuron.

If the sum is above a certain threshold, the neuron ‘fires’ and outputs 1; otherwise, it outputs 0.

The perceptron is trained using the Perceptron learning algorithm. The algorithm typically involves iteratively learning the weights based on the training data and adjusting the weights in the direction of the misclassified data points.

Despite its simplicity, the perceptron can learn complex things when used as a building block in a larger system (like a multi-layer neural network). However, a single perceptron can’t model complex relationships, and it can’t solve problems where data is not linearly separable, such as the XOR problem. For these more complex problems, multi-layer perceptrons or other types of neural networks are used.

The Impact of AI on Society and Economy

Artificial Intelligence impacts society and the economy. AI has had a transformative effect on numerous industries, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and more. Additionally, it has led to job creation in new areas while also raising concerns about job displacement in others. AI and the Economy (University of Chicago Press Journals.)

blue and red cargo ship on dock during daytime

Furthermore, AI has brought about significant societal changes. It has improved accessibility for people with disabilities, contributed to climate change mitigation efforts, and has even transformed our personal lives through AI-powered applications and devices. However, it has also raised concerns about privacy and security. AI and Society (Daedalus.)

Future Directions in AI

The History of AI isn’t just about the past; it’s also about the future. As AI continues to evolve, several key trends and areas of research are likely to shape its trajectory. These include the development of explainable AI, ethical AI, and the integration of AI with other technologies like blockchain and quantum computing.

Quantum Computing in AI (a NEW Era of Technology)

As the journey of AI continues, one thing is clear – its potential is vast, and we’re only scratching the surface of what’s possible. The future holds exciting possibilities, and the “History of AI” is still very much in the making.

AI: A Catalyst for Societal Transformation

closeup photo of eyeglasses

AI has triggered profound transformations across numerous industries. It has redefined healthcare, finance, transportation, among others, enhancing efficiency and productivity. It has sparked job creation in novel areas while also stirring up concerns about potential job displacement. On a positive note, AI has improved accessibility for individuals with disabilities and significantly contributed to climate change mitigation efforts. Personal lives have been enriched with AI-powered applications and devices. However, this digital revolution has also given rise to significant concerns around privacy and security.

Steering into the Future: The Road Ahead for AI

mountain pass during sunrise

AI is a rapidly evolving field. As it continues to progress, several key trends and areas of research promise to shape its trajectory. The development of explainable AI – systems that provide clear, understandable explanations for their decisions – is a priority. Another focus is ethical AI, which pertains to the moral implications of AI use, such as fairness, transparency, and accountability. The potential for integrating AI with other breakthrough technologies, such as blockchain and quantum computing, is also a topic of interest. The AI landscape brims with potential, and we are just beginning to explore its possibilities.

From modest beginnings to a position of global influence, the history of AI is a saga of human progress, resilience, and endless potential. AI’s transformative impact is woven into the fabric of our lives, from our work and communication practices to the diagnosis of diseases and weather prediction. As we look towards the future, the history of AI continues to unfold, carrying the promise of a world of possibilities that we are just beginning to imagine.

Before we conclude this article, I think it’s important to understand the distinctions between AI vs. Machine Learning vs. Deep Learning vs. Neural Networks.

kiwis and oranges

Although these terms are sometimes used interchangeably, there are distinct differences between them. Here’s a simple breakdown:

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): This is the broadest concept. AI refers to the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. This can include anything from a simple rule-based system to complex machine learning models. The primary objective of AI is to create machines that can perform tasks requiring human intelligence such as understanding natural language, recognizing patterns, solving problems, and making decisions.
  2. Machine Learning (ML): This is a subset of AI. Instead of being explicitly programmed to carry out a task, machine learning systems are designed to learn from data and improve their performance over time. They can make decisions or predictions based on patterns they recognize in the data. Examples of machine learning include linear regression, decision trees, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machines, and many more.
  3. Neural Networks: These are a type of machine learning model inspired by the human brain. A neural network takes in inputs, which are processed in hidden layers using weights that are adjusted during training. The model then delivers a prediction as the output. Neural networks can learn to recognize patterns and are particularly effective for tasks such as image and speech recognition.
  4. Deep Learning: This is a subset of machine learning that specifically utilizes neural networks with three or more layers. These neural networks attempt to simulate the behavior of the human brain—albeit far from matching its ability—in order to “learn” from large amounts of data. While a neural network with a single layer can still make approximate predictions, additional hidden layers can help optimize the accuracy. Deep learning drives many artificial intelligence (AI) applications and services that improve automation, performing analytical and physical tasks without human intervention.

So, in essence, we start from the broadest term, AI. A subset of AI is machine learning, which includes neural networks as a type of model. Deep learning, in turn, is a type of neural network with greater complexity.

Parting Thoughts

History of AI

In conclusion, the history of AI is more than a timeline of technological advancement. It reflects humanity’s ceaseless pursuit of knowledge, our capacity to dream big, and our relentless drive to push the boundaries of what is possible. As we stand on the brink of a new AI era, we eagerly anticipate the next chapters in this fascinating history, ready to ride the wave of progress that AI promises to bring.

Thank you for joining me. I hope you learned something new today. See you soon!

The post History of AI appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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Prepping History Unveiled https://prepperfacts.com/prepping-history-unveiled/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=prepping-history-unveiled Thu, 25 May 2023 23:17:14 +0000 http://prepperfacts.com/?p=9795 Introduction The concept of ‘prepping’ – a term now entrenched in our modern lexicon – bears a rich and fascinating history. Its roots extend back to the dawn of human...

The post Prepping History Unveiled appeared first on Prepper Facts.


The concept of ‘prepping’ – a term now entrenched in our modern lexicon – bears a rich and fascinating history. Its roots extend back to the dawn of human civilization, with developments shaped and influenced by the changing socio-political landscapes. From rudimentary survival techniques of the ancient world to today’s sophisticated disaster preparedness strategies, the history of prepping embodies humanity’s constant struggle against uncertainty and its innate drive for survival. This article will take you on a journey through time, tracing the evolution of prepping and exploring its relevance in today’s world. Explore ‘Prepping History Unveiled’ – a comprehensive journey through time, tracing the evolution of survivalism and its modern relevance.

The Dawn of Prepping: Survivalism in Prehistoric Times

Prepping History Unveiled

To understand the history of prepping, we must transport ourselves back to the time of our ancestors, where the first seeds of this practice were sown. When the concept of civilization was alien, humans had to face the raw, unforgiving forces of nature. Back then, prepping was not a choice but a necessity for survival. Early humans had to learn the art of hunting, develop tools, and construct shelters. Prepping was thus embedded in their lifestyle, setting the foundation for the progress and survival of the human race.

From Necessity to Strategy: Prepping in Ancient Civilizations

The early forms of prepping in prehistoric times gradually evolved as human civilization began to take shape. Ancient civilizations, with their structured societies and organized governance, approached prepping from a strategic perspective. The Egyptians’ granaries were preparedness measures for droughts and famines, while the Great Wall of China reflected the strategic prepping against invasions. These examples reflect how prepping during this era was implemented on a grand scale, aiming at the survival and prosperity of entire societies.

The Egyptians: Pioneers of Prepping and Fermentation

The Egyptians of ancient times were no strangers to the practice of prepping, with a sophisticated understanding of resources management that included ingenious methods of food preservation, among them the process of fermentation.

As one of the earliest and most enduring civilizations, the Egyptians had a well-established system of agriculture, supplying them with abundant resources such as grain and fruit. However, they also understood the cyclical nature of the Nile and the potential risk of leaner years. To mitigate these risks, they devised various strategies to ensure their survival during periods of scarcity. One of these strategies was fermentation.

Fermentation, a process that uses microorganisms to convert sugars into alcohol and acids, was likely discovered by accident when wild yeasts interacted with food stored in pottery vessels. Recognizing the value of this process, the Egyptians harnessed its power for both preservation and culinary purposes.

Wine was more than a beverage to the Egyptians.

brown concrete statue of man

They fermented grapes to produce wine, a valuable commodity in Egyptian society that was often used in religious rituals and as a trade item. But wine was more than just a beverage to the Egyptians – it was also a means of preserving the fruits of their harvest and ensuring they had a supply of liquid sustenance that could outlast a dry spell or a poor harvest. Wine in Ancient Egypt.

Likewise, they used fermentation to produce beer from barley. Beer was a dietary staple in Ancient Egypt, consumed by both adults and children due to its nutritional content. The process of brewing not only allowed them to preserve their barley harvest but also to create a drink that was safer than the often contaminated Nile water. Beer in Ancient Egypt.

Bread, another Egyptian staple, was made from dough that was left to ferment, causing it to rise. This early form of leavened bread was a key part of the Egyptian diet and another example of their use of fermentation as a method of food preservation.

The Egyptian practice of fermentation demonstrates their deep understanding of the natural world and their innovative approach to prepping. Their mastery of this technique was a significant factor in their civilization’s endurance and prosperity, proving the value of preparedness in the face of potential adversity.

The Medieval Period: Prepping Gets Institutionalized

gray castle on shore

As societies grew in complexity, prepping also underwent significant changes. The Middle Ages saw the institutionalization of prepping. Castles were built as defense structures, and systems of crop rotation were developed to ensure food security. Castle Architecture and Crop Rotation. Prepping, during this era, transformed from a simple survival mechanism into an integral part of socio-political institutions, mirroring the societal complexity of the time.

The Industrial Revolution: Emergence of Modern Prepping

The Industrial Revolution brought profound changes in every aspect of society, and prepping was no exception. The rapid pace of urbanization and technological advancements brought new challenges and opportunities for prepping. Industries faced the risks of fires and structural failures, necessitating a focus on safety measures. Fire safety regulations and building codes were examples of prepping during this time, aimed at reducing industrial hazards. The development of scientific farming and canning technology revolutionized food storage, reflecting a significant shift in the prepping paradigm.

Prepping in the 20th Century: The Rise of Individual Preppers

Moving into the 20th century, the nature of threats and uncertainties changed dramatically, prompting a shift in prepping strategies. The Great Depression, the world wars, and the Cold War brought about different kinds of existential threats. I recommend Cold War History and The Great Depression as a quick refresher. In response, individuals began building fallout shelters, stockpiling food, and saving money. The modern ‘prepper’ was born during this period – individuals or groups actively preparing for potential disruptions in social or political order.

The 21st Century and the Modern Prepper Movement

Prepping History Unveiled

The 21st century brought a further evolution in the history of prepping. The threats of today range from natural disasters to pandemics and societal collapse. The Internet played a crucial role in the proliferation of the modern prepper movement, providing a platform for preppers worldwide to share knowledge, resources, and experiences. From learning survival skills to building self-sustainable systems, the modern interpretation of prepping is both comprehensive and nuanced.

Prepping and Popular Culture

In recent decades, the concept of prepping has permeated popular culture. Books, films, and television series such as “Doomsday Preppers,” often feature characters employing prepping techniques or exploring post-apocalyptic scenarios. These narratives both reflect and feed into a societal fascination with survivalism, shaping the perception and popularity of prepping in contemporary society. While providing entertainment, they also pose important questions about our preparedness for potential crises and our capacity for resilience.

Prepping Today: Beyond Survivalism

Today, prepping transcends the traditional notion of survivalism. It encompasses a wide range of activities and practices geared towards enhancing self-reliance and resilience. Urban gardening, off-grid living, financial independence, and digital security are just a few examples of the diverse facets of modern prepping. Prepping in the 21st century is increasingly seen as a lifestyle choice, a proactive and practical response to an unpredictable world.

The Global Prepping Community

Parallel to the evolution of prepping practices is the development of a global prepping community. This community has found a home on the Internet, where online forums, blogs, and social media platforms provide a space for like-minded individuals to connect, share ideas, and offer mutual support. Survival Monkey Forums is the best survival forum I have found. The people are super knowledgeable, friendly, down to earth, and very helpful. I learn something new every single time I log in (which is daily.) The existence of this global community reflects a sense of shared resilience and collective preparedness, values that lie at the heart of the prepping ethos.

The Future of Prepping: Adapting to New Challenges

As we look toward the future, the practice of prepping continues to evolve, adapting to new global challenges. Climate change, dwindling natural resources, cybersecurity threats, and pandemics are some of the issues shaping the future of prepping. Climate Change and Our Future. To cope with these emerging threats, preppers are increasingly focusing on sustainable living practices, renewable energy sources, digital security, and health preparedness, highlighting the ever-evolving landscape of prepping.

Prepping as a Science and Art

At its core, prepping is both a science and an art. It requires understanding the principles of various fields like ecology, agriculture, medicine, and engineering, but it also calls for creativity and adaptability. Understanding weather patterns, cultivating a garden, treating a wound, or building a shelter are all based on scientific knowledge. However, the ability to apply these skills in various situations, often under stress, is an art. Prepping, therefore, represents a unique interplay between scientific knowledge and human ingenuity.

Prepping, or disaster preparedness, involves planning for unexpected emergencies and natural or man-made disasters. It’s a blend of both science and art, with the scientific aspect relating to understanding risk, the probability of events, the availability of resources, and how to sustain life. The art side is about creativity and adaptability, such as using available resources efficiently, thinking outside the box, and planning for a variety of possible scenarios.

Here’s more detail:

  1. Understanding Risks: The science of prepping begins with understanding potential risks. This includes natural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, as well as man-made events like nuclear accidents or social unrest.
  2. Emergency Supplies: I recommend a supply of food, water, and other essentials to sustain a household for at least three days to two weeks. The science here relates to nutrition, water purification, and understanding how to store supplies for long-term use.
  3. First Aid and Health: Basic first aid skills and a well-stocked first aid kit are crucial for handling injuries during an emergency.
  4. Survival Skills: This includes how to start a fire, build a shelter, navigate, signal for help, and more. There’s a lot of science in understanding how these things work, but there’s also an art in doing them effectively.
  5. Adapting and Planning: The “art” side of prepping is about being able to adapt to changing situations. Also planning for a wide range of possible scenarios. This involves creative thinking, problem-solving skills, and mental resilience.
  6. Community and Communication: Prepping isn’t just a solitary endeavor. It often involves coordinating with others in your community and understanding how to communicate during a disaster.
  7. Learning from Experience: Many preppers learn from the experiences of others who have gone through similar situations. This involves researching historical events, reading accounts from survivors, and practicing survival skills.

While prepping can provide a sense of security and control, it’s also important not to let it become a source of anxiety or fear. It’s about being ready for potential scenarios, but also understanding that the probability of many extreme events is relatively low.

The Psychology of Prepping

Beyond the practical aspects, prepping is also a psychological endeavor. It’s a coping mechanism against uncertainty and a way of exerting control in a world often characterized by chaos. Prepping enables individuals to face their fears about potential disasters head-on, offering a sense of confidence and security. It is not merely about preparing for doomsday scenarios but rather about cultivating a mindset of self-reliance and resilience. I think that the act of prepping and preparing for the future is very empowering.

Prepping: A Personal and Communal Endeavor

Prepping is as much a personal journey as it is a communal endeavor. On a personal level, it equips individuals with the skills and knowledge to navigate potential crises. It empowers them to be proactive rather than reactive, to be part of the solution rather than the problem. However, prepping also fosters a sense of communal responsibility and solidarity. In times of crisis, a well-prepared community can bounce back more quickly, demonstrating the importance of collective resilience.

Prepping and Sustainability

flock of black and white chicken on green grass field during daytime

In the modern context, prepping and sustainability are increasingly interconnected. With the growing awareness of environmental issues, many preppers advocate for eco-friendly practices such as permaculture, water conservation, and renewable energy. By embracing sustainability, preppers not only contribute to environmental preservation but also enhance their long-term survival prospects. This alignment of prepping with sustainability marks a significant shift in the prepping ethos, reflecting a more holistic approach to survival and resilience.

A Brief History of Survivalism | Prepper Action

Conclusion: The Ongoing Journey of Prepping

The history of prepping is a testament to humanity’s adaptability and resilience in the face of change and uncertainty. From its primitive roots to its modern incarnation, prepping has remained a constant part of human existence. It has evolved with us, reflecting the challenges and opportunities of different eras. As we navigate through an increasingly complex and unpredictable world, prepping continues to be a pertinent practice, equipping us to prepare for, adapt to, and overcome the myriad challenges that lie ahead. Whether it’s building a disaster kit, learning a new survival skill, or adopting a self-sufficient lifestyle, prepping serves as a reminder of our inherent capacity for survival and resilience. Through this exploration of the history of prepping, we gain not only a better understanding of this fascinating practice but also valuable insights into our society, our culture, and our shared human journey. This understanding informs our approach to prepping today, helping us forge a path of resilience and preparedness for the future.

Thank you so much for joining me today. See you soon!

The post Prepping History Unveiled appeared first on Prepper Facts.
