Bee Varga the Hula Hooper Archives - Prepper Facts Your reliable source of evidence-based survival strategies and preparedness information Thu, 23 May 2024 22:29:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bee Varga the Hula Hooper Archives - Prepper Facts 32 32 211659190 Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat? Thu, 23 May 2024 22:29:01 +0000 Introduction: Understanding Belly Fat and Hula Hooping Fitness enthusiasts often ponder, “Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?” The idea of hula hooping for fitness captivates many, with its allure of...

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Introduction: Understanding Belly Fat and Hula Hooping

Fitness enthusiasts often ponder, “Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?” The idea of hula hooping for fitness captivates many, with its allure of potentially sculpting the waistline. Is there, however, scientific evidence to validate the effectiveness of this playful exercise? Let’s delve deeper into this intriguing topic.

The Science Behind Hula Hooping

Do Something Great neon sign

To answer the question “Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?”, we first need to understand the mechanics of hula hooping and how it impacts the body. Hula hooping is a form of aerobic exercise which means it can contribute to overall body fat reduction, including belly fat, when paired with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. This article provides evidence that regular hula hooping can indeed contribute to the reduction of abdominal fat:

The Effects of Aerobic Hula Hoop Exercise On Waist Circumference And Blood HDL Cholesterol in Health Care Personnel (International Academic Research Conference).

Additionally, hula hooping can strengthen the muscles around your torso and spine, which indirectly might aid in reducing belly fat. Core strength is vital for maintaining a healthy posture and reducing the likelihood of back injuries. According to Dr. Edward Laskowski, hula hooping can be a good workout, potentially burning as many calories per minute as step aerobics or boot camp workouts. However, keep in mind that your mileage may vary based on your intensity and the type of hula hoop used. Do Weighted Hula Hoops Provide a Good Workout or Are They Just A Gimmick?(Mayo Clinic).

Visit the article below for a guide to choose the best hula hoop based on your specific goals:

You can get a complete workout with a hula hoop!

an hourglass sitting on top of a table

When you ask, “Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?” it’s essential to understand how comprehensive a hula hoop workout can be. Here are key components of a hula hoop workout:

1. Cardiovascular Exercise

Hula hooping serves as a potent cardiovascular workout. It elevates your heart rate and keeps it up over an extended period. Cardiovascular exercise is vital for heart health, weight loss, and overall fitness.

2. Strength Building

Hula hooping helps build strength. When performed correctly, it engages a variety of muscles in your body, especially the core, which can lead to better body tone and posture. Different hula hoop exercises can target different muscle groups, making it a versatile strength training tool.

3. Interval Training

Hula hooping can be used for interval training. By alternating between high-intensity hooping and rest periods, you can increase your fitness level and accelerate fat loss. This method of training is known to be highly effective in burning fat and improving cardiovascular health.

4. Progressive Overload

Hula hooping also provides opportunities for progressive overload, a key principle for improving fitness. By gradually increasing the duration, intensity, or complexity of your hula hoop workouts, you can continue to challenge your body, build strength, and burn belly fat.

5. Balance, Flexibility, and Mobility

Hula hooping isn’t just about cardiovascular and strength training. It also encourages balance, flexibility, and mobility. Hooping requires and develops a good sense of balance. It can also enhance your flexibility, especially in the waist and hip areas. Plus, the fluid movements of hooping can improve joint mobility.

Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

Expert Hula Hooping Guidance with Bee Varga

Hula Hoop Results

If you are ready to start your hula hooping journey and seeking expert guidance, look no further! As a celebrated hula hoop educator, Bee Varga offers unparalleled resources, making her the best choice for beginners and advanced hoopers alike. Bee has an extensive background in osteopathy, giving her a deep understanding of the human body and movement dynamics. Her knowledge greatly enriches her hula hooping teaching style.

Having performed and taught professionally worldwide, Bee brings a wealth of experience to her hula hooping courses. She offers comprehensive tutorials that cater to both beginners and more advanced hoopers. Her course design ensures you not only enjoy the fun of hula hooping but also attain maximum health benefits from it.

What truly sets Bee apart from other hula hooping instructors is her unique, engaging, and thoughtful teaching style. She carefully breaks down each move into easy-to-follow steps. This allows hoopers at all levels to grasp the techniques. Moreover, Bee’s enthusiasm and passion for hula hooping make her classes enjoyable and inspiring.

So, if you’re asking “Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?”, and are ready to kickstart your hula hooping journey to a healthier, fitter you, Bee Varga’s hula hooping courses might be the perfect fit.

Join Bee Varga’s Online Hooping Studio today!

If you’re looking for guidance on your hula hoop fitness journey, Bee Varga’s Online Hula Hooping Studio is your one-stop solution. With her professional expertise and creative approach to hooping, Bee offers a range of online classes that cover all aspects of hula hoop fitness. You can find workouts that target strength building, flexibility, balance, and more. Plus, her studio offers the added benefit of a vibrant online community of fellow hoopers.

Hula Hoop Before and After My weight loss journey | Bee Varga

Let’s talk about belly fat reduction

Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

Just as Bee Varga’s Online Hula Hooping Studio offers a diverse range of fitness benefits, it’s also crucial to remember that optimal health and weight loss, particularly around the belly, are multifaceted goals. Alongside an active hula hooping regimen, it’s essential to consider internal health factors, such as maintaining healthy insulin levels. Let’s dive deeper into understanding this crucial aspect of your wellness journey.

The Importance of Hormonal Balance and Insulin Sensitivity

While hula hooping can be a fun and effective way to target belly fat, it’s only part of the story. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, particularly in the midsection, also involves understanding and managing your hormones. Hormonal balance is key in determining how your body stores fat, and this is where insulin plays a crucial role. Why worry about your waistline? (Harvard Health.)

Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. When you consume food, particularly carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into glucose, a form of sugar, which enters your bloodstream. This rise in blood sugar signals your pancreas to release insulin. Insulin then acts like a key, allowing glucose to enter your body’s cells where it can be used for energy.

The Insulin-Belly Fat Connection

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However, things start to go awry when insulin levels remain high due to a diet high in sugar and processed foods, or a lack of physical activity. This chronic high insulin level, also known as hyperinsulinemia, can lead to insulin resistance. This means your body’s cells become less responsive to insulin’s signals, so your pancreas has to secrete even more insulin to get glucose into your cells (Insulin Resistance and Hyperinsulinemia – NCBI).

High insulin levels promote fat storage, particularly in the belly area. That’s why people with insulin resistance often struggle with weight loss, despite their best efforts. Therefore, achieving insulin sensitivity and hormonal balance is an important step in reducing belly fat and improving overall health (Mechanisms linking obesity to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes – NCBI).

In addition to insulin, maintaining a balance of other hormones, including cortisol, estrogen, leptin, and ghrelin, is equally essential. Imbalances in these hormones can contribute to increased fat storage, slower metabolism, and increased appetite. Managing stress, getting adequate sleep, eating a balanced diet, and regular exercise are vital for maintaining hormonal balance and overall health. Why Hormonal Imbalance Can Make Weight loss Difficult (Dr. Jolene Brighten).

Intermittent Fasting: A Strategy to Balance Insulin Levels

One increasingly popular method to regulate insulin levels and encourage fat burning is intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. This technique can help regulate your insulin levels, enabling your body to use stored fat as energy. Additionally, it can assist in reducing overall calorie intake, further supporting weight and belly fat loss.

There are several methods of intermittent fasting, including the 16/8 method (fasting for 16 hours and eating during an 8-hour window), the 5:2 diet (eating normally for five days a week, then restricting calories to 500-600 on two days), and Eat-Stop-Eat (a 24-hour fast once or twice a week). It’s important to choose a method that fits your lifestyle and health conditions, and as with any diet change, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting. (Harvard Health: An update on Intermittent Fasting).

While hula hooping can indeed play a significant role in reducing belly fat, it’s clear that a holistic approach that also considers factors like insulin levels, hormonal balance, and dietary habits will yield the most successful results. So, spin that hoop, balance your hormones, and consider dietary strategies like intermittent fasting to bid farewell to that stubborn belly fat.

Harmonizing Hormonal Health and Hula Hooping for Optimal Fat Loss

While strategies like intermittent fasting are crucial for balancing hormones and combating belly fat, they are only part of the equation. Incorporating physical activity is just as important for successful weight loss, and hula hooping is an excellent option. By pairing your efforts in hormone balance with a consistent hula hooping routine, you can target stubborn belly fat with increased efficiency.

A Comprehensive Guide to Reduce Belly Fat Using a Hula Hoop

If you’re intrigued by the potential of a hula hoop to help reduce belly fat, this detailed guide provides step-by-step instructions. Incorporating a variety of movements, including balance training and foot hooping, will help keep your workouts exciting and challenging.

Step 1: Pick the Perfect Hula Hoop

Your first step should be selecting an appropriate hoop. Opt for a large in diameter adult-sized, HDPE dance hoop for an intensive workout. The lighter hoop will require more energy to maintain its momentum, thus offering a more rigorous exercise.

A Dance Hoop vs. a Weighted Hoop: Which Provides a Better Workout?

can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

The type of hula hoop you choose can significantly impact the effectiveness of your workout. When comparing a large HDPE dance hoop to a weighted hula hoop, the dance hoop emerges as a superior choice for a few reasons. Firstly, an HDPE dance hoop is lighter than a weighted hula hoop. This means you have to exert more effort and engage your core to a greater degree to maintain its momentum. The extra work required to keep the hoop spinning translates to a more challenging and therefore, a more effective workout.

Secondly, the versatility of a dance hoop allows you to incorporate a greater variety of exercises into your routine. A dance hoop can be spun around various parts of your body – your waist, arms, legs, and even your neck – providing a comprehensive, full-body workout. Each spin delivers a firm, toning massage to the targeted area, boosting circulation and helping to break down fat cells.

On the other hand, a weighted hoop, due to its heavier mass, is typically confined to waist hooping. While this can provide a low impact cardio workout, it doesn’t offer the full-body toning benefits that a dance hoop does.

Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

Therefore, if you’re looking for a hula hoop workout that truly challenges you and offers a wider range of toning benefits, an HDPE dance hoop is the way to go.

Step 2: Energize with a Warm Up

Before you start hula hooping, prepare your body with a warm-up routine. You can turn on your favorite song and start spinning your hoop around your waist. From there you can do some step touches. A few minutes of light cardio can get your heart rate up, prepare your muscles for a good workout, and prevent injuries. This is also a perfect time to get mentally prepared for your workout.

Pop Sugar also interviewed Bee Varga and asked her to talk about the importance of a good warm up before exercise. This is another reason why I appreciate Bee’s Hooping studio workouts. She includes a complete warm-up and cool down for Every workout!

Step 3: Position Yourself Correctly

Stand inside the hoop with it resting against your lower back. Ensure you maintain an upright posture to properly engage your core.

KEEP UP A HULA HOOP | How to Hula Hoop for Total Beginners | Complete Guide to Start

Step 4: Start Your Hoop Journey

Spin the hoop around your waist. Initially, you might find it easier to balance with one foot slightly ahead of the other. As the hoop moves, shift your weight between your feet, keeping your core engaged.

Step 5: Consistency and Gradual Progression

Start with short hula hooping sessions and gradually increase your duration as your strength improves. Aim for a minimum of 10 minutes per session, eventually building up to 30 minutes.

Step 6: Diversify Your Hooping Routine

Once you’re comfortable with the basics, add in some variety. You can incorporate squats or lunges into your hooping routine, or even try dancing while keeping the hoop in motion.

Step 7: Balance Training with a Hula Hoop

An excellent way to intensify your workout is by incorporating balance training. Try balancing the hoop on different parts of your body, such as your hand or foot. This exercise demands more from your core and can help enhance your overall stability.

Step 8: Try Foot Hooping

Foot hooping is another excellent exercise that engages your lower abdomen, similar to leg raises. Lie down on your back, lift your legs, and spin the hoop on your foot. This movement will target your lower belly, aiding in more significant fat reduction.

Step 9: Relax with a Cool Down

After your workout, don’t forget to cool down with some gentle stretches. This practice aids in recovery and helps prevent muscle stiffness.

Step 10: Support Your Workout with healthy nutrition

Lastly, remember that healthy nutrition is crucial to support your exercise regimen. By adding these steps to your hula hooping routine, you can boost your workout’s effectiveness. Consistency, diversity, and a well-balanced diet are the keys to success in your journey to reduce belly fat with a hula hoop.

Tailored nutrition guidelines to try for potential fat loss and overall health:

When it comes to nutrition, it’s crucial to understand that no one-size-fits-all strategy exists. What works splendidly for one individual may not yield the same results for another. This reality is primarily due to individual differences in body types, metabolism, genetic predispositions, and lifestyle factors. Therefore, personalized dietary plans, tailored to individual needs, can often be more effective in achieving personal health goals such as fat loss.

However, there are a few broad guidelines that everyone can consider to improve overall health, boost metabolism, and potentially aid in fat loss. These generally involve lowering carbohydrate intake, eliminating refined sugars, and avoiding processed foods.

close-up photo of vegetable salad

Adopting a regular workout routine like hula hooping is only half of the equation when it comes to reducing belly fat and overall body health. Your nutrition plays an equally, if not more significant role. Consuming a nutrient-rich diet can not only accelerate your belly fat loss but also enhance your overall health, wellbeing, and mental clarity.

Protein for Muscle Growth and Recovery:

Protein is a critical nutrient for anyone engaged in regular physical activity. It aids in muscle recovery and growth, which is crucial after a hula hooping session. Consuming adequate amounts of protein can also increase feelings of fullness, reduce hunger, and help you maintain muscle mass while losing weight, leading to a more toned appearance.

Protein for Muscle Gain, Fat Loss & Longevity | Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

Healthy Fats for Satiety and Energy:

While it may seem counterintuitive, consuming healthy fats is beneficial for weight loss. Fats are a dense source of energy and can keep you satiated for a longer time, reducing overall calorie consumption. Moreover, fats are essential for absorbing fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K, contributing to better overall health.

Avoid Refined Sugars and Carbs:

Refined sugars and carbohydrates, often found in processed foods, can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels, prompting your body to store excess glucose as fat. By reducing your intake of these foods, you can regulate your insulin levels, decrease inflammation, and support your body’s fat-burning capabilities.

Optimizing Carbohydrate Choices for Improved Insulin Sensitivity and Potential Fat Loss

In managing insulin sensitivity, a critical factor to consider is the type of carbohydrates you incorporate into your diet. While it’s common to hear advice encouraging the intake of whole grains and fruits, if your aim is to improve insulin sensitivity and potentially aid in fat loss, this advice may need to be adjusted.

Instead, focusing on non-starchy, low-carbohydrate vegetables can be beneficial. These include leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and lettuce, as well as other vegetables like cucumber, broccoli, and cauliflower. These vegetables are high in fiber and rich in nutrients, but low in carbohydrates, which means they have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels, helping to maintain optimal insulin sensitivity.

Berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries, can also be incorporated into your diet sparingly. Despite being fruits, they are lower in carbohydrates than many other fruit types and high in fiber, making their impact on blood sugar levels relatively minimal. Their high antioxidant content can also support overall health.

The aim here is to choose foods that have a lower glycemic load, meaning they won’t cause a significant spike in blood sugar levels, thereby supporting better insulin sensitivity. This approach to carbohydrate intake can be a useful tool for those looking to lose fat, particularly when combined with a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity.

Health Benefits and Mental Clarity:

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Adopting a nutritious diet not only helps reduce belly fat but can also bring about improved mental clarity and concentration. Many people report feeling more alert and focused when they fuel their bodies with quality nutrients.

Moreover, a diet high in lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals can contribute to improved heart health, bone health, and digestion. It can also strengthen the immune system and improve skin health.

Remember, while hula hooping can indeed help reduce belly fat, pairing it with a healthy dietary lifestyle will bring about the best results. As always, any significant changes in diet or exercise should be discussed with a healthcare professional to ensure they suit your individual health needs and goals.

Burn BELLY FAT Fast (10 Tips + Bonus) 

Remember, everyone’s body responds differently to various dietary interventions, so what works well for one person might not be as effective for another. Therefore, it’s always important to consult a healthcare professional or a dietitian before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions. They can provide personalized advice and monitor your progress to ensure the changes are beneficial for your health.

Keep Track of Your Progress

black retractable pen on opened book beside red and white go get'em-printed coffee cup

Monitoring your progress is a great way to stay motivated and assess how well hula hooping is working for you. Consider keeping a fitness journal, where you can note down things like how long you hula hoop each day, any new movements or routines you’ve tried, and any changes you notice in your body or energy levels. This can provide valuable insight into your progress and what’s working for you.

The Role of Consistency

As with any workout regime, consistency is key. If you’re looking to reduce belly fat with a hula hoop, you’ll need to hoop regularly. Aim for at least 10 minutes of hula hooping a day to start, and try to gradually increase this over time. The more you hoop, the more comfortable you’ll become, and the more benefits you’ll reap from this form of exercise.

Enjoy the Journey

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of hula hooping for fitness is to have fun with it. Unlike some exercises that can feel like a chore, hula hooping is a playful, enjoyable activity. This can make your fitness journey much more enjoyable and sustainable in the long run.

Hula Hoop Results | Bee Varga’s results from 15 years of hooping

Additional Benefits of Hula Hooping

In addition to potentially helping to reduce belly fat, hula hooping provides a host of other benefits as well. For one, it’s a great form of cardio exercise. Hula hooping is excellent for building core strength. The constant engagement of your abdominal and lower back muscles will improve your stability and balance over time. Not to mention, it’s also an effective way to improve your body’s coordination and flexibility.

Another significant benefit of hula hooping is that it can be a stress-relieving activity. The rhythmic motion of the hoop can be meditative and help to calm your mind. Plus, the physical activity itself can release endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones, leading to increased feelings of well-being and a reduction in stress levels.

Spicing Up Your Hula Hooping Workout

As you become more proficient with hula hooping, you might want to consider adding some variety to your workouts. This will not only keep things interesting but also challenge different muscle groups.

For example, try hula hooping in different stances, like a wide stance or a staggered stance. You could also try incorporating squats, lunges, or other exercises into your routine while keeping the hoop spinning. You might also want to experiment with hooping in different directions, or even trying to hoop around different parts of your body, such as your arms or legs.

Energizing Your Workout with Hula Hoops: Fun and Challenging Strategies

Incorporating hula hoops into your fitness routine can add a delightful and invigorating spin to your workouts. Here are some ways you can use multiple hula hoops to challenge yourself:

  • Hula Hoop Circuits: Incorporate several hula hoops into a circuit workout for added intensity. Set up the hoops at varying distances and navigate through them using different movements like jumping, stepping, or crawling. This variation can help improve agility, endurance, and strength.
  • Multi-Hoop Hula Hooping: Challenge your coordination, balance, and strength by spinning more than one hula hoop at once. Try spinning two hoops at your waist or one in each hand. With practice, you’ll enhance your skills and burn more calories as your body works harder to keep the hoops in motion.
  • Hula Hoop Obstacle Course: Use hula hoops to create an engaging obstacle course. Lay several hoops on the ground and hop from one to another, do a certain number of hoop spins at each “station,” or run with the hoop around your waist. This activity enhances cardiovascular fitness, agility, and engages a variety of muscle groups.
  • Hula Hoop Games: Add an element of fun and friendly competition to your workout by turning it into a game. See how long you can keep two or more hoops spinning, or if you have a workout buddy, try passing hoops back and forth without dropping them.

Remember, the key is to listen to your body and adjust the intensity of your workout to suit your fitness level. Always consult with a healthcare provider or fitness professional if you’re new to exercise or have any health concerns. With creativity and persistence, hula hoops can provide a delightful twist to your fitness journey, making workouts both challenging and enjoyable.

Adding Balance Training to Hula Hooping

For those looking to step up their hula hoop game and increase the fitness benefits, balance training with a hula hoop is a great option. Incorporating balance exercises not only enhances your hula hooping skills but also improves core strength, coordination, and overall physical stability. Balance Training Programs in Athletes – a Systematic Review (National Library of Medicine).

You can start with simple exercises such as standing on one foot while hula hooping. As you become more comfortable, you can try more challenging balance exercises, such as hula hooping while standing on a balance board or stability cushion.

Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

Foot Hooping for Added Challenge

Foot hooping is another advanced hula hoop technique that provides a fantastic lower body workout. This is when the hula hoop is spun around the ankle or foot, similar to how a soccer player might juggle a soccer ball. Foot hooping engages the core, glutes, hip flexors, and leg muscles, and is somewhat similar to performing leg raises.

Just as with any new exercise, it’s important to start slow and gradually increase the intensity and duration as your strength and skill improve. And of course, always listen to your body and rest as needed to prevent overuse injuries and promote recovery.

Combining Hula Hooping and Healthy Lifestyle Habits

In conclusion, while hula hooping can contribute to belly fat reduction, it should be part of a larger strategy for health and fitness. This includes a balanced diet rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods and low in processed, high-sugar foods that can spike insulin levels. Regular exercise, both cardio like hula hooping and strength training, is vital. Furthermore, stress management and quality sleep are key components of hormone regulation and overall health (Benefits of Physical Activity – CDC).

Conclusion: Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

In response to the question, “Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?” the answer is a resounding yes. However, it is most effective when incorporated into a holistic fitness and wellness strategy that also addresses diet, other forms of exercise, hormone balance, and overall lifestyle. Remember, every body is unique, so what works for one person may not work for another. It’s about finding what works best for you and most importantly, enjoying the journey towards health and fitness (Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity – Mayo Clinic).

Whether you’re new to hula hooping or looking to take your skills to the next level, there are countless resources available to guide you. Among these is Bee Varga the Hula Hooper, a performer-turned-professional hula hoop teacher who offers online courses worldwide (Bee Varga the Hula Hooper – Official Website). With her unique blend of expertise in body mechanics and hula hooping, Bee is an invaluable resource for those seeking to reduce belly fat and improve overall fitness through hula hooping.

With patience, consistency, and a bit of playful spirit, hula hooping can be a fun and rewarding way to reduce belly fat and promote overall health and fitness. Happy Hooping!

The post Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

The History of the Hula Hoop Wed, 20 Mar 2024 22:55:22 +0000 Let’s learn about the history of the hula hoop. The exact origin of the hula hoop is unknown, but it has been with us for ages. My Hula (hoop) History...

The post The History of the Hula Hoop appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Let’s learn about the history of the hula hoop. The exact origin of the hula hoop is unknown, but it has been with us for ages.

My Hula (hoop) History

The History of the hula hoop
The history of the hula hoop

When I think back on my history with hula hooping, I am transported back to the colorful early 90’s. It almost feels like the little hot pink hula hoop with the white stripe existed before I did because I can’t remember a time when it wasn’t around. When I was 5, we went to Toys ‘R’ Us and picked up a big see-through Barbie hula hoop that had glitter in it. This hoop seemed enormous compared the the original pink one.

When I gave it a spin, it fell to the ground. I guess not a lot has changed. We all got a good laugh as we passed the hoop around to family members and friends, but back then it became a once-in-a blue moon kind of activity for me. You’ll hear more about my hula hoop story as we get to know each other, but the actual history of the hula hoop is even more interesting than mine.

The History of the Hula Hoop

Now that we know what a hula hoop is and we’ve learned about the different kinds of hula hoops, it is time to learn about the history of the hula hoop. I always feel more passionate about a subject matter when I am familiar with its origin story.

Wham-O was the first company in the United States to mass market their version of the hula hoop so they are often known as the inventors of the hula hoop. This is partially true. The truth is that the hula hoop came from many places.

Hoop Like an Egyptian

The history of the hula hoop

Around 3,000 BCE, the Egyptians were curving rattan and reeds into circles. They spun these hoops around the waist, tossed them in the air, and rolled them along the ground.

History of the hula hoop

It’s All Greek to Me

The Ancient Greeks were the first to popularize the hula hoop. There are ancient documents and art on pottery that shows the hoop in action. The Greeks fashioned hoops from grapevines that were used not only as toys for children, but also as exercise equipment for people who needed a gentle, low-impact workout. Or those who wanted more wiggle room in their toga. Both Greek and Roman children played with hoops constructed with scrap metal.

Eskimos utilized hoops too

Eskimo children in North America used hoops as a learning tool. They practiced their harpooning skills by rolling the hoop and trying to throw a pole through it. This took good hand-eye coordination, timing, and accuracy.

Native American Hoop Dance

History of the hula hoop

Native Americans used hoops for much more than toys and exercise equipment. The hoop has sacred significance for many First Nation and Native American people. Native American Hoop Dance is a form of storytelling that utilizes anywhere from 1-30 hoops that create dynamic and static shapes. A solo dancer uses the hoops to transform into animals and other elements of the story. Shapes such as the eagle, butterfly, coyote, and snake are depicted in the ritual.

The hoop symbolizes the never-ending circle of life

The hoop symbolizes the “never-ending circle of life.” It has no beginning and no end. Tribal groups across North America used hoops in traditional healing ceremonies. Originally, it was a male-only dance form, but in recent years women have become active participants in hoop dance and hoop dance competitions.

Hoop dance utilizes very dynamic, rapid movements. The hoops are usually very small in diameter (1 – 2.5 feet). There are elaborate sequences in which the hoops interlock and are extended from the body to portray wings and tails. It takes years of practice to master this beautiful art form due to its complexity.

The dancers build their hoops out of plastic piping (sometimes wood) wrapped in colorful tape.

Hula Hoop Name Origin

The history of the hula hoop

Hooping came to Great Britain In the 14th century. English households started building homemade hoops that were used by all ages. Hooping became a craze that swept the country. Sadly, this came to a screeching halt when doctors started blaming the use of hoops for back pain and even heart attacks.

Hula Hoops Make a Comeback

Hoops became socially acceptable once again in England in the 1800’s where hoop rolling became a fad. Those hoops were wooden with metal strips or tires on the outer edge. Hoop rolling was called “bowling a hoop.” The hoop was rolled along the ground by hand or with a stick called a skimmer.

Around this time, British sailors traveled to the Hawaiian Islands. This is where they witnessed hula dancing for the very first time. They made the connection between hooping and hula dancing because they looked similar in motion and that is how the term hula hoop was created.

In the early 20th century, a modern version of the hula hoop was made of bamboo in Australia. School children used these hoops as exercise equipment. The demand for hoops became so high that it caught the attention of two American toy manufacturers.


In 1948, Richard Kerr and Arthur “Spud” Melin founded the Wham-O company from their garage in Los Angeles. They named their company “Wham-O” because they were marketing a slingshot created for training pet falcons and hawks. This groundbreaking invention hurled meat at the birds.

History of the hula hoop

Wham-O was the sound the slingshot made when it hit the target and became the company’s catchy name. In the first 6 months, over twenty million Wham-O hoops sold for $1.98 / piece. Wham-O went on to become the most successful hula hoop manufacturer. In 1958, they trademarked the Hula Hoop name and started building hoops out of the new Marlex plastic.

Fun Wham-O Facts

Wham-O manufactures and markets some of the world’s most recognizable consumer brands such as:

Do you have a toy idea? Wham-O is looking for new toy ideas! Click on the link below to submit a proposal:

*BTW, I’m not personally affiliated or sponsored by Wham-O, but I thought it was super cool that they are accepting new ideas. If I had a creative toy idea, I would definitely submit a proposal because you never know what can happen!

Shoop Shoop Hula Hoop!

Wham-o Hoop-Related Facts:

  • Wham-O’s founders Arthur “Spud” Melin and Richard Knerr were both USC graduates. Go Trojans!
  • Today’s modern hula hoop was inspired by bamboo exercise rings that kids is Australia were playing with.
  • In 1957, 25 million hula hoops were sold in less than 4 months.
  • 2 years after its launch, hula hoop sales reached more than 100 million units. This made $45 million in revenue.
  • The hula hoop, superball, and frisbee were inducted into the National Toy Hall of Fame.
  • In 1994, the comedy film, “The Hudsucker Proxy” was co-written, directed, and produced by the Coen Brothers. It was a fictionalized account of Wham-o’s invention of the Hula Hoop and the Frisbee.

Original Hula Hoop Commercial | I love the variety of moves that they featured

Hula Hoops are popular worldwide but…

  • Japan banned hula hoops for indecency in the 60’s
  • The British Medical Journal once claimed that the hula hoop was to blame for an increase in back, neck, and abdominal injures.
  • Russia banned hula hoops for being an example of the “Emptiness of American culture.”
  • A news outlet in China called hula hoops “a nauseating craze”
  • Indonesia banned hula hoops because “they might stimulate passion.”

Isn’t it empowering to know that we have such a powerful tool at our disposal?

The history of the hula hoop

Carry on the tradition and start hula hooping today!

My teacher Bee Varga the Hula Hooper offers a Free hula hoop kickstarter course. I highly recommend all of her courses. The best value is her Hula Hoop Studio which gives you access to all of her courses. Click on THIS LINK to claim a Free sneak peek into her studio.

I hope you learned something new today! What are your thoughts?

I hope you enjoyed this quick history of the hula hoop! Researching and writing this article has been an enriching experience for me. I feel like I only scratched the surface and I would like to continue writing about this topic.

Which section of hula hoop history fascinates you the most? Comment below to share!

I had a lot of fun strolling down memory lane as I learned about the toy industry. I am also very interested in Native American Hoop Dance. When I first watched the video I felt a stirring in my soul and want to learn more!

I hope to see you again soon!

The post The History of the Hula Hoop appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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Hula Hoop Results Fri, 02 Jun 2023 03:10:09 +0000 The Unexpected Power of Hula Hooping If you’re considering starting a new fitness journey, you might not immediately think of hula hooping. Yet, your hula hoop results can be quite...

The post Hula Hoop Results appeared first on Prepper Facts.

The Unexpected Power of Hula Hooping

If you’re considering starting a new fitness journey, you might not immediately think of hula hooping. Yet, your hula hoop results can be quite astounding. This fun, retro activity is making a comeback as a comprehensive workout routine. Hula hooping isn’t just for kids anymore; it’s an exciting way for people of all ages to get fit and improve their overall health. It’s a low-cost fitness option with significant health benefits.

Hula Hoop Results

Hula hooping may seem like a simple, nostalgic pastime, but the reality is much more profound. This dynamic activity offers a unique combination of fun, fitness, and personal expression that has captivated individuals around the globe. As you delve into the world of hula hooping, the power of this activity becomes apparent. It’s not just about twirling a hoop around your waist; it’s about embracing a journey that can lead to transformational hula hoop results. Whether you’re seeking physical improvements, creative expression, or a mindful escape, hula hooping presents an accessible and engaging path toward achieving your goals.

Physical Benefits of Hula Hooping

woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring

One of the first things people notice when they start hula hooping is the physical transformation. Consistent hula hooping can lead to weight loss, toned muscles, and improved coordination. According to the American Council on Exercise, hula hooping can burn up to 200 calories in just 30 minutes. This puts it on par with workouts like aerobics, pilates, and yoga when it comes to calorie burning.

Hula hooping is not just a fun activity but also a great way to incorporate physical exercise into your daily routine. Here are some of the physical benefits of hula hooping backed by scientific evidence:

  1. Burns Calories: A study by the American Council on Exercise found that a 30-minute hula hooping session can burn around 210 calories, which is comparable to boot-camp-style classes, step aerobics, or cardio kickboxing
  2. Boosts Cardiovascular Health: Regular hula hooping is classified as a total-body workout that raises heart rate and strengthens the heart muscle, similar to other aerobic exercises such as dancing or running. This can help reduce your risk of heart disease and improve overall cardiovascular health.
  3. Strengthens Core Muscles: Hula hooping primarily targets your core muscles, including your abdominal muscles and lower back. Maintaining the hoop around your waist requires constant activation of these muscles, which over time can improve your balance and posture.
  4. Improves Hand-Eye Coordination and Motor Skills: The rhythmic movement of hula hooping can improve your hand-eye coordination and motor skills, enhancing overall body balance and functional fitness.
  5. Increases Flexibility and Mobility: Regular hula hooping practice can help increase the flexibility and mobility of your spine and hip joints. It also encourages full range of motion, which can contribute to the overall health of your joints.

Remember, while hula hooping can provide an enjoyable and low-impact way to exercise, always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new fitness routine.

Weight Loss with Hula Hooping

One of the most attractive hula hoop results is the potential for weight loss. The motion required to keep the hoop spinning around your waist engages multiple muscle groups, which can lead to fat burning and, consequently, weight loss.

A scientific study concluded that hula hooping could help reduce abdominal fat and increase trunk muscle mass. It’s therefore a fantastic exercise option for those seeking a slimmer waistline.

Toning Muscles with Hula Hooping

silhouette of woman dancing ballet

Beyond weight loss, other hula hoop results relate to muscle toning. Hula hooping primarily targets the muscles in the core, including the abs, obliques, and lower back. However, with different movements, you can also engage your lower body and upper body muscles.

We conclude that hula-hooping can reshape the body by increasing abdominal muscle mass and decreasing waist circumference, which can be helpful extrinsic motivators to exercise for overweight individuals. Interestingly, hula-hooping decreased LDL cholesterol, a change typically induced by resistance rather than aerobic training. In contrast, even a small increase in walking in already active overweight people had positive effects on lipids and blood pressure. 

Effects of Weighted Hula-Hooping Compared to Walking on Abdominal Fat, Trunk Muscularity, and Metabolic Parameters in Overweight Subjects: A Randomized Controlled Study

Improving Coordination and Balance

person standing on rock ledge doing yoga pose

On top of the physical hula hoop results, this activity is also fantastic for improving your coordination and balance. The continuous, rhythmic movement of the hoop requires a level of coordination that can enhance your body’s proprioception over time.

Hula hooping is an activity that requires a significant amount of coordination and balance, and with regular practice, it can greatly improve these skills. Here’s how:

  1. Full Body Coordination: Hula hooping involves simultaneous engagement of multiple body parts. You need to coordinate your hip movements with the rest of your body to keep the hoop spinning. This coordination between various muscle groups enhances your full body coordination.
  2. Improves Proprioception: Proprioception refers to your ability to sense the position and movement of your body parts. As you practice hula hooping, your brain learns to better understand the position and movement of the hoop in relation to your body. This improved sense of proprioception can then translate to better coordination in other areas of life as well.
  3. Strengthens Core: To keep the hoop spinning around your waist, you need to constantly engage your core muscles. This not only strengthens the muscles but also improves your balance, as a strong core is fundamental to maintaining stability and equilibrium.
  4. Bilateral Coordination: Hula hooping often involves using both sides of your body at the same time but in different ways (one side might be driving the motion while the other stabilizes), which enhances bilateral coordination. This skill is crucial in various everyday tasks.
  5. Improves Rhythm and Timing: Hula hooping requires a rhythm to maintain the hoop’s momentum. This practice can help improve your sense of timing and rhythm, which are essential components of coordination.
  6. Increases Body Awareness: Lastly, hula hooping increases your body awareness. As you become more familiar with how your body moves and responds, you can better control your movements, leading to improved balance and coordination.

It’s important to note that while hula hooping can help improve balance and coordination, it should be used as part of a balanced exercise routine for optimal health benefits.

Convenience and Fun

Apart from the physical benefits, one of the main reasons people turn to hula hooping is its convenience. You can hula hoop at home, in the park, or even while watching TV. The simplicity and accessibility of hula hooping make it an attractive option for those with busy schedules.

Moreover, hula hooping is fun! This shouldn’t be underestimated. Many people struggle to stick to a fitness routine because they find it dull or grueling. The joy of hula hooping can help you keep consistent, leading to better long-term results.

The Evolution of Hula Hooping

Breaking free from the playground, hula hooping has found a firm place in the fitness arena. Hula hooping can be an all-encompassing workout, boosting core strength, cardiovascular health, flexibility, and even mental wellbeing.

Moreover, the sphere of hula hooping extends beyond the waist. As you gain proficiency, you can explore hula hooping with yoga, dance, and mindfulness exercises. This amalgamation of disciplines can be seen in action in the captivating performances and videos of Bee Varga.

Who is Bee Varga the Hula Hooper?

Hula Hoop Results
Get amazing Hula Hoop Results with Bee Varga’s courses!

Bee Varga is a professional hula hooper who has made a name for herself in the global hooping community with her skilled performances and insightful courses. Her passion for this dynamic activity is evident, and it’s complemented by a background in osteopathy, giving her a unique understanding of the body and how it moves.

Varga’s osteopathic knowledge adds a layer of depth to her hooping practice and instruction. Osteopathy emphasizes the interrelationship between structure and function of the body and recognizes the body’s ability to heal itself. This foundation equips Varga with a distinct perspective on movement and health, making her an invaluable resource for those seeking to improve their hula hooping skills and overall wellbeing.

Varga’s journey and achievements in hula hooping illustrate the transformative power of this activity. With dedication, passion, and the right guidance, anyone can unlock the potential of hula hooping and experience the profound hula hoop results it can bring.

Benefits: What to Expect from Hula Hooping

Hula hooping results span from enhanced fitness to bolstered mental health. But, attaining meaningful outcomes demands consistency, proper technique, a balanced diet, and sometimes, supplementary exercise.

I discovered hula hooping when I was healing from a foot injury. I thought that it would be a temporary placeholder until I could go back to running. Hula hooping became the workout that I look forward to every day! Along with these physical transformations, many hula hoopers report improved mood, lower stress, and overall better mental health.

Hula Hooping Progress: What to Expect after 30 Days and One Year

The best form of exercise is the one that you can stick with. If you’re wondering about the timeline for hula hooping results, after 30 days, you can expect improvements in balance, coordination, and core strength, alongside potential mood elevation due to the endorphin release during exercise. Advancing to the one-year mark with regular practice, your body may exhibit weight loss, increased muscle tone, better endurance, and the ability to perform more complex hooping moves, besides continual mental health benefits. However, these timelines can vary depending on individual factors.

After 30 days of Hula Hooping:

  1. Improved coordination and balance: After a month of consistent practice, you’ll likely notice that you’re better at keeping the hoop up and moving smoothly. You may also find that your overall balance and coordination have improved.
  2. Increased core strength and toning: Hula hooping is an excellent workout for your core muscles. After 30 days, you might start to see some increased definition in your abdominal and lower back muscles.
  3. Enhanced cardiovascular fitness: Like any form of exercise, regular hula hooping can help improve your cardiovascular fitness. After a month, you might find that you’re able to hoop for longer periods without getting winded.
  4. Better mood: Physical activity is known to release endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural mood lifters. After 30 days of hula hooping, you might notice that you’re feeling happier and more relaxed.

After 1 Year of Hula Hooping:

  1. Weight loss: If combined with a balanced diet and other forms of exercise, hula hooping can contribute to weight loss. After a year, you might notice a significant change in your body composition.
  2. Increased muscle tone: With consistent practice over a year, you could see more definition and strength not only in your core but also in your lower body and arms.
  3. Improved endurance: After a year, you’ll likely find that you can hoop for much longer periods without getting tired.
  4. Mastery of more complex moves: With a year of practice under your belt, you could learn and master more complex hula hoop tricks and routines.
  5. Improved overall fitness: After a year of consistent hula hooping, you might notice improvements in your overall fitness level, including greater flexibility, improved balance, and enhanced cardiovascular health.
  6. Sustained mental health benefits: The mood-lifting effects of hula hooping can accumulate over time. After a year, hula hooping could become a valuable tool in managing stress, anxiety, and overall mental well-being.

Remember, everyone’s hula hoop journey is unique, and results can vary. The key is to enjoy the process, listen to your body, and stay consistent with your practice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting a new fitness regimen.

This is my 1 year hooping journey:

Hula Hooping continues to transform my mind, body, and life. I have currently been hooping for 2 years, but this is where I was after 1 year of hula hooping. Keep in mind that I had no background in gymnastics, dance, or yoga so I was a total beginner.

Profile in Hula Hooping: Bee Varga

Bee Varga, a renowned hula hooper, inspires countless enthusiasts with her stunning performances and informative tutorials. Her hula hooping results are a testament to the transformative power of this fun exercise. Bee’s approach combines hula hooping with dance and yoga elements, representing the diverse styles in the hula hooping community.

Bee’s Hula Hoop Results after 15 years:

How to Begin Your Hula Hooping Adventure

Eager to start seeing your own hula hooping results? The first step is to choose a suitable hoop. Beginners should usually select a large dance hoop as it rotates slower, allowing better control. Please visit the article below for a complete hula hoop buying guide!

Then, consider joining a local class or learning through online tutorials. Bee Varga provides comprehensive hooping courses on her website to guide newcomers through the basics and beyond. It may feel challenging initially, but remember, every new skill requires practice and patience.

Most importantly, make it enjoyable. Play with different movements, hoop to your favorite tunes, or invite friends to join you. The essence of hula hooping lies in the journey, not just the end results.

Community: The Heart of Hula Hooping

silhouette of group of person under clear skies

Another key aspect of keeping your hula hooping journey alive is community. Engaging with other hula hoopers can offer support, camaraderie, and shared enthusiasm. There are numerous hula hooping communities online.

Bee Varga has fostered a thriving online community, with her Online Hooping Studio. Here, hula hoopers of all levels can share their progress, ask questions, and cheer each other on.

Hula Hooping for Health: Balancing Exercise and Nutrition

As with any fitness journey, hula hooping results aren’t solely about the workout. Nutrition plays a crucial role too. Eating a balanced diet rich in protein, healthy fats, and fruits and vegetables can enhance your energy levels, aid recovery, and support overall health. For personalized advice on nutrition and exercise, consult a healthcare professional or a fitness and nutrition expert.

Can You Lose Weight Using a Hula Hoop?

Ready, Set, Spin: Taking Your First Steps

Hula Hoop Results

Armed with this information, you’re ready to embark on your own hula hooping journey. Whether you’re spinning for fitness, fun, creativity, or a combination of all three, remember that the journey is yours to shape. Enjoy each spin, celebrate every small victory, and most of all, embrace the joy and vibrancy of hula hooping. Your hula hoop results await!

Deepening Your Hula Hooping Practice

As you progress in your hula hooping journey, you might consider deepening your practice. Incorporating additional training elements can enhance your performance and augment your hula hooping results. These might include yoga for flexibility and balance, strength training for power and endurance, and dance for creativity and flow. I highly recommend Bee’s courses because she includes all of these elements in every class. It really is a one-stop-shop for fitness!

Moreover, mindfulness can play a significant role in your practice. By staying present in the moment and focusing on the movement of your body with the hoop, you can elevate your hula hooping into a meditative practice, enhancing your mind-body connection and promoting stress relief.

Maintaining Your Momentum

Once you’ve embarked on your hula hooping journey and started seeing results, how do you maintain your momentum? One effective strategy is to continually challenge yourself with new moves and techniques. There’s a whole world of hula hoop tricks to explore, from basic moves like the vortex and the escalator, to more advanced techniques such as shoulder and knee hooping.

Hula Hoop Tricks

The Hula Hooping Lifestyle

What starts as a fitness practice can evolve into a full-blown lifestyle. Many hula hoopers have incorporated hooping into their everyday lives, hooping at work, while watching TV, or even while doing chores!

Hula hooping might inspire you to adopt other healthy habits, too. You might feel motivated to eat healthier, maintain regular sleep patterns, or explore other forms of exercise. As you begin to experience the holistic benefits of hula hooping, it can impact your overall approach to health and wellbeing.

Conclusion: Embracing the Hula Hooping Journey

Hula hooping results are as diverse as the hoopers themselves. From fitness gains and weight loss to increased happiness and stress relief, the benefits are numerous. But remember, it’s not just about the results – it’s about the journey. It’s about the community, the challenges overcome, the laughter, the shared experiences, and the joy of the spin.

Whether you’re hooping for fitness or fun, as a creative outlet, or even as a meditative practice, embrace your unique journey. Enjoy each spin, celebrate your progress, and most of all, keep the hoop moving. Your hula hooping results are just the beginning!

The post Hula Hoop Results appeared first on Prepper Facts.

What is a weighted hula hoop good for? Fri, 28 Apr 2023 19:35:14 +0000 Introduction: What is a weighted hula hoop good for? Weighted hula hoops have gained popularity in recent years as a fun and effective way to improve fitness and overall health....

The post What is a weighted hula hoop good for? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Introduction: What is a weighted hula hoop good for?

Weighted hula hoops have gained popularity in recent years as a fun and effective way to improve fitness and overall health. But what is a weighted hula hoop good for, exactly? In this comprehensive article, we will explore the numerous benefits of using a weighted hula hoop, from weight loss and muscle toning to stress relief and improved coordination. We will also provide helpful tips on how to choose the right hoop for your needs and how to get started with your new workout routine. The following benefits apply to hula hooping in general. From there, I will talk more specifically about the unique ways that a weighted hula hoop can affect the body.

What is a weighted hula hoop good for

Weight Loss and Calorie Burning

One of the primary reasons people turn to hula hoops is for weight loss and calorie burning. When you hula hoop, you engage various muscles in your body, especially your core, which leads to increased calorie burning. In fact, studies have shown that hula hooping can burn as many calories as other popular forms of exercise like running or aerobics(source). A 30-minute hula hooping session can burn approximately 200 calories or more, depending on the intensity of your workout.

Toning and Strengthening Muscles

Another benefit of using a hula hoop is muscle toning and strengthening, particularly for the core and lower body muscles. As you rotate the hoop around your waist and , you engage your abdominal, lower back, glute, and hip muscles, resulting in a stronger and more toned midsection. To turn up the intensity of your core work, try balancing on one foot and spinning your hoop around the other leg. If you thought leg lifts were challenging, you’re in for a treat! Additionally, hula hoops can also help improve your upper body strength when you incorporate arm movements and different hoop positions.

Improved Balance and Coordination

Using a hula hoop regularly can help improve your balance and coordination. The continuous motion of the hoop around your body requires you to maintain stability and control. This can enhance your overall body awareness and proprioception. Furthermore, as you become more proficient in hula hooping, you can challenge yourself by incorporating new tricks and movements, leading to even better coordination and motor skills.

Stress Relief and Mental Health

Hula hooping can also provide stress relief and improve mental health. The rhythmic, repetitive motion of hooping has a meditative quality, which can help calm your mind and release tension. Moreover, the physical activity releases endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals, which can reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. Many people find hooping to be a fun and enjoyable form of exercise, making it more likely that they will stick with it in the long term.

Choosing the Right Weighted Hula Hoop

Before you can start reaping the benefits of a weighted hula hoop, it’s essential to choose the right one for you. Weighted hula hoops come in various sizes, weights, and materials, so it’s important to consider your individual needs and preferences. In general, your hoop needs to be 1.5 to 2 pounds. Hoops that are heavier than that can cause injuries and bruising.

The diameter of the hoop is another factor to consider. A larger hoop will be easier to keep up, making it a good choice for beginners. As your skill level improves, you can transition to a smaller hoop for a more intense workout. If you have looked into buying a hula hoop before, you will probably see the recommendation to measure your hoop vertically from the ground to your belly button. It turns out that there is a much better way to find the perfect sized hoop that will be more accurate. To learn more, visit this article below:


Are weighted hula hoops good for you?

What is a weighted hula hoop good for?

Weighted hula hoops are very easy to find and pretty cheap to purchase. Many people choose heavier weighted hoops because they hope it will help them get results quicker than a lighter hoop.

In the fitness world, heavier weights make an exercise more challenging. Shouldn’t the same rule apply to hula hoops? The answer is, “NO!” With hoops, it is exactly the opposite. The smaller and lighter the hoop, the harder you have to work. The truth is that bigger, weighted hoops are easier to work with.

There are 3 main weight categories of hoops:

What is a weighted hula hoop good for?
  1. Super light hoops
  2. “Medium” Dance / Fitness Hoops
  3. Weighted Hula Hoops

1-Super Light Hoops

  • 300 g.
  • Toyshop hoops
  • Polypro hoops (PP)

These hoops are an outstanding learning tool. You can learn hand tricks and practice tossing, juggling moves, and foot hooping. They also work well for kids.

2- “Medium” Dance / HDPE Hoops

  • 300 – 900 g.
  • HDPE hoops
  • Wooden hoops

This type of hoop can help you sculpt an hourglass physique, burn fat, and learn fun moves. It can give you a quick and effective workout in a short span of time.

3- Weighted Hula Hoops

  • 900 g. – 300 kg.
  • Extremely heavy
  • You can only safely use it around your waist.

A weighted hula hoop is great if you want to build muscle mass around your core. This type of mass would make your waist look thicker. You probably have beautiful abdominal muscles, but they may be covered. With this type of hoop, you may build bigger muscles, but it won’t make the fat go away.

Think about your goals and the type of physique you want to create.

What is a weighted hula hoop good for?

There are many different ways to get into shape. For example, powerlifters and strongman athletes focus on building muscle mass so they can lift heavy things. As a result, they appear very strong and muscular.

Weighted hula hoops are great for making hula hooping easy.

If you struggle to keep a hula hoop spinning around your waist, a weighted hula hoop is easier to use and can help you build your confidence. You can feel it better because it beats you up. Once you feel confident with your basic technique, it is a good time to trade your weighted hoop in for a dance hoop.

This is why you should eventually move away from using a weighted hoop (sooner than later.)

Your brain, heart, lungs, and reproductive organs have a lot of bony protection. Whereas, your abdominal cavity has very vital organs, but it doesn’t have the same amount of bony protection. Instead, this region has muscles. If you get punched in the stomach, your muscles will contract and that is how your body protects your organs. When you hula hoop, your muscles contract wherever the hoop hits. Bee Varga and I recommend the medium dance hoop will cause your muscles to contract without causing damage.

Unfortunately, the weighted hula hoops are often big bruisers and can cause unnecessary damage or injuries.

Weighted hula hoops could work very well for men.

Men and women are built differently. Men have thicker muscles that can serve as shock absorbers whereas, women are built for childbearing and do not have that same level of protection around the abdominal region.

Are weighted hula hoops safe?

  • They are safe if you have really fit and conditioned core muscles.
  • If you have been working out consistently, your core muscles should be fit enough to handle the impact of a weighted hula hoop.

When is a weighted hula hoop unsafe?

  • If you’ve been sedentary for an extended period of time, then a weighted hula hoop could be unsafe.
  • If you’re out of shape.

Unfortunately, if your core muscles are not strong enough, you can cause some damage with a heavy, weighted hula hoop. A common problem is that the people who buy the weighted hula hoops are usually the people who do not yet have enough core strength to do the workouts consistently enough to see results. They often push themselves through the discomfort rather than listening to their bodies.

If you are super out of shape, you can still start our with a weighted hula hoop as long as it doesn’t cause pain, strain, or discomfort. Your body will quickly learn the skill in a matter of days, weeks, or months (this timeline varies from person to person). After that, you should switch to a less destructive hoop.

Using a weighted hula hoop is like learning how to ride a bike with training wheels.

What is a weighted hula hoop good for

I compare a weighted hula hoop to learning how to ride a bike with training wheels. It is a very useful tool if you have never ridden a bike before and want to learn how to balance. Once you feel confident with training wheels, you can eventually take them off and practice without them. Once the training wheels come off you can get an even more effective workout!

The medium weight dance hoops (HDPE) will help you get fitter.

  • They move faster than a weighted hula hoop so you have to work a little harder to keep the momentum going.
  • These hoops require you to push harder into the hoop. This will recruit more muscles.
  • It is also possible to practice lots of moves with different body parts. On the contrary, you only want to use a weighted hula hoop around your waist (it is too heavy to safely use on other body parts and becomes a weapon if it’s tossed in the air).

As a result, your muscles will be more engaged and you will get a better workout in less time.

Question: How do people lose weight with just waist hooping?

You may see posts and videos with people who talk about how they lost weight with just waist hooping. When a person is super sedentary and they start waist hooping, they will get initial results from the exercise. This is simply because they are expending energy and moving more.

After awhile, your body will adapt to that amount of exercise and you will need to find ways to challenge your self even more. If you only do the same amount of exercise, you will hit a plateau until you increase the intensity of your workout.

“If nothing changes, NOTHING CHANGES.”

Chris Coe
What is a weighted hula hoop good for

I’m going to be brutally honest with you because I want you to get the results that you dream of.

Waist hooping in one place for 30 minutes is not enough for ongoing results. If someone tells you that you don’t need to do more than that, then they are probably trying to sell you a product. This is also the reason why I don’t think the new “smart hoops” are helpful. It is more of a belt than a hoop and there are other kinds of workouts and exercises you can do that will help you get results without the risk of injury.

If you want to improve your physique and reach the level of fitness you desire, this will require progressive overload.

This means that you consistently increase the intensity of your workout. I highly recommend Bee Varga’s Hula Hoop Studio. She has created a complete curriculum that can take any person from a total beginner to body and skills of their dreams. Click on this link to get started!


What are your thoughts on this topic? I decided to delve into the topic even deeper and compare weighted hula hoops to HDPE / Dance Hula hoops.

Weighted Hula Hoops vs. HDPE Dance Hula Hoops

While weighted hula hoops can be helpful, it’s essential to consider the potential for injuries when using them. Some individuals may find that the added weight puts excessive strain on their muscles and joints, increasing the risk of injury. In such cases, HDPE Dance Hula Hoops are a better option.

What Are HDPE Dance Hula Hoops?

HDPE Dance Hula Hoops are made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) tubing, which is lightweight, durable, and flexible. These hoops are typically lighter than their weighted counterparts, making them ideal for dance and performance-based hooping. They allow for greater control and fluidity in movement, making it easier to perform tricks and advanced techniques.

Benefits of HDPE Dance Hula Hoops

What is a weighted hula hoop good for

There are several advantages to using HDPE Dance Hula Hoops over weighted hula hoops, particularly for those concerned about injury or looking to focus on fitness, dance, and performance-based hooping:

1. Reduced risk of injury: Due to their lighter weight, HDPE Dance Hula Hoops place less strain on the muscles and joints, reducing the likelihood of injuries. This makes them a safer option for beginners and those with pre-existing conditions or concerns.

2. Greater control and fluidity: The moderately weighted nature of HDPE Dance Hula Hoops allows for more control and fluidity in movement. This is essential for performing tricks and advanced techniques. This makes them a popular choice among hoop dancers, performers, and people who are hooping for fitness.

3. Versatility: HDPE Dance Hula Hoops can be used for various styles of hooping, including on-body and off-body techniques, making them a versatile option for those looking to explore different aspects of hooping.

4. Durability: The high-density polyethylene material used in HDPE Dance Hula Hoops is known for its durability, ensuring that your hoop can withstand the rigors of regular use and practice.

Choosing Between Weighted Hula Hoops and HDPE Dance Hula Hoops

When deciding between a weighted hula hoop and an HDPE Dance Hula Hoop, it’s essential to consider your goals, preferences, and any potential health concerns. If your primary focus is on fitness and calorie burning, a weighted hula hoop may be suitable. However, if you’re looking to improve your dance and performance skills or have concerns about potential injuries, an HDPE Dance Hula hoop is a better choice.

I personally recommend surpassing the weighted hula hoop phase. If I could rewind time and start from the beginning, I would choose an HDPE Dance hula hoop.

Additionally, consider your experience level and comfort with hooping. Beginners may find it easier to start with larger diameter HDPE Dance Hula Hoop, to develop their skills and technique. From there they can transition to a smaller diameter hula hoop for a fun challenge. As you progress in your hooping journey, you may even choose to incorporate all types of hoops into your routine to enjoy the unique benefits each has to offer.

Getting Started with Your Hula Hoop

What is a weighted hula hoop good for

Once you have chosen the right hula hoop, it’s time to get started with your new workout routine. Here are some tips to help you begin:

1. Proper Technique

To use your hula hoop effectively, it’s important to practice proper technique. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and place the hoop around your waist. Hold the hoop firmly against your lower back with both hands and give it a strong spin in either direction. Shift your weight back and forth between your feet, keeping your core engaged and your upper body still. This rocking motion will help maintain the momentum of the hoop and prevent it from falling.

2. Start Slowly and Gradually

As with any new form of exercise, it’s essential to start slow and gradually build up your endurance and skill. Begin with short, 5- to 10-minute sessions and gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts as you become more comfortable with the movement. This approach will help prevent injury and ensure that you build a strong foundation before progressing to more advanced techniques and tricks.

3. Incorporate Other Exercises and Movements (cross train)

While hula hooping on its own can provide numerous benefits, incorporating other exercises and movements can further enhance your workout. For example, you can perform squats, lunges, or leg lifts while hooping to target your lower body, or incorporate upper body movements like shoulder presses and bicep curls for a full-body workout.

4. Be Consistent and Patient

As with any fitness routine, consistency is key to seeing results. Aim to hula hoop regularly, ideally at least three times a week. Additionally, be patient with yourself and remember that it takes time to develop skill and strength. With consistent practice, you will see improvements in your technique and overall fitness levels.

Hula Hoop Exercises and Variations

What is a weighted hula hoop good for

There are countless exercises and variations you can try with your hula hoop to keep your workouts fresh and challenging. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

1. Waist Hooping

The most basic weighted hula hoop exercise, waist hooping involves keeping the hoop spinning around your waist. As you become more comfortable, try changing the direction of the spin or incorporating different foot positions to challenge your balance and coordination.

2. Arm Hooping

Arm hooping is an excellent way to target your shoulders, arms, and upper back. To perform this exercise, hold the hoop with both hands and spin it around one arm. As you become more proficient, try switching arms or spinning the hoop on both arms simultaneously.

3. Leg Hooping

For a challenging lower body workout, try leg hooping. Lie on your back with your legs in the air and place the hoop around one ankle. Spin the hoop and use your core strength to keep it in motion. Switch legs and practice hooping with both legs.

4. Halo

The halo exercise targets your shoulders, arms, and upper back. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold the hoop in both hands above your head. Spin the hoop around your raised hands, engaging your core and upper body to keep it in motion.

5. Off-Body Hooping

Off-body hooping involves performing tricks and movements with the hoop away from your body. This technique can help improve hand-eye coordination, balance, and overall body awareness. Some off-body hooping moves include the weave, the vortex, and the lasso.

Hula Hoop Precautions and Safety Tips

It’s essential to follow some precautions and safety tips to minimize the risk of injury:

1. Warm Up and Cool Down

As with any exercise, warming up before using a weighted hula hoop can help prevent injury and prepare your body for activity. Perform a 5- to 10-minute warm-up, including dynamic stretches and light cardiovascular exercise. Similarly, cooling down after your workout can help reduce muscle soreness and promote recovery. When Pop Sugar interviewed professional hula hooper, Bee Varga, she emphasized the importance of warming up for every workout.

2. Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to your body’s signals and stop hooping if you feel pain or discomfort. While some soreness is normal when starting a new exercise routine, persistent pain or discomfort may indicate an injury or improper technique. Consult a fitness professional or healthcare provider if you have concerns about your workout routine.

3. Use a Properly Sized and Weighted Hoop

Using a hoop that is too heavy or too large for your skill level can increase the risk of injury. Choose a hoop that is appropriate for your size and experience, and gradually progress to heavier or smaller hoops as your skills improve.

4. Maintain Proper Form

Practicing proper technique and form when using a weighted hula hoop can help prevent injuries and ensure you get the most out of your workout. Focus on engaging your core muscles, keeping your upper body still, and maintaining a controlled, rhythmic motion. If you’re unsure about your technique, consider working with a fitness professional or attending a hula hoop class.

I highly recommend Bee Varga’s Hula Hooping Studio (Click this link!)where you can get unlimited access to all of her courses and content. She provides excellent technique and instruction while keeping workouts fun and challenging.

5. Be Mindful of Your Surroundings

While hula hooping requires space to move freely without hitting objects or other people, don’t let this be a limiting factor. Make sure you have ample room when exercising with your hoop, and be aware of your surroundings to prevent accidents or injuries. Also know that as long as you have enough space to avoid objects and people, it doesn’t take a ton of space to hoop and your hoop is portable! You hoop at home, outside, in the park with your kids. The possibilities are endless!

How to Get Started with Weighted Hula Hooping or HDPE Dance Hula Hooping

Learn How to Keep Up a Hula Hoop – Full Guide!

Regardless of which type of hoop you choose, getting started with hooping is relatively simple. Follow these steps to begin your hooping journey:

1. Choose the Right Hoop

Select a hoop that is appropriate for your size, experience level, and intended use. As previously mentioned, consider whether a weighted hula hoop or an HDPE Dance Hula Hoop is the better fit for your goals and preferences. Keep in mind that a larger, heavier hoop may be easier for beginners to learn with, as it provides more time to react and maintain the spinning motion.

2. Learn the Basics

Begin by mastering the fundamental hooping technique of waist hooping. Stand inside the hoop with your feet hip-width apart and one foot slightly in front of the other. Hold the hoop against your lower back, and give it a strong spin around your waist. Shift your weight back and forth between your feet to maintain the hoop’s momentum. As you become more comfortable, experiment with different movements and techniques to enhance your skills.

3. Practice Consistently

Like any skill, hooping requires consistent practice to improve. Dedicate time each day or week to practice your hooping skills and build your endurance. Over time, you’ll find that you can hoop for longer periods and perform more advanced techniques with ease.

4. Explore Different Techniques and Styles

Hooping offers a wide range of techniques and styles to explore, from on-body hooping to off-body tricks and dance-based movements. As you become more proficient, experiment with various techniques to develop your unique hooping style and expand your repertoire of skills.

5. Connect with a Hooping Community

Joining the hooping community can provide support, inspiration, and opportunities for learning. Attend local hooping classes or workshops, participate in online forums or social media groups, and connect with other hoopers to share tips, experiences, and encouragement.

The Complete Hula Hoop Learning Experience

Weighted Hula Hooping and HDPE Dance Hula Hooping for Different Populations

Weighted hula hooping and HDPE Dance Hula Hooping can be enjoyed by various populations, each with their unique needs and considerations. Let’s explore how these hooping styles can benefit specific groups:

1. Children and Teens

Hula hooping is an enjoyable and accessible form of exercise for children and teens, promoting physical fitness, coordination, and balance. Keep in mind that weighted hula hoops are not a good option for children. While HDPE Dance Hula Hoops can be suitable for young hoopers, it’s essential to choose an appropriately sized and weighted hoop for their age and size. HDPE Dance Hula Hoops are a better choice for younger children due to their lighter weight and reduced risk of injury.

The Benefits of Hula Hooping for Children’s Development: More Than Just a Game

2. Adults

For adults, both weighted hula hoops and HDPE Dance Hula Hoops can offer numerous benefits, from fitness and weight loss to stress relief and improved mental well-being. Choosing between the two hoop types will depend on personal goals, preferences, and any potential health concerns. As previously discussed, consider factors such as desired workout intensity, injury risk, and interest in dance or performance-based hooping when making your decision.

3. Seniors

Hooping can be a low-impact, joint-friendly form of exercise for seniors, helping to maintain flexibility, balance, and muscle strength. However, weighted hula hoops may pose an increased risk of injury for older adults, particularly those with existing joint or muscle issues. In such cases, a lighter hoop, like an HDPE Dance Hula Hoop, may be a safer option. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program. This is especially important for seniors with health concerns.

4. Pregnant and Postpartum Women

While hooping can be an enjoyable form of exercise for pregnant and postpartum women, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before engaging in any physical activity during pregnancy or after giving birth. If given the green light, HDPE Dance Hula Hoops may be a safer option due to their lighter weight and reduced injury risk. However, every pregnancy is unique, and individual considerations should be taken into account.

Preventing Injuries While Hooping

Whether using a weighted hula hoop or an HDPE Dance Hula Hoop, it’s essential to take precautions to minimize the risk of injury. Follow these tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable hooping experience:

1. Warm Up and Cool Down

Before hooping, engage in a light warm-up, such as jogging in place or performing dynamic stretches, to prepare your muscles for exercise. Similarly, after hooping, cool down with gentle stretches to help prevent muscle soreness and injury (source).

2. Use Proper Technique

Using correct technique while hooping can help prevent injuries and maximize the benefits of your workout. Pay attention to your posture, keeping your spine straight and your core engaged. Ensure that your movements are smooth and controlled, avoiding any jerking or abrupt motions. If you’re unsure about proper technique, consult with a hooping instructor or seek guidance from instructional videos and resources.

3. Progress Gradually

When starting your hooping journey, be patient and allow yourself time to develop your skills and strength gradually. Avoid the temptation to jump into advanced techniques or use excessively heavy hoops too soon, as this can increase the risk of injury. As you become more proficient, gradually increase the intensity and complexity of your workouts to safely progress your hooping abilities.

4. Listen to Your Body

It’s essential to be in tune with your body and pay attention to any signs of discomfort or pain while hooping. If you experience pain or discomfort, stop hooping and assess the issue. If necessary, consult with a healthcare professional to address any concerns and ensure that you’re hooping safely and effectively.

Choose your hoop based on your goals

A weighted hula hoop can be an effective tool for fitness, weight loss, muscle toning, stress relief, and more. However, it’s crucial to consider the potential for injuries when using a weighted hula hoop, as some individuals may find the added weight puts excessive strain on their muscles and joints. For those looking to focus on dance and performance-based hooping or concerned about potential injuries, HDPE Dance Hula Hoops may be a better alternative.

When deciding between a weighted hula hoop and an HDPE Dance Hula Hoop, consider your goals, preferences, and any potential health concerns. No matter which type of hoop you choose, be sure to practice consistently, use proper technique, and listen to your body to maximize your hooping experience and minimize the risk of injury.

Conclusion: The Many Benefits of Weighted Hula Hooping

In conclusion, hula hoops offer a fun and effective way to improve fitness, burn calories, and tone muscles. From weight loss and muscle strengthening to improved balance and stress relief, there are numerous reasons to incorporate a weighted hula hoop into your exercise routine. By choosing the right hoop, practicing proper technique, and staying consistent with your workouts, you can enjoy the many benefits of this versatile and enjoyable form of exercise.

I really hope that this article was helpful and I hope that you learned something new today!

See you soon!

The post What is a weighted hula hoop good for? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Hula Hoop Tricks of the Century Fri, 28 Apr 2023 09:37:55 +0000 Introduction Welcome to the fascinating world of hula hoop tricks, where talent, creativity, and skill meet in a vibrant dance of physics and fun. This century has seen an amazing...

The post Hula Hoop Tricks of the Century appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Hula Hoop Tricks

Welcome to the fascinating world of hula hoop tricks, where talent, creativity, and skill meet in a vibrant dance of physics and fun. This century has seen an amazing evolution of hula hoop tricks, from simple waist hooping to incredibly complex tricks that defy gravity and imagination. This History of Hula Hooping provides a fascinating journey through the evolution of this timeless activity.

The Art and Science of Hula Hooping

Hula hooping is not merely a workout or series of tricks, but an art and a science. The basic movement involves keeping a hoop spinning around your waist by moving your hips in a circular motion. This basic trick, though simple, is the foundation of many more complex hula hoop tricks. Yet, it requires a balance of rhythm, timing, and body control.

Moreover, the science of hula hooping involves physics. The hoop’s movement is governed by principles like centripetal force and angular momentum. A hula hoop spins around a point at the center of your body, and maintaining that spin involves constantly pushing against the hoop’s momentum to keep it from falling. Scientific American’s article: “Hula Hooping with a Rubber Band,” examines the fascinating physics behind hula hooping.

It is a fun and easy experiment that covers the concepts of:

  • Physics
  • Gravity
  • Friction
  • Centripetal Force
  • Rotational Motion
  • Newton’s laws of motion

You don’t need to be a hula hooper to conduct this experiment, but learning about these concepts increased my understanding and helped me to become a better hula hooper.

Classic Hula Hoop Tricks of the Century

The world of hula hooping has a wide array of tricks, with some classics standing the test of time. The Waist Hooping, the Vortex, the Lasso, and the Escalator are all iconic moves that have defined hula hooping over the years. This is only the beginning, there are many hula hooping tricks that offer fitness benefits for your entire body. I highly recommend Bee Varga the Hula Hooper’s Hooping Studio. She provides many different courses for every level and ability. Whether you are a brand new beginner or a seasoned professional, Bee will help you elevate your hooping skills to an even higher level while having fun.

21st Century Evolution of Hula Hoop Tricks

The 21st century has seen a creative explosion in the realm of hula hooping, with artists constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. From multi-hoop techniques to off-body and on-body tricks, hula hooping has evolved far beyond simple waist hooping.

Multi-Hoop Techniques

One significant trend in 21st-century hula hooping is the use of multiple hoops. Artists can manipulate two, three, or even more hoops simultaneously, each spinning on different parts of the body. This technique requires immense coordination and control, and the resulting tricks are mesmerizing.

Off-Body and On-Body Tricks

Another exciting development in hula hoop tricks is the distinction between off-body and on-body tricks. On-body tricks involve spinning the hoop on various parts of the body, like the waist, hips, chest, neck, and legs. Off-body tricks, on the other hand, involve spinning the hoop outside the body, using the hands, arms, and even feet.

LED and Fire Hooping

Adding a dramatic flair to hula hoop tricks, LED and Fire Hooping have become popular in recent years. LED hoops contain embedded lights that create a stunning visual effect when spun, especially in the dark. Fire hooping, on the other hand, involves attaching wicks to the hoop, which are then lit on fire. This creates a breathtaking spectacle of light and motion. I’ll delve into the role of hula hooping in fitness and wellness, as well as its impact on popular culture, in the next part of the blog post.

Hula Hooping for Fitness and Wellness

A notable shift in the 21st century has been the recognition of hula hooping as a form of exercise and wellness practice. Hooping provides a full-body workout, strengthening the core, improving balance, boosting cardiovascular health, and even enhancing mood. “What are the Benefits of Hula Hooping?” provides a great overview of these health benefits.

Moreover, Hoop Dance, a trend that incorporates hula hooping with dance elements, has gained popularity as a fun and expressive way to stay fit. It combines the aerobic benefits of hula hooping with the creativity and flexibility of dance.

Hula Hooping in Popular Culture

This century has also seen hula hooping seep into popular culture. Music festivals often feature hula hoop performances, and many celebrities have taken up hooping for fitness or fun. One notable example is Grace Jones, who famously hula hooped throughout her entire performance at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Concert in 2012. BBC’s Coverage of Grace Jones’ Hula Hooping Performance captures this memorable moment.

Grace Jones – Slave To The Rhythm (Jubilee Concert, 4.6.12)

Competitive Hula Hooping

Not to be left behind, the world of competitive sports has also embraced hula hooping. Competitions and championships now exist, where hoop artists showcase their skills and creativity in carefully choreographed routines. The World Hoop Day, celebrated annually, often features such competitions.

Did you know that hula hooping is an Olympic Sport? I highly recommend this article if you would like to learn more about the history of rhythmic gymnastics: “The Origins of Rhythmic Gymnastics.”

The Future of Hula Hoop Tricks

As we look ahead, the future of hula hoop tricks seems bright and promising. The continued fusion of hula hooping with other disciplines like dance, gymnastics, and even circus arts is likely to spur the creation of even more innovative tricks. The rise of social media platforms and virtual reality also opens up new possibilities for learning, sharing, and even virtual hula hoop performances.

Virtual Reality and Hula Hooping

One exciting development on the horizon is the incorporation of virtual reality (VR) in hula hooping. Imagine being able to practice hula hoop tricks in a virtual environment, with real-time feedback on your performance, or even participating in virtual hula hooping competitions!

Social Media and Hula Hooping

Social media has already had a significant impact on hula hooping, with artists using platforms like Instagram and TikTok to share their tricks and routines. The potential for global collaboration and innovation through these platforms is immense.

Why should we learn hooping tricks? Isn’t waist hooping enough?

According to professional hula hooper and teacher, Bee Varga, only doing waist hooping is like going to the gym and only training one body part. Think about it, if you only train your biceps everyday, would you expect your whole body to be fit? It may sound like a silly question. Of course we need to train the whole body to strengthen the whole body. Why would anyone only train the same body part every day? The truth is that when a person only waist hoops they are limiting themselves and missing out on a world of benefits. Bee’s background is in Osteopathy and it was the hooping tricks that captivated her attention.

Hula Hoop tricks are like tea varieties. Different teas (tricks) have different benefits.

Hula Hoop Tricks

I love the way that Bee compares hooping tricks to teas. It makes a lot of sense. When I need a jolt of energy, I reach for green tea or black tea, but there are specific varieties with different benefits even within those two branches.

Green tea has less caffeine than black tea and I feel energized yet mellow and reflective. My current favorite is a blend of Loose Leaf Jasmine, Green, and Hawaiian Mamaki tea. On the other hand, black tea makes me feel a lot more wired and my current favorite is Earl Grey.

Similarly to hula hoop tricks, I reach for different teas depending on my needs, current mood, or the season. I can’t imagine only reaching for the same cup of tea everyday because I would miss the benefits that accompany variety.

Bee treats the different hula hoop tricks like a pharmacy / toolkit to fix bodies. Below are a few of the many benefits of hula hoop tricks:

assorted-item lot

1- Some tricks and moves work to strengthen the muscles in the front of your body, while others strengthen the muscles in the back.

You can work every muscle in your body with a hula hoop. Many people have “Push days” and “Pull Days” at the gym. The good news is that you can work the front and back of your body from the comfort of your home with a hula hoop!

2- Unilateral moves

There are unilateral moves that are practiced on only one side at a time (some examples are elbow hooping, foot hooping.) These unilateral moves can break down stored tension and also reveal imbalances, strengths, and weaknesses. I personally practice unilateral moves to help me measure my progress and figure out what I need to work on.

You will always have instant feedback because if you’re not doing it right, then your hula hoop will drop. Your hoop will make you reattempt the tricks until you do it correctly.

3- Improves endurance and cardiovascular fitness.

Many moves like chest hooping and angled hooping, improves endurance and boosts our cardiovascular fitness.

4- Boosts circulation and encourages lymph flow.

Hooping boosts our circulation by providing a firm, toning massage. If you have varicose veins or want to prevent them, a common suggestion is to elevate your legs and practice inversions for lymph flow. You can both elevate your legs and practice inversions while you hoop. I have personally noticed a big improvement in my skin tone ever since I started hooping. During times when I hoop less, I also notice the difference and my skin starts to look a bit dull. Thankfully when I hoop again, my skin tones improves.

5- Balancing Skills

These moves will not only help you sculpt a peachy bottom, but they are also excellent for lower abs and core strength. Who doesn’t want a peachy bottom and a sculpted waist? These attributes are not only appealing for aesthetic purposes, but it is very beneficial for your health to have a strong core that is not covered with visceral fat and strong legs.

6- Range of Motion (ROM)

Life has become more convenient and we are a lot more sedentary than our ancestors. While this is a luxury that our ancestors only dreamed of, the sedentary lifestyle has its drawbacks. If you ever have knots in your shoulders or a tension in your neck, it could be a sign that it is time to work on your range of motion. Hooping can help you break down a lot of tension. It’s almost like foam rolling, but you’re working out at the same time. Moves like duck-outs will help you improve your range of motion.

7- Strengthen your core, glutes, shoulders, back, and whole body.

Hula Hooping is a fun workout that can strengthen your entire body. Different tricks provide different benefits. Our legs stay fairly strong because we have to walk to get around, but the upper body often gets neglected. There are so many fun ways to strengthen and stretch your upper body with a hula hoop.

8- Create awareness and stimulate pelvic floor muscles.

Hula Hooping makes it easy to stimulate and exercise your pelvic floor muscles in a gentle and effective way.

More thoughts on hoop tricks

The different hula hoop tricks will help you realize that fitness is not just about how far you can run or how much weight you can lift. There are elements of fitness that we don’t normally work on, but they are still important. Some of these elements include balance, range of motion, or even not wetting yourself when you sneeze, cough, or jump. Also motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and grace. When you workout on the machines in the gym you miss out on the opportunity to work on these other elements of fitness.

What you don’t use, you lose.

This applies to your brain as well as your muscles. This is not meant to offend anyone and I don’t believe in body shaming, but I do think it is important to be realistic and if a person is too sedentary, it can lead to many health issues. There are many people who are too busy with work, family, and life to carve out any extra time and this is understandable. It is hard to add another item too your list when you are already exhausted. This doesn’t mean that you’re lazy.

On the other hand, there are people who start exercising for health reasons and it increases their energy. When you first start a new routine, it can be challenging to find the energy to continue, but if you stick with it, your energy will increase. These people often find an activity that they love like running, tennis, swimming, or yoga. It is a beautiful thing, but overtime they may experience overuse injuries like runner’s knee, tennis elbow, swimmer’s shoulder, or yoga butt.

I have personally experienced both ends of the spectrum and I’m so thankful that I discovered hula hooping because it is helping me to become the strongest and fittest version of myself.

The case for hula hooping

Hula hooping is easy to start and doesn’t take a lot of time or effort. All you have to do is stand up and start spinning it around your waist. Even reaching this point is a huge milestone. This will improve your posture, circulation, digestion, standing upright will create more space for your lungs and organs and help them function better. Hooping also helps to activate the glutes.

Waist hooping with a dance hoop is an easy and gentle way to get started. From there you can branch out and try different tricks. The variety will also help with injury prevention.

Hula Hoop Tricks


As we’ve seen, the hula hoop tricks of this century have been characterized by creativity, innovation, and diversity. From simple waist hooping to multi-hoop techniques, LED and fire hooping, and even the advent of virtual reality, this humble toy has evolved into a versatile tool for artistic expression, fitness, and fun. The future holds exciting prospects for hula hooping, and we can’t wait to see what new tricks the next century will bring. So pick up a hoop, and join the global community of hoop artists in this exciting journey! Market Watch’s Hula Hoop Market forecast provides a sneak peek into what we can look forward to in the world of hula hooping.

I hope that this article was helpful and that you learned something new! See you again soon.


The post Hula Hoop Tricks of the Century appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Hula Hooping while pregnant Fri, 03 Mar 2023 03:03:47 +0000 If you are reading this, congratulations! It probably means that you or someone you know and love is expecting. This is an exciting time and it’s amazing that you’re researching...

The post Hula Hooping while pregnant appeared first on Prepper Facts.

If you are reading this, congratulations! It probably means that you or someone you know and love is expecting. This is an exciting time and it’s amazing that you’re researching exercise options. Hula hooping can be a fun and beneficial form of exercise for many people, including pregnant women. If you are in good health and your pregnancy is healthy, it is safe to start or continue working out consistently. Please discuss exercise with your Primary Care Physician or Ob-gyn. If they give you the okay then you can discuss hooping as a fun, low-impact option. What makes hooping such an excellent workout for expectant moms? Continue reading to learn more about hula hooping while pregnant.

Hula hooping while pregnant

How much should I exercise during pregnancy?

While it is true that you shouldn’t take on a new, strenuous workout routine, hooping is a good low-impact, joint-friendly option. Ideally, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends that pregnant women participate in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. Hula hooping can be a moderate-intensity aerobic activity, as long as it is done at a comfortable pace and with proper technique. Keep in mind that this will look different for different people and will depend on how active you were before you were pregnant.

If you are new to exercise:

If you are brand new to exercise, start slowly then gradually increase your activity. You can start with just 5 minutes a day then add 5 more minutes each week until you have worked up to 30 minutes a day.

If you were active before pregnancy:

If you were active before pregnancy, you can continue to do the same workouts with your Ob-gyn’s approval. Be sure to modify the exercises when necessary. Keep in mind that if you start to lose weight, you may need to increase the amount of calories you eat to adequately nourish your body.

What does moderate intensity mean?

  • An aerobic activity is one that requires you to move the large muscles of your body (arms and legs) in a rhythmic way.
  • You are moving enough to raise your heart rate and break a sweat.
  • You can still talk normally.
  • You cannot sing.
  • Examples of moderate intensity aerobic activity include brisk walking, general gardening (raking, weeding, or light digging), and hula hooping.

What changes occur in the body during pregnancy that can affect my exercise routine?

Your body undergoes many changes through pregnancy. Be mindful and observant and take these changes into account:

  • Breathing- During exercise, oxygen and blood are directed to your muscles and away from other areas of the body. Your need for oxygen increases while you’re pregnant. This may affect your ability to do exercise especially if you are obese or overweight.
  • Balance- Your center of gravity will shift towards the front as your baby grows. This may place stress on your joints and muscles especially near your lower back and pelvis. As a result, you may be less stable and susceptible to falling.
  • Joints- The hormones produced during pregnancy cause the ligaments that support your joints to be more relaxed. As a result, your joints will be more mobile and may be susceptible to injuries. It is best to avoid high-impact motions that are jerky and bouncy during pregnancy.

In general, it is safe for most pregnant women to continue or start hula hooping as long as they have the approval of their healthcare provider and take appropriate precautions. Focus on maintaining a moderate pace, always listen to your body, avoid over-exertion, and learn proper technique to minimize the risk of injury.

Hula hooping can be a good form of exercise for pregnant women because it is low-impact and can help improve cardiovascular fitness, core strength, and flexibility. Hooping is also a fun and enjoyable way to release stress and tension.

Hula hooping while pregnant

Try Bee Varga’s Kickstarter Course for Absolute Beginners by clicking on this link! She will help you pick out the best hoop for you and equip you with the tools you need to succeed.

What precautions should I take when exercising while pregnant?

  • Stay hydrated. drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout to prevent dehydration. Signs of dehydration include dizziness, a racing heart, and urinating a small amount of dark yellow urine. If you experience any of these symptoms take a break and hydrate.
  • Avoid overheating especially in your first trimester. Stay hydrated, wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that is breathable. It is also important to exercise in a space that is well ventilated and cool. Don’t exercise outside in hot and humid weather. The portability of a hula hoop can work to your advantage here!
  • Wear a supportive sports bra. Find a comfortable bra that offers a lot of support and protection for your breasts.
  • Avoid lying flat on your back or standing still as much as possible. When you lie on your back, your uterus presses against a large vein that returns blood to the heart. Standing still can cause blood to pool in your feet and legs. As a result, your blood pressure could decrease for a short time.

To minimize the risk of injury, practice proper hula hooping technique and avoid over-exertion. Always listen to your body and to stop hooping if you experience any pain or discomfort.

I enjoy the fact that a hula hoop is so portable and it is easy to switch locations. If you started hooping outdoors and it gets hot and humid you can easily move indoors with minimal disruption. You can also wear as little or as much clothing as you like since hooping doesn’t require special gear. I also love the fact that I don’t have to leave my house to get a fun and amazing workout.

Benefits of Hula Hooping While Pregnant

Do you have the green light of approval from your medical team? If so, let’s talk about the benefits of hula hooping and why it may be a good activity to add to your fitness routine.

Hula hooping while pregnant
  • Hula Hooping is a gentle, low-impact workout that is kind to your joints.
  • Hooping can improve your balance.
  • Excellent stress relief.
  • It’s fun!

1- Hula Hooping is a gentle, low-impact workout that is kind to your joints.

Many women endure aches and pains throughout their pregnancy. Hula hooping is low-impact and will not put additional stress on the joints or aggravate pregnancy-related aches and pains. This can make hooping an excellent workout for expectant mothers.

2- Hula Hooping can improve your balance and coordination.

Pregnant women may experience changes in balance and coordination as their bodies adapt to pregnancy. The baby bump can change a woman’s center of gravity and make her feel unsteady. Additionally, these big changes can place additional stress on the joints and pelvis. Hula hooping consistently strengthens the core and this can improve balance and coordination.

3- Excellent stress relief.

The gentle movements required for hooping can stimulate feel good hormones such as endorphins and serotonin and relieve aches and pains. The rocking motion stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which is calming and lowers cortisol levels.

It’s also a nice way to take some time for you. It is easy to turn on your favorite song, grab your hoop, and have a fun little hooping dance party in the comfort of your home. Your hoop will also give you a gentle, toning massage. You can also spin your hoop around your hands, arms, and legs to stimulate blood flow and circulation.

4- Hooping is fun!

The best kind of workout it the one that you look forward to. Hooping can feel a lot like play and you can invite your family and friends to do it with you. I personally think that hooping is even more fun than jogging, the treadmill, elliptical, biking, or resistance training. You also don’t need to leave your home or buy special equipment (once you find your hoop)to enjoy the amazing benefits of hooping!

Every time I pick up my hoop feels like a party. I feel confident, joyful, and strong. Now more than ever is the time to celebrate your beautiful, blossoming, body. You glow when you grow and pregnancy is a time when your own growth and development is in overdrive. You are bringing life into this world and that is a superpower.

*Bonus Benefits*

5- Hula hooping increases your body awareness.

Body awareness is crucial for giving birth. You will want to know how to tense and relax your muscles especially in the pelvic region. Hula Hooping increases your body awareness and teaches you how to isolate specific muscles and body parts.

Bee Varga the Hula Hooper continued to hula hoop throughout her pregnancy. Here is her story:

Hula hooping while pregnant

I had the privilege of speaking with Bee Varga the Hula Hooper about her experience with hooping throughout her pregnancy. Bee is a professional hula hooper who has traveled internationally to perform and teach. She retired from performing when she became pregnant with her beautiful daughter, but she carried on with her hula hooping routine. Hooping has helped her to stay in excellent condition before, during, and after her pregnancy.

Expert advice from Bee’s general practitioner

Bee’s general practitioner said that if someone was already exercising before pregnancy, then it is a good idea to continue. Additionally, she said that there is so much protection around your belly that will keep your little one safe.

Bee’s midwife agreed

Her midwife agreed and said that the types of movements required for hula hooping including movement of the spine, core muscles around the spine that help with posture could be beneficial. The rocking motion required for hooping stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which is calming and lowers cortisol levels. It is the same reason why we rock our babies to sleep at night. She said that this kind of exercise would be very beneficial and would help the baby to feel calm even in the womb. She even said that these motions could lessen back pain during her pregnancy.

Bee’s priorities shifted

When she became pregnant, Bee decided to let go of all attachments and judgements around her looks and appearance of her body. She planned for a home birth and her goal was to have a healthy, strong baby. Even with this shift, she wanted to continue to stay healthy so she continued to hoop throughout her pregnancy. She ate heartily and gained what felt like a lot of weight for her. Her midwife said that she could keep her blood sugar levels under control with exercise.

Hooping kept her healthy and happy throughout her pregnancy and beyond.

Thankfully, all of her readings, tests, and results stayed at an ideal level throughout her pregnancy. Her midwife said that her exercise routine helped her to stay healthy. She also said that in her experience, the ladies who continue exercising consistently, have better results.

Additional hooping benefits that Bee noticed:

  • Her sleep improved with exercise.
  • She had a better appetite.
  • She didn’t experience sickness before or during her exercise sessions.
  • Overall, she felt really good in her skin.

Hooping gave Bee the strength and body awareness she needed to give birth and helped her to bounce back.

Bee’s midwife also said that it would be very helpful throughout labor for her to be fit and well because you need strength and endurance to give birth. She also said that those who exercise while pregnant will be able to bounce back into shape more easily, afterwards. They may also experience less postpartum depression because exercise releases good feeling hormones such as endorphins and serotonin.

A healthy home birth

Bee called the hospital when her water broke, but it was hours before the midwife arrived. Life found a way and it ended up being a free home birth experience with no medication and no medical interventions. In those critical hours her family grew from 2 to 3.

Afterwards, and hours later, the midwife arrived with an ambulance. Bee utilized the tips and instructions that she learned from her Hypnobirthing Course. She said that these techniques helped her to cope with the pain during labor and afterwards until the medical professionals arrived.

Bee accomplished her mission and has a beautiful, strong, and healthy daughter.

Bee’s daughter Minka, was born healthy and strong. Minka is now nearly 8 years old and her development has been healthy. She started crawling on time, walking at 9 months, and once she started talking, she never stopped. Bee was able to bounce back into shape and didn’t have stretch marks after giving birth.

How to Hula Hoop? ??? Tutorial for Kids

Bee’s Recommendations for hooping while pregnant:

Hula hooping while pregnant

1- Consult your healthcare provider.

This is important because they are aware of your medical history and can give you good advice. Be sure to get their approval before you start hula hooping or doing any other kind of exercise.

2- Always listen to your body.

Your body is wise and will tell you what it needs. There will be days when you will have energy and other days you may feel exhausted. If you feel tired, take that time to rest. Continue to listen to your body while you exercise and modify when necessary. If you feel any pain stop immediately.

3- Ignore the people who are not very knowledgeable about pregnancy and exercise.

You may encounter naysayers or people who think that you should do things differently. While they probably mean well, their messages may not be helpful. You already have a lot going on mentally, physically, and emotionally, there is no time or energy to waste on extra stress and drama. Instead, listen to your doctor and the people who are qualified to give you advice.

4- Surround yourself with positive people.

Pregnancy is a sensitive time that can bring stress and concerns. Instead of worrying about what could go wrong, try to get excited and look forward to the magical experience of delivering your baby. Surround yourself with positive and uplifting people.

5- Surround yourself with positivity.

Read and watch as much positive and uplifting content as you can. Mental health is always important, but it is more important than ever when you are expecting. Try to avoid people, places, and thoughts that trigger you or cause a lot of stress. Instead, replace them with positive people, places, and thoughts.

6- Practice Meditation

Hula hooping itself is a lot like meditation. As we mentioned before, the rocking motion stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which is excellent for stress relief. I also really appreciate the way that hooping helps me to stay present and in the moment. When I get distracted or stuck in my head, the hoop swiftly drops and helps me click back into reality. Practicing meditation can teach you to remain calm. It is so helpful to remain calm during labor.

7- Practice Kegel exercises and look into perineal massage.

These practices will help you prepare not only for childbirth, but also for recovery.

Is it okay to hula hoop while pregnant?

Yes! You can hula hoop while pregnant, but there are things to consider:

1- Why are you hula hooping?

Think about your goals and what you are hoping to accomplish. Are you brand new to hula hooping and thinking about starting for exercise? Or are you a flow artist who wants to acquire more skills? Either way, you can continue to work towards these goals while you’re pregnant.

2- Core work during pregnancy

Hula hooping is an excellent core workout that will not overwork your abdominals. It is more important than ever to consciously exercise and make sure that you are not over taxing your muscles. Planking and sit-ups are not recommended during pregnancy, however, hula hooping is gentle enough to continue.

3- You can give your entire body a fun, gentle, and effective workout with a hula hoop.

Though your belly will grow throughout your pregnancy, know that you are not limited to just waist hooping. You can:

  • Leg hoop
  • Knee hoop (just above the knees. Not on the bone.)
  • Waist hoop, of course.
  • You can gently hoop around your neck
  • Elbow hoop
  • Hands

As your pregnancy progresses, it might be good to do less leg or knee hooping because sometimes the balance can be a little tricker than hooping on other limbs. Once you learn the basics, you can be creative and expand your repertoire.

4- What kind of hoop should you hoop with?

You will want to avoid the heavy, weighted hula hoops. A large HDPE or PE dance hula hoop with grip tape is a much better option. The beauty of getting a larger hoop is that it will come in handy even after your pregnancy. I enjoy hooping with my larger hoops especially when I’m learning new on-body techniques because the hoop spins slowly enough for my body to learn. The smaller, lighter hoops spin a lot quicker.

Hula Hooping technique

The proper hula hooping technique for a pregnant woman is similar to the technique for non-pregnant individuals, with a few modifications to take into account the changes that occur during pregnancy.

First, it is important to use a hoop that is the appropriate size and weight. Avoid the heavy weighted hula hoops. Choose a large diameter hula hoop. The hoop should be big enough to comfortably rotate around the waist without hitting the belly or other parts of the body.

Next, it is important to stand with your feet hip-width apart and to engage your core muscles by gently pulling your belly button in towards your spine. This will help to support the lower back and to protect the abdominal muscles.

When hooping, keep your arms relaxed and let the hoop rotate around your waist. You can move your hips side to side. Or put one foot in front of the other to create a solid base, then move front and back. Remember keep the movement slow, smooth and steady. Be aware of your balance, as pregnancy can cause changes in coordination and balance.

It is also important to pay attention to your body and to stop hooping if you experience any pain or discomfort. If you experience any pain or discomfort, you should stop and rest, and if it persists seek medical advice.

Overall, the proper hula hooping technique for a pregnant woman is similar to the technique for non-pregnant individuals, but it’s important to keep in mind to keep the movement slow, smooth and steady, be aware of your balance, pay attention to your body, and take breaks as needed.


Thank you so much for joining me today! I hope that this article was helpful and that you learned something new. Now I would love to hear from you. Are you thinking of hula hooping while pregnant? Do you have any questions or concerns? If so, please comment below!

Do you have experience with hula hooping throughout your pregnancy? What are you tips and tricks?

See you soon!

The post Hula Hooping while pregnant appeared first on Prepper Facts.

What are the benefits of hula hooping? Sun, 19 Feb 2023 05:38:26 +0000 Hula hooping is a fun and low-impact form of exercise that can provide a variety of health benefits. Of course there are the benefits that you are probably aware of...

The post What are the benefits of hula hooping? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Hula hooping is a fun and low-impact form of exercise that can provide a variety of health benefits. Of course there are the benefits that you are probably aware of that you can acquire through hooping and general exercise. In this article I want to dive even deeper and tell you about exciting benefits that are specific to hula hooping.

Let’s learn about the benefits of hula hooping from Professional Hula Hooper, Bee Varga.

For this article, I consulted my mentor, Bee Varga who is not just a mum and expert hula hooper, but also has many more qualifications including:

  • Hula Hoop Instructor 
  • Olympic Weightlifting Instructor
  • Kettlebell Coach
  • Personal Trainer
  • Freestyle Jump Rope Instructor
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Holistic Massage Therapist
  • Cupping Therapist
  • Access To Osteopathic Healthcare

Bee is a professional hooper who has traveled internationally since 2008 both to perform on stage and teach. She is a highly skilled and passionate performer / teacher who is down to earth, and extremely knowledgeable about fitness and wellness. When I asked her what her favorite benefits of hula hooping she told me the following.

Join Bee’s Hooping Studio today by clicking on this link!

What are the benefits of hula hooping?

  1. Hula Hooping is a workout for your skin.
  2. Active stress management.
  3. A fun and extremely gentle workout that doesn’t feel like work. Hooping is kind to your joints.
  4. Hooping improves posture, balance, and alignment.
  5. You receive instant feedback from your hoop. Hula hooping can reveal your imbalances and show you what you need to strengthen.
  6. Boosts metabolism and builds lean muscle mass.

1- Hula Hooping is a workout for your skin.

What are the benefits of hula hooping?

Did you know that hula hooping can make your skin look firmer and younger? Hooping provides a firm, toning massage. Your skin may turn a bit red wherever the hoop is spun. This is a good sign because the hoop is stimulating and manipulating your connective tissue. As a result, there is an increase of blood flow in that area and you will have a lot more oxygen and nutrients available for those cells.

Hula Hooping encourages your body to produce more collagen and elastin.

Collagen is a protein that is responsible for the firmness and structure of your skin. Elastin is also a protein that makes it possible for your skin to stretch and return to its original shape. If you’ve had a baby, or lost some weight, or want to improve your skin tone, hula hooping will provide an effective workout for your connective tissue which will improve the appearance of your skin.

*In addition to hooping around your waist, try spinning the hoop around your hands, arms, legs, hips, and even feet!

What are the benefits of hula hooping?

2- Active stress management.

Did you know that you can fine tune your active stress management with rocking? We rock our babies to sleep, but this motion is also very beneficial for adults. For most hooping moves, we utilize a rocking motion to keep our hula hoop spinning. Rocking is extremely beneficial for you because it stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. This helps us to saturate our cells in endorphins which are calming, good feeling hormones. There aren’t many workouts that encourage us to practice rocking. Hula hooping is a fun and easy way to acquire this amazing stress melting benefit.

Give your nervous system a vacation with hooping meditation.

Isn’t it amazing that practicing this rocking motion can give us a moment to switch off and forget about the stress and trouble we are dealing with? If you feel like life is a little overwhelming and your nervous system needs a vacation, give hula hooping a try.

What are the benefits of hula hooping?

Meditation, mindfulness, and yoga are often recommended for stress management and adrenal fatigue. For a long time, these practices didn’t fit well with my personality because it was challenging for me to slow down, switch off, and sit still. As a result, I felt even more anxiety when I attempted these activities which defeated the whole purpose.

I’m naturally high-strung and hooping helps me to feel more calm.

When I started hooping, I was pleasantly surprised by the way that these workouts put me in a calm, zen-like state. Even challenging and complex hooping skills encourage me to slow down and be calm enough to learn. I believe that my hooping practice has helped me to improve my ability to slow down and live in the moment. As a result, I am now able to practice yoga, meditation, and mindfulness when I want to. I also think that my problem solving skills have improved too (thanks to hooping)!

Visit this link to learn how to choose the ideal size and weight of a hoop. This technique might surprise you, but it works like a charm!

3-A fun and extremely gentle workout that doesn’t feel like work. Hooping is kind to your joints.

Hooping gives us the opportunity to gently get active and fit. It is a gentle entrance into the fitness world that you can easily enter without a serious background in working out, gymnastics, dance, or any other discipline. I like to refer to hula hooping as “the workout that doesn’t feel like work.” Because, when I’m hooping, I’m playing!

What are the benefits of hula hooping?

Hooping is a gentle way to get fit:

  • Extremely gentle on the joints
  • No pounding on the pavement
  • Doesn’t require the repetitive movements that will constantly apply pressure on the same joints at the same angle with your bodyweight

I permanently traded in my running shoes / gear for pretty hula hoops and never looked back!

When I started hooping, I had a foot injury from running. I frequently got injured and nursing and recovering from injuries started to feel like a way of life. I thought that it was “just part of growing older” and normal wear and tear. Hooping made it possible for me to stay in shape when I was injured and I thought that it was going to be a temporary phase.

Instead, I felt so many amazing benefits from hooping that I permanently retired my running shoes / gear and switched to hooping instead. Hooping took the pressure off of me and I was able to stop counting calories and tracking my mileage. I was more present and enjoying the journey! This hooping adventure also helps me to break down the tension that I used to carry when I was more overweight. When I hoop consistently, I notice that the stiffness in my body and joints disappears.

The constant wiggling generates heat. This:

  • Mobilizes the joints
  • Increases the range of motion in all of the joints
  • Can revive a tense and seized up body and bring it back to life!

Give your whole body and your joints a makeover with hooping!

Bee has been hooping for 15 years and she said that her joints have had a complete makeover. She now feels fitter, more flexible, and stronger than ever! This is my 2nd year of hooping and this is the longest that I have ever been injury free!

4- Hooping improves posture, balance, and alignment.

What are the benefits of hula hooping?

Hooping helps balance our alignment and establish equilibrium in our bodies. Most of us have a dominant (stronger) and non-dominant (weaker) side. This means that we have a tendency to favor one side over the other. For example, I am right-handed and I eat, rake, and sweep with my right hand. Mums often pick up their babies and rest them on the same side of their body each time (out of habit.) As a result, our preferred side becomes strong and dominant as it compensates for the weakness on the other side.

Favoritism can lead to imbalances and chronic pain.

Unfortunately, over time we can develop imbalances in the body that leads to chronic pain. Sometimes it can start with something as simple as a mild headache or tingly limbs. If you think that you may have imbalances in your body or your posture needs attention, you should give hula hooping a try! With hooping you cannot compensate and your weak side cannot get away with doing nothing. Your weaker side will have to start working and it will have no choice but to perform at the same intensity as your strong side. In this way, hooping can help you strengthen your weaknesses and fix imbalances.

5- You receive instant feedback from your hoop. Hula hooping can reveal your imbalances and show you what you need to strengthen.

What are the benefits of hula hooping?
  • Your hula hoop is an excellent diagnostic tool.
  • You receive instant feed back from your hula hoop the entire time.
  • If one side is taking it easy, your hoop will tilt downwards on that side and lose momentum.
  • While you are wiggling and playing, you are also fixing imbalances.

Hula Hoop = Personal Trainer!

When you are hula hooping, it is almost like a personal trainer is chasing you around and observing your form. Your hula hoop is like a coach. If you are taking it too easy and not generating enough momentum, your hoop will fall down. There is no time to chill and that is why hooping is an excellent cardio workout.

If you want to make a change and completely transform your physique and you need someone to keep their eyes on you, your hoop will tell you what to do. It’s simple, if you’re not doing it right, your hoop will fall down. Your hoop gives you instant feedback and keeps you working at the correct level of intensity (that will bring you the results you desire.)

Your hula hoop can improve your problem solving skills.

I personally think that a hula hoop is even better than a personal trainer. It will push you to problem solve and brainstorm while your creative juices flow. I love the way that my hoops teach me to focus on solutions rather than problems.

6- Boosts metabolism and builds lean muscle mass.

Hula hooping can boost your metabolism and help you build lean muscle mass, but the way that you hoop matters. For example, you can run for hours and hours, but you may break down your muscles rather than build them. Or you can workout for a shorter period of time, still get benefits, and build lean muscle mass. It is so healthy for your body to have strong, lean muscles. Exercise and lean muscle mass can improve your bone density and prevent injuries.

I used to run 5 – 13 miles 6 times a week, lift weights 5 times a week, and hula hoop everyday. I did lose weight, but I also lost hours of my day. Sometimes I would spend 3 hours working out and I started to worry that I wouldn’t get results because I couldn’t possibly do more than what I was already doing. Before long, I realized that I was overtraining and this was not sustainable. At the time, I could “swing it” because I work for myself and had nowhere that I needed to be, but I also felt very exhausted and grumpy.

I’m thankful that I figured out that I can spend a lot less time working out and still get wonderful results. I enjoy Bee Varga’s workouts because they are complete. She always includes a fun warm up and a challenging workout with conditioning, strength training, new skills, and a nice cool down. Click on this link to try her Sofa Spud to Hula Hottie course!

What are the benefits of Hula Hooping?

I’m thankful that I got such a comprehensive list of benefits that is specific to hula hooping! Check out Bee’s video to learn even more!


Are you a hula hooper? If so, what are your favorite benefits of hula hooping? Comment below to share! Are thinking about giving hula hooping a spin, but don’t know where to begin? I highly recommend Bee’s courses. Click on this link to start your journey today! Please comment below with your questions and thoughts. I would love to connect!

See you soon!

The post What are the benefits of hula hooping? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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What can hula hooping do to your body? Sat, 11 Feb 2023 23:36:07 +0000 If you are looking for a fun and challenging workout that doesn’t feel like work, you should give hula hooping a spin! It takes up little space, is portable, fun,...

The post What can hula hooping do to your body? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

If you are looking for a fun and challenging workout that doesn’t feel like work, you should give hula hooping a spin! It takes up little space, is portable, fun, and can give your entire body a dynamic workout.  Hooping has been around for centuries, and is evolving into both a popular pastime and effective form of exercise. What can hula hooping do to your body? Keep reading to learn more about the many benefits of hula hooping!

What can hula hooping do to your body?

You got to accentuate the positive

I discovered hula hooping when I was healing from a foot injury. I was worried about getting “out of shape” and wanted to find a gentle form of exercise that I could do while I was healing. 2 years later, hula hooping is my main workout that I look forward to doing every day!

Bee Varga the Hula Hooper helped me to discover my love of hula hooping! She is an amazing performer and an outstanding teacher.

Click the link below to try the challenge that helped me kick off my hooping journey:

A positive effect is that hooping can help to tone and strengthen the core muscles. This includes the abdominal muscles, obliques, and back muscles. Additionally, this can help to improve posture and balance, as well as reduce the risk of lower back pain.

Hula hooping can also be a fun cardio workout that improves cardiovascular health and burns calories. Consistent exercise is so beneficial for your body and can help reduce stress and boost your mood.

What can hula hooping do to your body?

Eliminate the negative (proper technique is key)

As with any form of exercise, improper technique can lead to injuries. The good news is that those injuries can easily be prevented. It’s important to acquire a proper fitting hoop for your body, learn proper form and technique, and listen to your body.

What can hula hooping do to your body?

While weighted hula hoops may challenge the abdominal muscles, the added weight can also increase the risk of injury. A good rule of thumb is to never use a hoop that is heavier than 1-2 lbs. It is important to start with a large and slightly weighted dance hoop that has grip tape. Visit my article: “What is the best weight of a hula hoop?” to learn how to choose the perfect size, weight, and material for your hoop. Once you build up your stamina and skills, you can start to size down for more of a challenge.

Additionally, if you have any pre-existing conditions such as osteoporosis or scoliosis, consult with a doctor before starting any kind of hula hooping practice.

10 Fun Reasons to Give Hula Hooping a Try:

What can hula hooping do to your body?
  1. Cardiovascular fitness: Hula hooping is a cardiovascular activity that increases heart rate and improves cardiovascular fitness. I specifically enjoy hula hooping because it feels more like a dance party than a cardio workout.
  2. Core strength: Hula hooping requires the use of the core muscles, including the abs, obliques, and lower back muscles. This can improve core strength and stability. There are so many fun and creative ways to utilize your hoop and strengthen your core. *Spoiler Alert* there are even more effective ways to challenge your core than just spinning the hoop around your waist.
  3. Improved coordination: Hula hooping requires the use of multiple muscle groups and coordination to keep the hoop spinning around the waist. As a result, your overall coordination and balance can improve. Also, you aren’t just limited to spinning the hoop around your waist. You can spin it around your chest, shoulders, hips, legs arms, and hands for even more benefits!
  4. Weight loss: Hula hooping can be a fun and effective way to burn calories and lose weight. The best workout is the one that you look forward to doing!
  5. Improved posture: Hula hooping engages the muscles of the back and shoulders, which can help to improve posture.
  6. Stress relief: Hula hooping can be a fun and relaxing activity can reduce stress and melt tension in the body. This can lower cortisol levels.
  7. Increased flexibility and mobility: Hula hooping can help to increase flexibility and mobility in the hips, legs, and spine.
  8. Increased confidence: Hula hooping can be a great way to build self-confidence and self-esteem. I feel happier and more confident than I ever felt in my teens and 20’s!
  9. Provides a firm, toning massage: Your hula hoop provides a firm, toning massage wherever it spins.
  10. Excellent low-impact workout: Hula hooping is low impact and kind to your joints. You can easily lower or raise the intensity and it is easy to modify every exercise to fit your needs.

However, as with any form of exercise, it is important to use proper technique and to start with a size and weight of hoop that is appropriate for your fitness level. It is also important to be the risk of the hoop hitting or damaging surrounding objects or people. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries, consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

Hooping improves your balance and coordination.

In addition to the benefits previously mentioned, hula hooping can also improve balance and coordination. The act of keeping the hoop spinning around the waist requires the use of core muscles and the constant movement can help improve balance and coordination. This can be especially beneficial for older adults or those recovering from injuries. Know that you aren’t limited to just spinning the hoop around your waist.

Try these fun variations to stack up even more benefits:

  1. Spin your hoop around your chest to break down tension in the upper body and increase the intensity of your workout.
  2. Let it drop to your hips then quickly wiggle to bring it back to your waist. Bee Varga calls this fun move “The Tease.”
  3. Try shoulder hooping for a fun challenge.
  4. Leg hooping will give you a nice leg massage.
  5. Hoop while standing on one foot. This is a good balance exercise to add to your routine.

Get in Shape with These 5 Fun and Effective Hula Hoop Moves

Hula hooping can be good for your mental health.

I love the fact that you can grab your hoop, turn on your favorite song, and take a quick moment for you. Even just a song’s worth of hooping can elevate your mood.

Hula hooping can also have a positive impact on mental health. The repetitive motion of hooping can be meditative and can help to reduce stress and anxiety. I think of my hula hooping as movement meditation.

Additionally, hula hooping can be a fun and social activity, which can improve overall mood and sense of well-being. Invite your family and friends to join you for a fun hooping session. It is a fun activity that people of all ages can do!

Overall, hula hooping can be a fun and effective way to improve physical and mental health. Remember to be mindful of proper technique and listen to your body to avoid injury.

Can Hula Hooping turn me into a hottie?

What can hula hooping do to your body?
What can hula hooping do to your body?

Who doesn’t want to feel and look their very best? Some of the hula hooping skills that I have learned have made me feel like a total superhero! There’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel sexy, confident, and strong!

Hula hooping can help you burn calories and tone your muscles, which can lead to weight loss and improved body composition. It is a full-body workout that can target your core, legs, arms, and back muscles. Hula hooping also improves cardiovascular fitness, coordination, and balance.

Click this link to try Bee Varga’s Hula Hottie course today!

Hula hooping is a full-body workout that targets many different muscle groups. The core muscles, including the abdominal and oblique muscles, are heavily engaged as the hoop is kept spinning around the waist. The hips, back, and legs also receive a workout as they are used to maintain balance and control the hoop’s movement. Additionally, hula hooping can help improve posture and flexibility, which can give the appearance of a taller, leaner physique.

Remember that every “body” is different and will respond differently to exercise.

What can hula hooping do to your body?

When it comes to specific physical changes, such as becoming a “hottie,” it’s important to remember that everyone’s body is different and will respond differently to exercise. Some people may see significant changes in a short period of time, while others may not see as much change. Remember to focus on your own health and wellness rather than trying to conform to societal standards of beauty. Be patient, trust the process, and focus on feeling good.

Yes, hula hooping can be a great addition to a healthy lifestyle and can help improve your physical appearance, but it’s important to remember that it’s just one aspect of overall health and wellness. It’s important to focus on your own well-being and not to compare yourself to others.

Hula hooping is a form of exercise that can provide a variety of physical and mental benefits, but it is important to note that beauty is subjective and can’t be measured by physical appearance alone. However, regular hula hooping can improve overall health and fitness, which can have a positive effect on one’s appearance.

Know that you are already beautiful exactly how you are. Inner beauty and self-confidence are also important factors in determining one’s overall appearance. Regular hula hooping can improve overall health and fitness, which can have a positive effect on self-confidence and self-esteem, which in turn can make people feel more attractive.

Can You Burn Calories Hula Hooping? Just Have Fun Workout!

Focus on feeling good

The best kind of workout is fun and uplifting. It elevates your mood, stimulates your brain, and helps you feel more confident and strong. Hula hooping has become that workout for me. It is challenging and I look forward to conquering those new challenges and learning new skills. I never dreamed that I would be able to do handstands, deep backbends, the splits, and so much more. I also grew up thinking that I didn’t have good hand eye coordination, but now I can catch and toss almost anything with ease. My hula hooping journey has helped me accomplish these milestones and so much more. Most of all, I’m thankful for the way that hula hooping has brought so much joy to my life.

Do you want to enjoy the amazing benefits of hula hooping? Grab your hoop and start spinning!

To broaden your horizons, try Bee Varga’s Hula Hooping Studio (Weekly Uploads to keep your hooping journey on fire, entertain your mind and challenge your body, keep you evolving and thriving! Challenges, Tutorials, Workouts, Flows, Hula Hoop Dance Fitness Classes. 
The growing Library gets new uploads regularly to keep you growing and achieving more!)


What can hula hooping do to your body?

In summary, hula hooping can provide a variety of physical and mental benefits, including improved fitness, weight loss, and body toning. As a result, hula hooping can contribute to an overall more attractive appearance and improve self-confidence, which is an important aspect of beauty. It’s important to remember that beauty is subjective and can’t be measured by physical appearance alone. I believe that the happiest people are the most beautiful.

Hula hooping can certainly be a great way to get in shape and improve your physical appearance, but it is important to note that it is just one aspect of a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are all essential for overall health and wellness.

What are your goals? Are you hooping for fitness, fun, or all of the above? Comment below to share!

? Alana

The post What can hula hooping do to your body? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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What is the best weight for a hula hoop? Mon, 06 Feb 2023 04:51:57 +0000 A common challenge for new hula hoopers is figuring out the right hula hoop size and weight. Hula hooping is a fun and dynamic form of physical activity that people...

The post What is the best weight for a hula hoop? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

A common challenge for new hula hoopers is figuring out the right hula hoop size and weight. Hula hooping is a fun and dynamic form of physical activity that people of all ages enjoy. The size and weight of your hoop can affect the type of movement and style of hooping, as well as the muscle activation and cardiovascular benefits. In order to determine the best weight for a hula hoop, it is important to consider your level of fitness, experience with hula hooping, as well as your fitness goals. What is the best weight for a hula hoop? Keep reading to find out!

Hula Hoopers Don’t Give Up!

Have you ever picked up and hoop and tried to spin it around your waist only for it to fall down? I’m raising both arms right now?. I think that every hula hooper who has ever lived has had this experience. The sad truth is that many a promising hooping career has probably ended with that moment. Our hoop comes crashing to the ground and we think, “I feel silly for even trying.” Or “I’m probably too old for this anyways.” Others think, “I’m probably not meant to be a hula hooper.” I thought, “What the Heck am I thinking? It’s impossible for me to learn all of those cool and sexy hooping moves!”

I’ve had these thoughts many times, but I’m so thankful that I didn’t allow the doubts to discourage me from trying again. I would have missed out on the greatest physical and mental transformation in my life. And this is only the beginning!

*Spoiler alert* The size (diameter), material, and weight of your hoop can make or break your experience.

What is the best weight for a hula hoop?
What is the best weight for a hula hoop?

Become a hula hooper! It could change your whole life.

Of course I’m biased and I’m so proud of it too. I fondly remember when my mentor, Bee Varga first told me that I was a hula hooper and could become a specialist. I couldn’t believe that I could become a specialist, but I loved the way it sounded. And the fact that Bee believed in me helped me to believe in myself too. It’s all about your mindset. If you commit to even just hooping for 5 minutes a day, embrace the journey, then gradually add more time; it can improve your life for the best.

6 months into my journey, while I was struggling to learn the elbow pass a fellow hooper (we shall call her O) in our amazing hooping studio community shared a video of her nailing that elbow pass. Please treat yourself, click on this link, and join Bee Varga’s Hooping Studio. Your wellness is the ultimate investment. I felt SO inspired from seeing her journey and it gave me hope that I could learn the elbow pass too. When I commented to thank her for sharing and told her about how I’m currently trying to learn this move O said:

Hula Hoopers Don’t Give Up!

O from Bee’s Hooping Studio

If something doesn’t work out, pivot and try a different route!

That was a pivotal moment for me in my journey. I’m not sure if she understands the significance of her words, but from that point on I felt like I really belonged to something. I was now a “Hula Hooper” and hula hoopers don’t give up! Sometimes I still drop my hoop and struggle with new moves and when I do I remind myself that “Hula Hoopers don’t give up.” Just wanted to share that with you. They are powerful words that I refer to often when I’m going through challenges (even non-hoop related challenges.)

The material, size, and weight of your hoop matters

What is the best weight for a hula hoop?
What is the best weight for a hula hoop?

I’m saying all of this because hooping takes some doing… It doesn’t happen overnight and it can be challenging to learn new skills. However, I promise you that it is all worth-it and if you’re consistent, your hard work will pay off! I love the fact that it’s so easy to get started and you can hoop anywhere. You don’t need a fancy gym membership or fancy clothes and gear. Just a good hoop. I also have some good news for you. Your hoop was dropping because it was probably too light and too small and not the proper size for you. This can be fixed!

If you have fitness goals or just want to get the hoop to spin, the size and weight of your hoop can have a direct effect on your experience.

The best hoop for beginners is a large and slightly weighted dance hoop

If you have a small and lightweight hoop as a beginner, it can be nearly impossible to start because the hoop will spin super fast. When you’re starting out, you can never have a hoop that is too large. In fact, bigger is better, diameter wise. It’s a different story when you’re considering the weight of your hula hoop.

Can a hoop be too heavy?

What is the best weight for a hula hoop?

Dumbbell rules don’t apply to hula hoops

I think that the fitness industry has made things a little confusing. When you lift weights, it’s true that you need progressive overload to improve and grow your muscles. To accomplish this, you add weight with time. The market is starting to push hoops that are as heavy as 10 pounds and this can be dangerous for users.

Some people think that a heavier hoop will help you lose more weight or help you get fitter, but the harsh reality is that it can lead to injuries. Keep in mind that the market is after our money and they don’t care about the negative repercussions. Furthermore, hoops that are excessively heavy can cause severe bruising on the hips and abdomen and can also damage internal organs.

You should never get a hoop that is heavier than 1-2 lbs. Anything beyond that is unnecessary and risky.

Which hula hoop should you choose?

The type of hula hoop you choose, depends on your goals and your size. What are your fitness goals? Do you want to have fun and feel good? Do you want to sculpt an hourglass figure and change your physique? Are you hoping to improve your cardiovascular health? Or maybe you want to build muscle mass and look bulky and strong. Are you just interested in tricks like hand tricks, poi moves, and juggling? Is your life stressful and do you need a good creative outlet to let out some steam? Do you hope to improve your flexibility and mobility? There’s a hoop for all of that!

What is the best weight for a hula hoop?
What is the best weight for a hula hoop?

The different kinds of hoops that we shall cover today are:

  • Toy shop hoops / Small Hoops
  • Weighted hula hoops
  • Dance Hoops: Polypro, HDPE, and PE
  • Wooden hoops
  • Metal hoops

Toy Shop Hoops / Small Hoops

These are the hoops that you can find in the toy aisle or even your local dollar store. A toy hoop is too light and too tiny for fitness hooping. It travels around the body too fast and will quickly drop. However, these hoops work well as training tools for hand moves, foot hooping, and tosses.

Good for: Learning hand tricks, arm hooping, foot hooping, neck hooping, twins / poi moves.

Bad for: Chest, shoulder, waist, hips, and leg hooping. The hoop will fall down.

What does a weighted hula hoop do?

A weighted hula hoop differs from a traditional hula hoop in that it is heavier and typically weighs between 1 and 2 pounds. This added weight provides additional resistance as the hoop is spun. As a fitness enthusiast you probably already know that you need to continually push yourself in your workouts to progress. For example, when you lift dumbbells, you reach for heavier weights as you get stronger. With this in mind, it would be easy to think that a heavier hula hoop would help us get fitter and deliver better results.

A hula hoop is the opposite of dumbbells when it comes to weight.

With hula hoops it is the exact opposite of dumbbells. The heavier a hula hoop is, the easier it is to keep it going. The lighter the hoop, the harder it is to keep going. Weighted hula hoops are covered in layers of spongy foam. This serves as an effective shock absorber. The whole point of a hula hoop is to get a bit “beat up.” That way you can feel your muscles contract wherever the hula hoop travels. The spongy covering wrapped around weighted hula hoops interferes with this beneficial impact. As a result, you will miss out on a firm toning massage AND build bulk.

Weighted hula hoop reminders:

  • Heavier is not better.
  • Weighted hoops do not improve cardiovascular fitness in the long run.
  • Like a dumbbell, this heavier hoop will add muscle mass.
  • You will look strong, but also thick.
  • This hoop will not sculpt an hourglass waist.
  • It may work well for men who want to look strong and add muscle mass to that area.

Even professional hula hooper, Bee Varga, says that she has never owned a weighted hula hoop. She also thinks that this type of hoop probably wasn’t designed by a hula hooper. It will not offer many benefits once you can keep your hoop spinning.

Can be used for: General fitness and hula hoop workouts. Walking with your hoop.

Not good for: Hoop tricks, off body, or hooping any place that is not the waist and hips. Weighted hoops are NOT suitable for children.

Dance Hula Hoops

  • Polypro is the lightest
  • HDPE is heavier
  • P.E. is the heaviest and commonly used for beginner dance hoops

What are dance hoops made of?

When you are learning the basics of hooping, it is super helpful to have a hoop with a large diameter and slightly heavier material. Adult beginner dance hoops are typically made from 3/4″ diameter 100 PSI PE tubing. The tubing is heavy enough for beginners, but hoopers of all levels can enjoy this kind of hoop. You don’t need anything heavier than 1-2 lbs. These hoops also have grip tape which is essential to keep the hoop from slipping.

In the world of dance hoops there are Polypro hoops, HDPE, and P.E hoops. Both Bee and I don’t use polypro hoops for our training. Bee has performed and taught with polypro, but she doesn’t use them because her goals are fitness and physique driven. She sticks with HDPE and wooden hoops. My favorite hoops are PE and HDPE hoops and I’m dreaming of the day that I can get a set of wooden hoops.

At this point, it is important for you to consider your personal goals. What do you hope to accomplish during your hooping journey? Polypro is better for tricks and HDPE / PE is better for fitness.

What is a Polypro Hoop?

Polypro is a nickname for polypropylene (PP) which is the type of plastic that this hoop created with.

  • These hoops are usually lighter than fitness hoops and HDPE hoops
  • Polypro comes in a wide plethora of colors. You can probably find a polypro in any color that you can think of!
  • Great for off-body tricks, tosses, and juggling
  • You can do on-body moves with polypro too, but I recommend getting a large hoop because it moves quickly
  • If you go polypro, grab some grip tape!

I treat my polypro hoops the same way that I treat my small / toy hoops. They are learning tools that work well for:

  • Hand moves
  • Arm tricks
  • Hooping around the limbs, but not the core and trunk
  • Learning leg hooping
  • Practicing foot hooping

HDPE or P.E.

What is the best weight for a hula hoop?

You can also get a dance hoop made from HDPE. Know that HDPE hoops are more lightweight and move faster. Last winter, I ordered a 33″ 3/4 HDPE hoop and noticed that it is significantly lighter than my other hoops, but not as light as my polypro hoop. This HDPE hoop has become my favorite hoop to use when I am practicing any kind of toss, isolations, single leg hooping, and foot hooping. If I wanted an HDPE hoop for my workouts, I would choose a larger diameter (around 38″ – 42″.)

Specifically HDPE tips

If your goal is to hula hoop to get fit and change your physique, then Bee recommends a 25mm. or 20mm. thick HDPE hoop.

  • 25 mm. hoops for workouts and conditioning
  • 20 mm. for stage and performance

The size and weight of your hoop REALLY matters

The weight of the hoop can affect the type of movement and style of hooping. Lighter weight hoops are more suitable for off-body hooping, while heavier hoops are better for on-body hooping. The weight of the hoop can also affect the speed at which the hoop can be moved, with lighter hoops allowing for faster spinning. A larger, slower-spinning hoop is best for beginners.

What is the best weight for a hula hoop?

As a beginner hooper, we usually start with a thicker hoop that is large in diameter. As we become fitter and more proficient, we can transition to a smaller hoop for a challenge. Most of the hula hoop seller websites say that when your hoop is placed in front of your body in an upright position, the top of your hoop should reach your belly button. Is this true? In reality, your height doesn’t have anything to do with your shape (when it comes to finding a properly fitting hoop.)

A bigger hula hoop will make your learning experience better. This is because the hoop will move slower and will give your body enough time to figure things out.

Choose your Dance Hoop Diameter based on your dress size:

Dress Size:XS, SmallMediumLarge, XL, XXL
Metric:81 – 91 cm.91 – 101 cm.101 – 111 cm.
Inches:32 – 36 inch.36 – 40 inch.40 – 44 inch.

Choosing my hoop diameter based on this chart made all the difference in the world! When I purchased my first (and last) polypro hoop, I followed the chart on the seller’s website. As a result, I was so disappointed. They based their chart on height and the bellybutton to the ground rule. I am 4’11” and the diameter that was recommended based on that chart was 30″ To this day, I can’t effectively spin that hoop around my waist. I don’t even use it for anything else because it is so light. It can be fun to toss and practice juggling with because it is springy, but that’s about it. I think that I would have had a better experience if I had chosen the hoop based on dress size. If I had, I would have bought a 42 inch hoop with grip tape. Lesson learned. I still plan on sticking with HDPE.


Professional Hula Hooper, Bee Varga will talk about the best weight for a hula hoop in the video below!

Let’s talk about hula hoop materials:

The material a hula hoop is made with makes a difference.

  • Plastic is the “best” and the most accessible. This includes: PE, HDPE, and Polypro.
  • Wooden hula hoops are better for the planet.
  • Wooden and metal hula hoops are Very firm and will beat you up. These materials are NOT beginner friendly because they will cover you in bruises when you first start using them. With consistency and practice, your skin and body will acclimate.
  • HDPE and PE hoops may cause some bruising in the beginning, but those bruises are nothing compared to wooden and metal hoops.
  • Metal and wooden hoops are for the “no-pain, no gain” guys and girls.

Let’s tie it all together

For beginners, it is beneficial to start with a large, lightly weighted dance hoop. A large dance hoop spins slower and allows for easy manipulation and control of the hoop. This will allow the individual to learn proper technique and form. It can also reduce the risk of injury and make it easier to maintain momentum while hooping. As the individual becomes more experienced and comfortable with hula hooping, they may choose to shrink the size of the hoop for a greater challenge and to increase muscle activation.

Studies have shown that using a weighted hula hoop can result in increased muscle activation in various muscle groups. For example, a study published in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine found that using a weighted hula hoop resulted in a significant increase in muscle activation in the rectus abdominis, obliques, and gluteus maximus. This suggests that using a weighted hula hoop can be an effective form of exercise for individuals looking to increase muscle strength and tone.

5 Hula Hoop buying tips:

What is the best weight for a hula hoop?
  1. Select your hoop based on your dress size. See the chart above.
  2. What are your hula hoop goals? Are you using the hula hoop for fitness or just for fun? Heavier hoops are best for fitness, while lighter ones are great off body tricks and tricks around the limbs.
  3. Consider the material of the hula hoop: Weighted hoops that have the layers of foam are not beneficial because the layers serve as shock absorbers and take away benefits. Polyethylene hula hoops are lighter, HDPE is a little heavier, PE hoops are even heavier. Wooden and Metal hoops are the heaviest and are for more experienced hoopers.
  4. Try different hoops: Try different hoops until you find a hoop that works best for you. I use different hoops for different purposes.
  5. Adjust as needed: Start with a larger hoop. As you improve, you may want to decrease the diameter and weight of your hula hoop. It’s okay to experiment until you find the right weight for you.

How to keep up a hula hoop? Let me help you start your hooping journey


In conclusion, the best weight for a hula hoop ultimately depends on your personal preferences and fitness goals. It’s important to experiment with different sizes and weights to find what feels comfortable and challenging. With the right weight, hula hooping can provide a fun, dynamic and effective form of physical activity that can improve overall health and well-being.

Hula hooping is not only beneficial for physical health, but also for mental well-being. The repetitive motion of hula hooping can be meditative and help reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, hula hooping is a low impact form of exercise, making it suitable for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. It is also a fun and social activity that can be enjoyed with friends and family.

Overall, hula hooping can be a fun, effective, and versatile form of exercise that can provide a wide range of health benefits. With the right weight / size of hoop, it can be an even more effective workout that can target specific muscle groups and provide a good challenge.

Visit this link to start your journey today!

Thank you for joining me for today’s article. I hope it was helpful and please comment below with your questions.

See you soon!

The post What is the best weight for a hula hoop? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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Different Kinds of Hula Hoops and Their Uses Mon, 24 Oct 2022 06:51:57 +0000 Welcome to the exciting world of hula hooping! There was a time when I was only familiar with the kid hoops that you can get from the toy section at...

The post Different Kinds of Hula Hoops and Their Uses appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Welcome to the exciting world of hula hooping! There was a time when I was only familiar with the kid hoops that you can get from the toy section at a store. My world opened up when I saw some friends dancing with hula hoops around our bonfire and my mind was blown the first time I saw a person use a fire hoop at the Rainbow Gathering. This was also around the time when I was introduced to the weighted fitness hula hoop. Back then, I wanted them all, but they all seemed like skills beyond my reach. Let’s talk about different kinds of hula hoops and their uses.

Different Kinds of Hula Hoops and their uses:

There are different kinds of hula hoops and different hoops serve different purposes. Like anything else, each hoop style has strengths and weaknesses. Let’s start with the most common hoop that most people are familiar with.

1- Small hoops / toy hoops

Different Kinds of Hula Hoops and Their Uses

These hoops are not good for waist hooping. They are too lightweight and little and do not pick up enough momentum. While kids can hula hoop (with a proper fitting hoop), these hoops aren’t ideal for them either. I’ve said it and I wanted to save you the disappointment that I experienced when I rushed to the toy section of Target to get my hands on a hoop. I had ordered a weighted hula hoop on Amazon, but was too excited to wait and wanted to start immediately.

I picked out a shiny pink hoop and rushed home to give it a spin. When I tried to spin it around my waist, but the hoop came crashing down almost faster than I could spin it. I tried again and again, but it was all in vain. I don’t want to say that it was demoralizing, but it was super discouraging and took the steam out of my enthusiasm. When my bf asked me to choose a quieter workout, I decided to call it a night. My constant hoop drops were making a lot of noise so I can’t blame him. At that point hooping felt like such a struggle that I wondered if it would be possible for me to learn how to hoop.

Toy hoops can still come in handy

While these little hoops are not ideal for waist hooping, they can still come in handy. I like to use my toy hoops to learn hand moves, foot hooping, and poi moves. A bigger hoop that you would use for waist hooping can get heavy in a hurry so it’s helpful to have smaller, lightweight hoops that you can use as learning tools.

If you want to pick out a good hula hoop for kids, the video below is a complete guide. Minka will tell you about the ideal size, thickness, and material.

What hula hoop is best for kids? | Complete Guide: size, thickness, material

Good for: Learning hand tricks, arm hooping, foot hooping, neck hooping, twins / poi moves.

Bad for: Chest, shoulder, waist, hips, and leg hooping. The hoop will fall down.

2- Weighted Hula Hoops

Different kinds of hula hoops and their uses

I was eager to get a weighted hula hoop because it claimed to be a killer ab workout and who doesn’t want a sexy hourglass shape? It almost sounded too good to be true! Was it really possible to get a snatched core without doing planks, crunches, and sit-ups? Hula hooping seemed a lot like dancing and that really appealed to me. If I could figure out how to keep the hoop up it might be the kind of workout that I could fall in love with.

Weighted hoop tips:

  • Avoid hoops that weigh over 2 lbs. They can cause serious bruising, be painful to use, and open you up to a higher risk of injury.
  • Try to get a hoop that has at least a 40 inch diameter. A larger hoop is better for beginners because it gives you enough time to learn and get acquainted with the motion.
  • Avoid “massage hoops” that have lumps, bumps, or knobs on them. This can cause bruising.

What is a weighted hula hoop?

A weighted hula hoop is a heavier version of the typical hoop usually weighing in at 1-2 lbs. It is constructed with heavier plastic or a metal core that is surrounded by exterior padding or foam. This hoop typically breaks down into individual pieces which allows you to customize the size according to your body type. Affordability makes these hoops an appealing option with prices that range from $20-$60.

Are weighted hula hoops effective?

When used correctly a weighted hoop can be a low impact form of exercise that burns calories and provides an alternative to high impact exercises like running and jump-rope. I acquired my weighted hula hoop when I was nursing a foot injury that I got from running. I was trying to decide between chair yoga, riding a stationary bike, and hula hooping. I’m so glad that I chose hula hooping.

Proceed with caution

When it comes to hula hooping, bigger and heavier is NOT better.

Let’s talk about the caveats. It’s always good to exercise caution with any form of exercise. Make sure that you start every session with a good warm-up to get your blood flowing and to prevent injuries.

Some light bruising may occur when you start using any kind of hula hoop, but if a hoop is too heavy it may cause severe bruising or even internal injuries to the organs. Weighted hoops can reach up to 5 lbs, but you should never go above 2 lbs.

People with a history of low back pain should be extra mindful that using a weighted hula hoop requires a repetitive motion that can exacerbate an old injury. Individuals with pre-existing conditions such as herniated disks or a history of spinal fractures should get medical clearance from their doctor before using a weighted hoop.

Listen to your body. If you notice bruising, chest pain, or any kind of prolonged pain in your body you should stop immediately. The best kind of workout is the one that you can stick with and if it is causing your pain then you shouldn’t push through the pain and risk getting injured.

My personal opinion: spin or skip?

I had my stint with a weighted hula hoop when I first started, but I quickly found myself searching for a better hoop. It did cause bruising in the first two weeks. Thankfully, the bruising went away, but it was a little alarming to see. Once I got started, I enjoyed hooping and was eager to continue. This hoop is heavy and moves slowly and my goal was to start learning how to dance with my hoop and do off body and on body tricks. It is not a practical hoop for these kinds of goals.

Remember: your workout equipment is a tool that should not torture or damage you. Speaking of torture, I have even seen some hoops reach 6 lbs that have knobs. If I were you, I would avoid those types of hoops. My sister got one of the heavy knobbed hoops and it badly bruised her. In fact, if I could do it over again I would skip this type of hoop and search for a good dance hoop. I actually felt kind of bummed that I couldn’t start learning some of the fun-looking moves that required a less-bulky hoop. The money could have been better spent on a hoop that was in alignment with my goals.

In the video below, these ladies tried the 30 day weighted hula hoop challenge. It is definitely worth watching if you are curious about what it’s like to use a weighted hoop.

Trying the 30 Day WEIGHTED Hula Hoop Challenge! * we bruised.. quickly*

I like how she said to “use at your own risk” and if you notice pain and a lot of bruising to stop.

Can be used for: General fitness and hula hoop workouts. Walking with your hoop.

Not good for: Hoop tricks, off body, or hooping any place that is not the waist and hips. Weighted hoops are NOT suitable for children.

3- Dance / Fitness Hoops

Different Kinds of Hula Hoops and Their Uses

After my weighted hoop experience, I was eager to continue my hooping journey with a dance / fitness hoop. My favorite hoop of all time is this dance hoop built by The Spinsterz. Now I have a massive stack of hula hoops from all makers and have started to build my own hula hoops, but I still reach for my Spinsterz hoop before the others. I liked it so much that I got a 2nd hoop in the same size and color. Did you know that you can increase the intensity of your workouts, by spinning 2 or more hoops at the same time?

Huge Collection of Hula Hoop Tutorials & Workouts! ??? GOLDMINE! | Bee Varga the Hula Hooper

Dance Hoop Tips:

  • Get a large hoop with grip tape
  • While it is possible to get a hoop that is too small to learn with, no hoop will ever be too large
  • You canNOT go wrong with a bigger hoop
  • Every body is different and I will write a hoop buying guide soon, but I recommend aiming for a 40 inch diameter hoop to start with. I wouldn’t go smaller than 38 inches

What are dance hoops made of?

When you are learning the basics of hooping, it is super helpful to have a hoop with a large diameter and slightly heavier material. Adult beginner dance hoops are typically made from 3/4″ diameter 100 PSI PE tubing. The tubing is heavy enough for beginners, but hoopers of all levels can enjoy this kind of hoop. You don’t need anything heavier than 1-2 lbs. These hoops also have grip tape which is essential to keep the hoop from slipping.

What size is my hoop?

I am 4’11” and on some days I can even reach 5′ if I stretch enough. My 1st hoop was a 38″ PE hoop with pink grip tape. It has been a great size for waist / hip / chest and leg hooping. I also learned how to shoulder hoop and do duckouts with this size, but if I had to do it over again I would try to get a larger hoop for learning shoulder hooping.

When I signed up for Bee Varga’s Showgirl 2 course I ordered twin 36″ hoops because smaller hoops are easier to work with when learning poi moves. I also wanted to challenge myself with a smaller size. The smaller your hoop is the quicker you have to move to keep it up. This is a good way to challenge yourself. I still constantly reach for my 38″ hoops it is my favorite size for learning and flow.

HDPE Hoops

Different Kinds of Hula Hoops and Their Uses

You can also get a dance hoop made from HDPE, but HDPE hoops are more lightweight and move faster. Last winter, I ordered a 33″ 3/4 HDPE hoop and noticed that it is significantly lighter than my other hoops, but not as light as my polypro hoop. This HDPE hoop has become my favorite hoop to use when I am practicing any kind of toss, isolations, single leg hooping, and foot hooping. I can kind of waist hoop with it, but it’s not ideal because the hoop spins so fast. Additionally, I haven’t managed to sustain angle hooping for long periods of time either. I see it as a “goal hoop” I would like to work up (or down) to this size because it would be easier to travel with than my larger dance hoops.

If I could only choose 1 hoop and my goal was total body fitness, I would choose my 36 inch PE dance hoop.

Which hula hoop to choose for fitness? | Bee Varga

Bee Varga the Hula hooper is my go-to person for all things hula hoop and fitness related. She has been a professional hula hooper since 2008 and has traveled internationally to perform on stage and teach. When she became a mum she started teaching online courses. These are the courses that helped me to kick-off and continue my hula hoop journey and I highly recommend them! Taking Bee’s hula hoop courses has transformed my entire life and helped me discover passion, confidence, and abilities that I didn’t even know that I had. She will push you (kindly), challenge you, and help you to become the best version of yourself!

4- Polypro Hoops

Polypro hoops are super trendy and popular especially in the flow and festival world. Many people refer to polypro hoops as “advanced hoops.” They are lightweight, springy, and can move lightening fast with practice. This is nice if you know what you’re doing, but learning some moves can be difficult with such a light hoop.

Polypro is great for learning off body tricks and juggling. When I first started learning how to toss I was using my PE hoop and it was heavy. I often found myself ducking and covering like the sky was falling and chasing my hoop everywhere ??On a side note, this provides a really good upper body workout and you will feel the burn in your arms.

I noticed a very obvious difference when I attempted the same tosses with my polypro hoop. The hoop was very responsive to my movement, light, quick, and bouncy. Because the hoop was much lighter I was less afraid of getting hit with it.

What is a polypro hoop?

Polypro is a nickname for polypropylene (PP) which is the type of plastic that this hoop created with.

  • These hoops are usually lighter than fitness hoops and HDPE hoops
  • Polypro comes in a wide plethora of colors. You can probably find a polypro in any color that you can think of!
  • Great for off-body tricks, tosses, and juggling
  • You can do on-body moves with polypro too, but I recommend getting a large hoop because it moves quickly

WARNING: Hoop shopping may become an addiction!

Different Kinds of Hula Hoops and Their Uses

You will soon see that hula hoop acquisition can become an addiction. Hula hoops of every variety are beautiful and shiny and it’s exciting to buy them. Hoopers on Instagram, Tik-tok and other social media platforms rave about polypro hoops and it is the kind of hoop that I see many hoopers using. Online hula hoop vendors also advertise polypro hoops as being “advanced hoops” and the be-all-to-end-all. I didn’t want to be left out and the colorful hoops just looked so pretty that I had to order one. In fact, I ordered 2! I ordered a 30 inch 3/4 and a 28″ 5/8 hoop around the same time.

polypro hoops
The yellow hoop is my 30″ 3/4 and the green hoop is a 28″ 5/8. There is a big difference in thickness.

I was honestly disappointed with my polypro hoops…

I have to be honest with you and say that when my polypro hoops arrived in the mail I was super disappointed. It felt like I had been taken as my heart flooded with regret and I wondered, “what the heck did I just spend money on?” Unwrapping a taped dance hoop versus a polypro hoop is a completely different experience. I had to reread the marketing posts about how great and advanced polypro hoops are to console myself. When I took them for a spin I still felt bummed because I couldn’t spin the hoops around the waist and they quickly fell down.

When I talked with my teacher Bee about my buyer’s remorse she said that the hoops will probably come in handy at some point. Her favorite hoops are wooden hoops. Her 2nd favorite material is HDPE, and polypro is her least favorite. She said that when she was a performer on stage the company wanted her to switch from HDPE to polypro and she lost some of her muscle tone and fitness from the switch because it wasn’t as challenging. She had fun with the swiftness and speed, but her top priority is fitness so she switched back to HDPE.

I felt a lot better after talking with Bee and I haven’t purchased a polypro hoop ever since. They are my loneliest hoops because I reach for them the least. I think that if I had gotten a larger sized polypro like a 36″ of 38″ I might have had a better experience, but I made the mistake of ordering hoops that were so small. If you do decide to go with polypro, I recommend adding grip tape. These hoops usually are bare and they can be super slippery.

Different Kinds of Hula Hoops and Their Uses

The video below showcases several people using polypro hoops. I think it beautifully demonstrates the most popular polypro moves.

The affirmations are a beautiful touch! As you can see they are mostly doing off-body tricks with an occasional dip within the hoop.

My view on polypro hoops may not be the popular opinion, but I stand by it!

5- “Smart” hoops

Different Kinds of Hula Hoops and Their Uses
I couldn’t even find stock images of the “smart hoop” so I had to borrow this image from Amazon. “Won’t fall on you?” That doesn’t make a lot of sense.

My 1st question is: “Can you even call this a hoop?!?!”

*Before we got any further, this may need a trigger warning. I apologize in advance if you currently use a smart hoop and disagree with my opinion. I mean no disrespect and I don’t want to offend anyone.

This seems more like a belt than a hoop to me and all of the listings on Amazon seem super sketchy and look photo-shopped. These smart hoops made a splash during the 2020 pandemic as everyone was desperate for a good home-workout. Smart hoop videos have flooded youtube and social media.

What the heck is a “smart” hoop?

“Smart” hoops are being manufactured by several Chinese companies and millions of dollars are being spent on marketing this product. They are not hula hoops at all, but belts that are meant to imitate the hula hoop motion without having to spin an actual hoop. This product is “hoop drop proof” because it stays connected to you at all times. There is a weight attached to a string that swivels along the belt while you move. The belt itself is comprised of plastic snappable pieces.

As you can see, I’ve been wrapping the word “smart” in quotations because I think that the use of the word smart is a marketing ploy that sells. It is clever marketing because we all want to be smart about our workouts, but I don’t think this is actually a smart product.

I think that the “smart” hoop movement is a fad fueled by clever marketing

If it feels absolutely impossible for you to keep a traditional hoop up, this option may seem appealing. The truth is that SIZE REALLY MATTERS when it comes to selecting a hoop. If your hoop is too small or too light then it is guaranteed to drop. The key is to get a hula hoop that is appropriate for your body.

Here are some things to keep in mind when considering a “smart hoop:

  • You can only do one exercise with this. Traditional hoops allow you to learn a wide variety of skills and there is so much space for creativity
  • Requires a very repetitive motion that could cause an overuse injury
  • Targets only one area
  • Looks like a weird contraption / device
  • This would do nothing for my body image and confidence
  • There is no real community support for this product that I can find. So far I have only found backing from Chinese corporations
  • Seems like it would get boring FAST

Are “Smart” weighted hula hoops SAFE for your back and exercise? | Hoopsmiles

Are you still here?

If you are still reading and have made it this far then I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. This was a long article that I really enjoyed writing. There are more hoops that I would like to discuss such as: Wooden Hoops, beaded hoops, Fire Hoops, and LED Hoops, but I will save that for another article.

What are your thoughts on these different kinds of hoops? Have you tried any of these hoops? If not, do you feel inspired to try one of these hoops? Comment below to share your thoughts! I would love to start a conversation.

In my next article, I will be writing about the “History of Hula Hoops.” Stay tuned!

See you soon!

The post Different Kinds of Hula Hoops and Their Uses appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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