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The post 5 Weird Ways to Start A Fire Without A Lighter appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Every prepper knows that it’s important to know more than one way to start a fire. This is an especially essential skill if you ever find yourself without a lighter or matches. Before you scoff at the idea of being unprepared, know that even the most experienced prepper can find themselves in a survival situation. Learn these weird, yet effective ways to start a fire without a lighter, and you will be equipped with valuable skills that could save your life. Here are 5 weird ways to start a fire without a lighter.

Necessary Requirements for a fire

Before we talk about weird ways to start a fire it is important for you to understand how fires behave and why it can be so challenging to start one in the first place. Don’t skip this part! You’re life could depend on this quick science lesson.

The 3 elements you need to start a fire are heat, fuel, and oxygen. If you are missing one of these elements, then you will not be able to start a fire.

A fire is a chemical reaction. It is the result of the right amount of the right ingredients at the right time. Every fire relies on the combustion triangle. Each side of the triangle represents one of the 3 required elements necessary for a fire to ignite. If you lack just one of those components your fire attempts could fail and you could freeze, starve, or become dehydrated.


Oxygen is readily available so you don’t have to worry about carrying oxygen tanks everywhere you go. As long as there’s 16% oxygen in the air, you’ll be able to start a fire. This is why blowing on a flame helps. You are breathing out carbon dioxide, but also enough oxygen to feed the fire.


A fire will burn anything dry and flammable. You will probably be able to find fuel for a small fire even in the wettest conditions. If you can’t find sticks, check your pockets for receipts or even dollars. Imagine this is the end of the world (and you could freeze to death without heat), you’ll be better off bartering than giving up precious fuel for your fire. If you don’t have those items, you may need to get creative. Undergarments will burn with a little prodding, even if you’re not at a protest. This could mean life or death so don’t hesitate to “burn that bra”.

The myth stuck, but cotton briefs are better

For the record, they didn’t really burn bras at protests because starting a fire on the boardwalk was illegal. Instead, the feminists had a designated “Freedom Trash Can” into which they hurled mops, lipstick, high heels, and yes a bra. After that the myth stuck. In this case you really could use undergarments as fuel for a fire, but cotton briefs would be best.

Feminism F.A.Q.s: Did Feminists Burn Bras?


This is where most inexperienced rookies fail. They think that heat comes after the fire has started, but that’s wrong. The initial heat has to come from somewhere before a fire can make more of it. Getting that first spark can be challenging. A newbie can often make lots of sparks, but can’t sustain the heat in the right place long enough to start a fire. Don’t be like the newbie.

When all three ingredients are properly set in place, you can get a nice warm fire. I’m not going to discuss fire building in this article, but the video below will walk you through 6 different campfires.

6 Easy Campfires Everyone Should Know for Survival and Recreation

Survival tip

You can use your knowledge of the combustion triangle to stop a raging fire. Simply remove one of the three ingredients and the fire won’t be able to continue.

We made it through the mini science lesson! Thanks for sticking with me, now let’s talk about 5 weird ways to start a fire without a lighter.

How to start a fire without a lighter

5 weird ways to start a fire without a lighter

Every prepper and survival site will instruct you to start a fire with friction. If you rub two sticks together long enough and fast enough then you will eventually get enough heat for them to light.

This is effective, but not cool enough for my list of “weird ways” so we’ll skip that option. I’m also going to skip the talk about flint and steel because you probably already have those items in your bugout bag. This article is about weird and unusual ways to start a fire using everyday objects that you might find after a disaster.

1- Start a fire from water

How to start a fire without a lighter
5 weird ways to start a fire without a lighter

I simply cannot stress enough the importance of having some clear plastic bottles of water. We usually associate water with putting out fires so this might be the most ironic ignition method of all. You can start a fire with water by using a clear bottle as a lens to concentrate sunlight. In fact, some roadside brushfires are actually caused by bottles filled with fluid that concentrated the sunlight’s rays.

The first thing that you should know about making a fire with a water bottle is that it is not easy. It takes some time and practice to learn this technique, but it’s worth knowing. This method is similar to making a fire with a magnifying glass. The water bottle serves as a lens that concentrates the sunlight into a super bright point which heats up the paper or tinder to the point of combustion.

You’ll need:

  • A clear bottle (label removed) with a smooth, curved top, filled with clear liquid
  • Tinder: paper with dark ink works best because it absorbs heat and ignites faster
  • Full strength sunlight. If there are clouds or it is later in the day then your efforts could go unrewarded.


  1. Tear two pieces of paper in half, fold, set aside.
  2. Fold a third piece of paper in half 3 times. If your paper has dark ink, make sure that that it is visible along the longest unfolded edge.
  3. Hold the bottle in such a way that the sunlight passes through the curved top and creates a focused beam on the paper.
  4. Steadily hold the bottle until the sunlight burns a quarter-sized hole in the paper.
  5. Set the bottle down and place a piece of the reserved paper over the burn hole.
  6. Keep adding paper when the hole burns through until the paper ignites.

Start a Fire With a Water Bottle

2- Steel wool and batteries

How to start a fire without a lighter
5 weird ways to start a fire without a lighter

You will often hear me say that you should always have steel wool nearby. Steel wool has tons of everyday uses, is lightweight, and is especially handy for survival. In this case you can use a battery and steel wool to start a fire. This method is straightforward, fast, and really cool to watch. The best part is that it can work in wet conditions as long as your tinder material is dry.

Many prepper sites will say that this isn’t really a survival technique because you’re unlikely to have steel wool and a battery with you. This is your sign from the universe to start carrying a little steel wool pad with you and to also have 9 volt batteries. You never know when those items will come in handy and they have multiple uses. In a real emergency, if you have a cellphone or any electronic device, then you already have a battery.

You’ll need:

  • Steel Wool– To do this right, you need to start with the finest grade of steel wool that you can find. Search for 00-grade steel wool or 000-grade.
  • Battery– Almost any kind of battery will work. You should try to go with at least a 9 volt battery to ensure that it has enough juice. If you don’t have a 9-v then consider bringing out the burner phones and using a cellphone battery or multiple smaller batteries connected together (two C’s or D batteries connected end-to-end.)


  1. Pull apart the steel wool and fluff it up. You need plenty of surface area and oxygen, but don’t get carried away. The strands still need to be somewhat close in order to ignite each other. Make it a little fluffy and spread it out.
  2. Collect tinder. Not the dating app. The material. Place your dry tinder in a location away from drafts.
  3. Place the fluffy steel wool on top of the tinder. Create a little pocket by tucking the edges into and under your tinder pile. You want to make sure that your tinder is connected to the steel wool fluff, hence the tucking. If the steel wool isn’t tucked in, then it’s likely to burn out on top and leave your tinder untouched.
  4. Connect both the positive and negative contacts of the battery to the steel wool. This will be easy if you’re using a 9 volt. Simply tap the contact end against the steel wool in multiple areas. Pull your hand back quickly because it will ignite instantly. Start adding small bits of tinder on top and feed the fire as you normally would.

Survival- Starting a Fire with Steel Wool & 9V Battery!

I found a ton of videos that demonstrate this process, but the “problem” is that they were all done with a 9 volt battery. That’s honestly kind of lame and might not be helpful if you don’t have a 9V. It’s a common misconception that this method will only work with a 9 volt battery and luckily that’s not true.

It may take a little more practice to use batteries with connections on opposite ends, but it still works! As long as both connectors touch the steel wool at the same time, you’ll still get lit.

3- How to make fire with glasses

How to start a fire without a lighter
5 weird ways to start a fire without a lighter

I’m sure that we’ve all heard about kids burning ants with a magnifying glass. Maybe we were one of those kids. Starting a fire with the power of the sun is just like burning ants with a magnifying glass.

This method takes a lot of patience and chances are you won’t have a magnifying glass when SHTF so you will need to find other ways to reflect and magnify the sun’s rays.

You’ll need:

  • A magnifying glass
  • OR broken glasses will work
  • Kindling: dry leaves or a piece of charred rope


  1. Collect your kindling. Dry leaves or small sticks will work.
  2. Place your kindling in a small pile.
  3. Hold the lens perpendicular to the sun’s rays towards the kindling.
  4. You should see a small, bright dot appear if you’re at the right height and angle. This is focused sunlight.
  5. Hold this position for about 30 seconds and a small fire should start.

*This process will NOT work if there is no strong sunlight. Also glasses for farsightedness won’t work. Strong reading glasses will work the best.

How to make fire with reading glasses

Heaven’s knows that I’ve broken my fair share of glasses in various ways, but now I’ll hang onto those old rickety lenses and pack them in my bugout bag just in case.

4- Soda or beer can

How to start a fire without a lighter

In a perfect world, it would be challenging to find a soda or beer can. Sadly, humans can be filthy beings and you can find cans almost everywhere. Forests, cities, and suburbs are littered with these items. While this is annoying in everyday life, the litter could literally save your life in a survival situation.

Keep in mind that this method will only work in areas that get a lot of sunlight. It’s still a cool trick to learn regardless of your location. I would even try it in the Pacific Northwest if I was out of other options.

You’ll need:

  • One aluminum can A soda or beer can will work for this. Make sure that the underside has an unpainted, domed, aluminum surface.


  1. Polish the domed underside of the can. Use a wet cloth and some kind of polishing compound. Polish the domed underside of the can. Your goal is to make the bottom of your can as reflective as possible. Clay or even toothpaste will work well as a polishing compound. I would say try a paste made from wood ash, but we are still trying to figure out how to build a fire here!
  2. Collect your tinder. Create a nice tinder nest and place it between you and the sun.
  3. Position your tinder and the can. Hold a small amount of tinder in one hand. Now aim the polished side of the can directly at the sun. Place some tinder near the bottom of the can and feel for the hottest spot while searching for the smallest point of light reflecting on your tinder.
  4. Wait. Be patient because this could take seconds or even minutes. As soon as you see the spark and smoke, place your tinder on the nest and gently blow.


5- Plastic bags + water

Another must-have item for my survival kit /bugout bag is a handful of plastic bags. They have so many uses! Believe it or not, you can even start a fire with a plastic bag.

You’ll need:

How to start a fire without a lighter
5 weird ways to start a fire without a lighter
  • A clear plastic bag. A plastic zip-lock or sandwich bad will work really well for this. Make sure that it is as clean as possible.


  1. Prepare a tinder bundle. Grind your tinder into a fine powder. Sprinkle tinder powder on top of a tinder nest or a base plate such as a strip of bark or wood block.
  2. Fill your bag with water. Next, fill your bag half full of clean water, but don’t seal it.
  3. Twist your bag and create a water sphere. Hold the bag by the top corner and slowly twist the top of the bag. Push the air out as you twist to create a tight water sphere within the bag.
  4. Properly position the sphere. Carefully hold the sphere over the tinder powder taking extra care to not drip any water. Move the sphere until you find the most concentrated beam of sunlight coming through the bag. Now hold it steadily above the tinder.
  5. Wait patiently. At this point, you’ll see smoke and you may get a flame. If you only see smoke and a blackened area, add more tinder to the burned spot and refocus the sphere. The will heat the tinder from the bottom and the top.

Can You Start a Fire with a Sandwich Bag? (Cool Survival Hack)

Bonus item: How to start a fire with a flashlight

Even if you’re missing your bugout bag, I have a feeling that you’ll at least have a flashlight. Possibly in your pocket or on a keychain or in a work bag (note to self, put a backup headlamp in my purse.) Flashlights are prepper gold so even if you don’t have one, someone nearby is bound to have a light.

Don’t worry if your flashlight’s lens isn’t intact because it can still start a fire. This method is similar to the soda can process. It utilizes refracted light to focus heat. The main difference in this case, is that the tinder inside, rather than in a pile. This means that the light needs to go inward, not outward.

You’ll need:

  • A flashlight. You really only need the reflective cup from inside the lens of the light. Even a non-functioning flashlight can provide this. Don’t attempt this with a very small pen light because a larger reflective cup is necessary.


  1. Disassemble the flashlight. Unscrew the head of the flashlight and remove the silver cone around the bulb.
  2. Place tinder in the reflective cup. Place some tinder in the hole at the bottom of the cup. This is easiest if you push it into the hole from the bottom instead of shoving it down from the inside of the cup. You only need a tiny bit to poke up.
  3. Position the cup. Aim the inside of the cup towards the sun. At this point, you should see light bouncing throughout the cup. Position it so that most of the light is aimed directly at the tinder.
  4. Transfer the lit tinder in the cup to a larger tinder pile. Once the tinder lights, gently poke it out of the cup and blow on it. Then add it to your tinder pile.

Can You Actually Start Fire with Flashlight?


Now it is time for you to practice these fire-starting methods! They can take a little bit of practice, but it’s worth-it to learn these skills so that you have them when you need them. There are many different ways to refine your techniques. Try different types of tinder in different environments.

I know that when the time comes, you’ll be able to use your best judgement to figure out which method to use. Now you can start a fire without matches or a lighter, even without your bugout bag or the perfect bugout location! A little planning and practice could save your life in the future!

Do you know of any creative ways to start a fire? Have you tried any of these techniques or which of these methods are you most interested in? Comment below to share!

I hope that you enjoyed this article and that you learned something.

See you soon!

The post 5 Weird Ways to Start A Fire Without A Lighter appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat? Thu, 23 May 2024 22:29:01 +0000 Introduction: Understanding Belly Fat and Hula Hooping Fitness enthusiasts often ponder, “Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?” The idea of hula hooping for fitness captivates many, with its allure of...

The post Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Introduction: Understanding Belly Fat and Hula Hooping

Fitness enthusiasts often ponder, “Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?” The idea of hula hooping for fitness captivates many, with its allure of potentially sculpting the waistline. Is there, however, scientific evidence to validate the effectiveness of this playful exercise? Let’s delve deeper into this intriguing topic.

The Science Behind Hula Hooping

Do Something Great neon sign

To answer the question “Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?”, we first need to understand the mechanics of hula hooping and how it impacts the body. Hula hooping is a form of aerobic exercise which means it can contribute to overall body fat reduction, including belly fat, when paired with a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. This article provides evidence that regular hula hooping can indeed contribute to the reduction of abdominal fat:

The Effects of Aerobic Hula Hoop Exercise On Waist Circumference And Blood HDL Cholesterol in Health Care Personnel (International Academic Research Conference).

Additionally, hula hooping can strengthen the muscles around your torso and spine, which indirectly might aid in reducing belly fat. Core strength is vital for maintaining a healthy posture and reducing the likelihood of back injuries. According to Dr. Edward Laskowski, hula hooping can be a good workout, potentially burning as many calories per minute as step aerobics or boot camp workouts. However, keep in mind that your mileage may vary based on your intensity and the type of hula hoop used. Do Weighted Hula Hoops Provide a Good Workout or Are They Just A Gimmick?(Mayo Clinic).

Visit the article below for a guide to choose the best hula hoop based on your specific goals:

You can get a complete workout with a hula hoop!

an hourglass sitting on top of a table

When you ask, “Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?” it’s essential to understand how comprehensive a hula hoop workout can be. Here are key components of a hula hoop workout:

1. Cardiovascular Exercise

Hula hooping serves as a potent cardiovascular workout. It elevates your heart rate and keeps it up over an extended period. Cardiovascular exercise is vital for heart health, weight loss, and overall fitness.

2. Strength Building

Hula hooping helps build strength. When performed correctly, it engages a variety of muscles in your body, especially the core, which can lead to better body tone and posture. Different hula hoop exercises can target different muscle groups, making it a versatile strength training tool.

3. Interval Training

Hula hooping can be used for interval training. By alternating between high-intensity hooping and rest periods, you can increase your fitness level and accelerate fat loss. This method of training is known to be highly effective in burning fat and improving cardiovascular health.

4. Progressive Overload

Hula hooping also provides opportunities for progressive overload, a key principle for improving fitness. By gradually increasing the duration, intensity, or complexity of your hula hoop workouts, you can continue to challenge your body, build strength, and burn belly fat.

5. Balance, Flexibility, and Mobility

Hula hooping isn’t just about cardiovascular and strength training. It also encourages balance, flexibility, and mobility. Hooping requires and develops a good sense of balance. It can also enhance your flexibility, especially in the waist and hip areas. Plus, the fluid movements of hooping can improve joint mobility.

Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

Expert Hula Hooping Guidance with Bee Varga

Hula Hoop Results

If you are ready to start your hula hooping journey and seeking expert guidance, look no further! As a celebrated hula hoop educator, Bee Varga offers unparalleled resources, making her the best choice for beginners and advanced hoopers alike. Bee has an extensive background in osteopathy, giving her a deep understanding of the human body and movement dynamics. Her knowledge greatly enriches her hula hooping teaching style.

Having performed and taught professionally worldwide, Bee brings a wealth of experience to her hula hooping courses. She offers comprehensive tutorials that cater to both beginners and more advanced hoopers. Her course design ensures you not only enjoy the fun of hula hooping but also attain maximum health benefits from it.

What truly sets Bee apart from other hula hooping instructors is her unique, engaging, and thoughtful teaching style. She carefully breaks down each move into easy-to-follow steps. This allows hoopers at all levels to grasp the techniques. Moreover, Bee’s enthusiasm and passion for hula hooping make her classes enjoyable and inspiring.

So, if you’re asking “Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?”, and are ready to kickstart your hula hooping journey to a healthier, fitter you, Bee Varga’s hula hooping courses might be the perfect fit.

Join Bee Varga’s Online Hooping Studio today!

If you’re looking for guidance on your hula hoop fitness journey, Bee Varga’s Online Hula Hooping Studio is your one-stop solution. With her professional expertise and creative approach to hooping, Bee offers a range of online classes that cover all aspects of hula hoop fitness. You can find workouts that target strength building, flexibility, balance, and more. Plus, her studio offers the added benefit of a vibrant online community of fellow hoopers.

Hula Hoop Before and After My weight loss journey | Bee Varga

Let’s talk about belly fat reduction

Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

Just as Bee Varga’s Online Hula Hooping Studio offers a diverse range of fitness benefits, it’s also crucial to remember that optimal health and weight loss, particularly around the belly, are multifaceted goals. Alongside an active hula hooping regimen, it’s essential to consider internal health factors, such as maintaining healthy insulin levels. Let’s dive deeper into understanding this crucial aspect of your wellness journey.

The Importance of Hormonal Balance and Insulin Sensitivity

While hula hooping can be a fun and effective way to target belly fat, it’s only part of the story. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, particularly in the midsection, also involves understanding and managing your hormones. Hormonal balance is key in determining how your body stores fat, and this is where insulin plays a crucial role. Why worry about your waistline? (Harvard Health.)

Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. When you consume food, particularly carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into glucose, a form of sugar, which enters your bloodstream. This rise in blood sugar signals your pancreas to release insulin. Insulin then acts like a key, allowing glucose to enter your body’s cells where it can be used for energy.

The Insulin-Belly Fat Connection

pink cactus

However, things start to go awry when insulin levels remain high due to a diet high in sugar and processed foods, or a lack of physical activity. This chronic high insulin level, also known as hyperinsulinemia, can lead to insulin resistance. This means your body’s cells become less responsive to insulin’s signals, so your pancreas has to secrete even more insulin to get glucose into your cells (Insulin Resistance and Hyperinsulinemia – NCBI).

High insulin levels promote fat storage, particularly in the belly area. That’s why people with insulin resistance often struggle with weight loss, despite their best efforts. Therefore, achieving insulin sensitivity and hormonal balance is an important step in reducing belly fat and improving overall health (Mechanisms linking obesity to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes – NCBI).

In addition to insulin, maintaining a balance of other hormones, including cortisol, estrogen, leptin, and ghrelin, is equally essential. Imbalances in these hormones can contribute to increased fat storage, slower metabolism, and increased appetite. Managing stress, getting adequate sleep, eating a balanced diet, and regular exercise are vital for maintaining hormonal balance and overall health. Why Hormonal Imbalance Can Make Weight loss Difficult (Dr. Jolene Brighten).

Intermittent Fasting: A Strategy to Balance Insulin Levels

One increasingly popular method to regulate insulin levels and encourage fat burning is intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. This technique can help regulate your insulin levels, enabling your body to use stored fat as energy. Additionally, it can assist in reducing overall calorie intake, further supporting weight and belly fat loss.

There are several methods of intermittent fasting, including the 16/8 method (fasting for 16 hours and eating during an 8-hour window), the 5:2 diet (eating normally for five days a week, then restricting calories to 500-600 on two days), and Eat-Stop-Eat (a 24-hour fast once or twice a week). It’s important to choose a method that fits your lifestyle and health conditions, and as with any diet change, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional before starting. (Harvard Health: An update on Intermittent Fasting).

While hula hooping can indeed play a significant role in reducing belly fat, it’s clear that a holistic approach that also considers factors like insulin levels, hormonal balance, and dietary habits will yield the most successful results. So, spin that hoop, balance your hormones, and consider dietary strategies like intermittent fasting to bid farewell to that stubborn belly fat.

Harmonizing Hormonal Health and Hula Hooping for Optimal Fat Loss

While strategies like intermittent fasting are crucial for balancing hormones and combating belly fat, they are only part of the equation. Incorporating physical activity is just as important for successful weight loss, and hula hooping is an excellent option. By pairing your efforts in hormone balance with a consistent hula hooping routine, you can target stubborn belly fat with increased efficiency.

A Comprehensive Guide to Reduce Belly Fat Using a Hula Hoop

If you’re intrigued by the potential of a hula hoop to help reduce belly fat, this detailed guide provides step-by-step instructions. Incorporating a variety of movements, including balance training and foot hooping, will help keep your workouts exciting and challenging.

Step 1: Pick the Perfect Hula Hoop

Your first step should be selecting an appropriate hoop. Opt for a large in diameter adult-sized, HDPE dance hoop for an intensive workout. The lighter hoop will require more energy to maintain its momentum, thus offering a more rigorous exercise.

A Dance Hoop vs. a Weighted Hoop: Which Provides a Better Workout?

can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

The type of hula hoop you choose can significantly impact the effectiveness of your workout. When comparing a large HDPE dance hoop to a weighted hula hoop, the dance hoop emerges as a superior choice for a few reasons. Firstly, an HDPE dance hoop is lighter than a weighted hula hoop. This means you have to exert more effort and engage your core to a greater degree to maintain its momentum. The extra work required to keep the hoop spinning translates to a more challenging and therefore, a more effective workout.

Secondly, the versatility of a dance hoop allows you to incorporate a greater variety of exercises into your routine. A dance hoop can be spun around various parts of your body – your waist, arms, legs, and even your neck – providing a comprehensive, full-body workout. Each spin delivers a firm, toning massage to the targeted area, boosting circulation and helping to break down fat cells.

On the other hand, a weighted hoop, due to its heavier mass, is typically confined to waist hooping. While this can provide a low impact cardio workout, it doesn’t offer the full-body toning benefits that a dance hoop does.

Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

Therefore, if you’re looking for a hula hoop workout that truly challenges you and offers a wider range of toning benefits, an HDPE dance hoop is the way to go.

Step 2: Energize with a Warm Up

Before you start hula hooping, prepare your body with a warm-up routine. You can turn on your favorite song and start spinning your hoop around your waist. From there you can do some step touches. A few minutes of light cardio can get your heart rate up, prepare your muscles for a good workout, and prevent injuries. This is also a perfect time to get mentally prepared for your workout.

Pop Sugar also interviewed Bee Varga and asked her to talk about the importance of a good warm up before exercise. This is another reason why I appreciate Bee’s Hooping studio workouts. She includes a complete warm-up and cool down for Every workout!

Step 3: Position Yourself Correctly

Stand inside the hoop with it resting against your lower back. Ensure you maintain an upright posture to properly engage your core.

KEEP UP A HULA HOOP | How to Hula Hoop for Total Beginners | Complete Guide to Start

Step 4: Start Your Hoop Journey

Spin the hoop around your waist. Initially, you might find it easier to balance with one foot slightly ahead of the other. As the hoop moves, shift your weight between your feet, keeping your core engaged.

Step 5: Consistency and Gradual Progression

Start with short hula hooping sessions and gradually increase your duration as your strength improves. Aim for a minimum of 10 minutes per session, eventually building up to 30 minutes.

Step 6: Diversify Your Hooping Routine

Once you’re comfortable with the basics, add in some variety. You can incorporate squats or lunges into your hooping routine, or even try dancing while keeping the hoop in motion.

Step 7: Balance Training with a Hula Hoop

An excellent way to intensify your workout is by incorporating balance training. Try balancing the hoop on different parts of your body, such as your hand or foot. This exercise demands more from your core and can help enhance your overall stability.

Step 8: Try Foot Hooping

Foot hooping is another excellent exercise that engages your lower abdomen, similar to leg raises. Lie down on your back, lift your legs, and spin the hoop on your foot. This movement will target your lower belly, aiding in more significant fat reduction.

Step 9: Relax with a Cool Down

After your workout, don’t forget to cool down with some gentle stretches. This practice aids in recovery and helps prevent muscle stiffness.

Step 10: Support Your Workout with healthy nutrition

Lastly, remember that healthy nutrition is crucial to support your exercise regimen. By adding these steps to your hula hooping routine, you can boost your workout’s effectiveness. Consistency, diversity, and a well-balanced diet are the keys to success in your journey to reduce belly fat with a hula hoop.

Tailored nutrition guidelines to try for potential fat loss and overall health:

When it comes to nutrition, it’s crucial to understand that no one-size-fits-all strategy exists. What works splendidly for one individual may not yield the same results for another. This reality is primarily due to individual differences in body types, metabolism, genetic predispositions, and lifestyle factors. Therefore, personalized dietary plans, tailored to individual needs, can often be more effective in achieving personal health goals such as fat loss.

However, there are a few broad guidelines that everyone can consider to improve overall health, boost metabolism, and potentially aid in fat loss. These generally involve lowering carbohydrate intake, eliminating refined sugars, and avoiding processed foods.

close-up photo of vegetable salad

Adopting a regular workout routine like hula hooping is only half of the equation when it comes to reducing belly fat and overall body health. Your nutrition plays an equally, if not more significant role. Consuming a nutrient-rich diet can not only accelerate your belly fat loss but also enhance your overall health, wellbeing, and mental clarity.

Protein for Muscle Growth and Recovery:

Protein is a critical nutrient for anyone engaged in regular physical activity. It aids in muscle recovery and growth, which is crucial after a hula hooping session. Consuming adequate amounts of protein can also increase feelings of fullness, reduce hunger, and help you maintain muscle mass while losing weight, leading to a more toned appearance.

Protein for Muscle Gain, Fat Loss & Longevity | Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

Healthy Fats for Satiety and Energy:

While it may seem counterintuitive, consuming healthy fats is beneficial for weight loss. Fats are a dense source of energy and can keep you satiated for a longer time, reducing overall calorie consumption. Moreover, fats are essential for absorbing fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K, contributing to better overall health.

Avoid Refined Sugars and Carbs:

Refined sugars and carbohydrates, often found in processed foods, can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels, prompting your body to store excess glucose as fat. By reducing your intake of these foods, you can regulate your insulin levels, decrease inflammation, and support your body’s fat-burning capabilities.

Optimizing Carbohydrate Choices for Improved Insulin Sensitivity and Potential Fat Loss

In managing insulin sensitivity, a critical factor to consider is the type of carbohydrates you incorporate into your diet. While it’s common to hear advice encouraging the intake of whole grains and fruits, if your aim is to improve insulin sensitivity and potentially aid in fat loss, this advice may need to be adjusted.

Instead, focusing on non-starchy, low-carbohydrate vegetables can be beneficial. These include leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and lettuce, as well as other vegetables like cucumber, broccoli, and cauliflower. These vegetables are high in fiber and rich in nutrients, but low in carbohydrates, which means they have a minimal impact on blood sugar levels, helping to maintain optimal insulin sensitivity.

Berries, such as strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries, can also be incorporated into your diet sparingly. Despite being fruits, they are lower in carbohydrates than many other fruit types and high in fiber, making their impact on blood sugar levels relatively minimal. Their high antioxidant content can also support overall health.

The aim here is to choose foods that have a lower glycemic load, meaning they won’t cause a significant spike in blood sugar levels, thereby supporting better insulin sensitivity. This approach to carbohydrate intake can be a useful tool for those looking to lose fat, particularly when combined with a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity.

Health Benefits and Mental Clarity:

silhouette of person standing on rock surrounded by body of water

Adopting a nutritious diet not only helps reduce belly fat but can also bring about improved mental clarity and concentration. Many people report feeling more alert and focused when they fuel their bodies with quality nutrients.

Moreover, a diet high in lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole foods rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals can contribute to improved heart health, bone health, and digestion. It can also strengthen the immune system and improve skin health.

Remember, while hula hooping can indeed help reduce belly fat, pairing it with a healthy dietary lifestyle will bring about the best results. As always, any significant changes in diet or exercise should be discussed with a healthcare professional to ensure they suit your individual health needs and goals.

Burn BELLY FAT Fast (10 Tips + Bonus) 

Remember, everyone’s body responds differently to various dietary interventions, so what works well for one person might not be as effective for another. Therefore, it’s always important to consult a healthcare professional or a dietitian before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions. They can provide personalized advice and monitor your progress to ensure the changes are beneficial for your health.

Keep Track of Your Progress

black retractable pen on opened book beside red and white go get'em-printed coffee cup

Monitoring your progress is a great way to stay motivated and assess how well hula hooping is working for you. Consider keeping a fitness journal, where you can note down things like how long you hula hoop each day, any new movements or routines you’ve tried, and any changes you notice in your body or energy levels. This can provide valuable insight into your progress and what’s working for you.

The Role of Consistency

As with any workout regime, consistency is key. If you’re looking to reduce belly fat with a hula hoop, you’ll need to hoop regularly. Aim for at least 10 minutes of hula hooping a day to start, and try to gradually increase this over time. The more you hoop, the more comfortable you’ll become, and the more benefits you’ll reap from this form of exercise.

Enjoy the Journey

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of hula hooping for fitness is to have fun with it. Unlike some exercises that can feel like a chore, hula hooping is a playful, enjoyable activity. This can make your fitness journey much more enjoyable and sustainable in the long run.

Hula Hoop Results | Bee Varga’s results from 15 years of hooping

Additional Benefits of Hula Hooping

In addition to potentially helping to reduce belly fat, hula hooping provides a host of other benefits as well. For one, it’s a great form of cardio exercise. Hula hooping is excellent for building core strength. The constant engagement of your abdominal and lower back muscles will improve your stability and balance over time. Not to mention, it’s also an effective way to improve your body’s coordination and flexibility.

Another significant benefit of hula hooping is that it can be a stress-relieving activity. The rhythmic motion of the hoop can be meditative and help to calm your mind. Plus, the physical activity itself can release endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good hormones, leading to increased feelings of well-being and a reduction in stress levels.

Spicing Up Your Hula Hooping Workout

As you become more proficient with hula hooping, you might want to consider adding some variety to your workouts. This will not only keep things interesting but also challenge different muscle groups.

For example, try hula hooping in different stances, like a wide stance or a staggered stance. You could also try incorporating squats, lunges, or other exercises into your routine while keeping the hoop spinning. You might also want to experiment with hooping in different directions, or even trying to hoop around different parts of your body, such as your arms or legs.

Energizing Your Workout with Hula Hoops: Fun and Challenging Strategies

Incorporating hula hoops into your fitness routine can add a delightful and invigorating spin to your workouts. Here are some ways you can use multiple hula hoops to challenge yourself:

  • Hula Hoop Circuits: Incorporate several hula hoops into a circuit workout for added intensity. Set up the hoops at varying distances and navigate through them using different movements like jumping, stepping, or crawling. This variation can help improve agility, endurance, and strength.
  • Multi-Hoop Hula Hooping: Challenge your coordination, balance, and strength by spinning more than one hula hoop at once. Try spinning two hoops at your waist or one in each hand. With practice, you’ll enhance your skills and burn more calories as your body works harder to keep the hoops in motion.
  • Hula Hoop Obstacle Course: Use hula hoops to create an engaging obstacle course. Lay several hoops on the ground and hop from one to another, do a certain number of hoop spins at each “station,” or run with the hoop around your waist. This activity enhances cardiovascular fitness, agility, and engages a variety of muscle groups.
  • Hula Hoop Games: Add an element of fun and friendly competition to your workout by turning it into a game. See how long you can keep two or more hoops spinning, or if you have a workout buddy, try passing hoops back and forth without dropping them.

Remember, the key is to listen to your body and adjust the intensity of your workout to suit your fitness level. Always consult with a healthcare provider or fitness professional if you’re new to exercise or have any health concerns. With creativity and persistence, hula hoops can provide a delightful twist to your fitness journey, making workouts both challenging and enjoyable.

Adding Balance Training to Hula Hooping

For those looking to step up their hula hoop game and increase the fitness benefits, balance training with a hula hoop is a great option. Incorporating balance exercises not only enhances your hula hooping skills but also improves core strength, coordination, and overall physical stability. Balance Training Programs in Athletes – a Systematic Review (National Library of Medicine).

You can start with simple exercises such as standing on one foot while hula hooping. As you become more comfortable, you can try more challenging balance exercises, such as hula hooping while standing on a balance board or stability cushion.

Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

Foot Hooping for Added Challenge

Foot hooping is another advanced hula hoop technique that provides a fantastic lower body workout. This is when the hula hoop is spun around the ankle or foot, similar to how a soccer player might juggle a soccer ball. Foot hooping engages the core, glutes, hip flexors, and leg muscles, and is somewhat similar to performing leg raises.

Just as with any new exercise, it’s important to start slow and gradually increase the intensity and duration as your strength and skill improve. And of course, always listen to your body and rest as needed to prevent overuse injuries and promote recovery.

Combining Hula Hooping and Healthy Lifestyle Habits

In conclusion, while hula hooping can contribute to belly fat reduction, it should be part of a larger strategy for health and fitness. This includes a balanced diet rich in whole, nutrient-dense foods and low in processed, high-sugar foods that can spike insulin levels. Regular exercise, both cardio like hula hooping and strength training, is vital. Furthermore, stress management and quality sleep are key components of hormone regulation and overall health (Benefits of Physical Activity – CDC).

Conclusion: Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?

In response to the question, “Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat?” the answer is a resounding yes. However, it is most effective when incorporated into a holistic fitness and wellness strategy that also addresses diet, other forms of exercise, hormone balance, and overall lifestyle. Remember, every body is unique, so what works for one person may not work for another. It’s about finding what works best for you and most importantly, enjoying the journey towards health and fitness (Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity – Mayo Clinic).

Whether you’re new to hula hooping or looking to take your skills to the next level, there are countless resources available to guide you. Among these is Bee Varga the Hula Hooper, a performer-turned-professional hula hoop teacher who offers online courses worldwide (Bee Varga the Hula Hooper – Official Website). With her unique blend of expertise in body mechanics and hula hooping, Bee is an invaluable resource for those seeking to reduce belly fat and improve overall fitness through hula hooping.

With patience, consistency, and a bit of playful spirit, hula hooping can be a fun and rewarding way to reduce belly fat and promote overall health and fitness. Happy Hooping!

The post Can a hula hoop reduce belly fat? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

17 of the Absolute Best Bartering Items Mon, 13 May 2024 22:45:16 +0000 Bartering used to be a mainstream means of survival not so long ago. It was a key to sustainability for centuries and in the event of a catastrophe or economic...

The post 17 of the Absolute Best Bartering Items appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Bartering used to be a mainstream means of survival not so long ago. It was a key to sustainability for centuries and in the event of a catastrophe or economic collapse, government currency will be worthless. At that point, bartering will probably return full force. You don’t want to be caught empty-handed and you should collect your supplies with bartering potential in mind. Here are 17 of the absolute best bartering items.

Money will be worthless post-collapse

A lot of us are brainwashed into thinking that our currency will always have value. Just because the government says that the dollar is worth a dollar, who says that it really is? Also, what would happen to the dollar if the government collapsed?

I think that an item is only as valuable as the material it is made from or the use you can get out of it. Imagine a world without cash and credit / debit cards. How would get you what you need without currency? The answer is that you need to have skills or items of value that you can trade and barter with.

Barter Safely

Best bartering items
17 of the absolute best bartering items

There are important safety rules and precautions you should take when bartering. The sad truth is that when you offer items to trade, you are exposing yourself and putting a target on your back.

  1. Don’t flaunt your wealth. It may be tempting to talk about how prepared you are, but please keep this confidential. If people know that you have the best stuff you will be a tempting target and that’s not the kind of attention that you want.
  2. Switch your location every time. The key is to be unpredictable. This will conceal your location and make it more difficult for bandits and looters to predict your timing and movements.
  3. Always keep a low profile. It is best to fly under the radar. You don’t want people to suspect that you’re hiding more than you let on. Be modest and never hint, boast, or threaten anyone.
  4. Bring different items every time. Part of keeping a low profile is to be unpredictable and as anonymous as possible. You don’t want to be known as the “water guy” or the “egg chick.” When people get desperate for those items they may come looking for you and take what you have by force.
  5. Never ever share the location of your supplies. It is imperative that you keep your location confidential. You don’t even want to share it with your most trustworthy friend. You might be able to trust them with your secret, but the desperate guy that happens to overhear your conversation may not be trustworthy. It’s not worth the risk.

17 of the Absolute Best Bartering Items

If you want to not just survive, but also thrive after the next big disaster, you will need to start planning now.

1- Water

Water is the most valuable barter item on this entire list. In ideal conditions, the average human can last about 3-5 days without water. Each person’s limit will be determined by factors like climate and physical fitness. The main point is that all humans require water to survive.

Desperate people will be willing to trade just about anything for a single swallow. You will have to decide whether you want to barter sips, ounces, or bottles of water just make sure that you have plenty of water that way you are never on the wrong side of the table.

In addition to water itself, you should also have anything that can contain, locate, and purify water. You can barter filters, purification tablets, or even instructions on how to locate water. It is also super valuable to teach other survivors how to purify their own water.

2- Food

The 2nd most important bartering item you can collect is food. As with water, every human also needs food to survive. The biggest issue with food is spoilage so don’t waste time thinking about milk, dairy, and fresh greens.

Concentrate on acquiring protein, calorie dense, and processed foods that can last for years. Canned, dehydrated, freeze-dried, and smoked foods will command a nice price. Save lots of room for beans, protein bars, protein powders, and MREs.

I really like ReadyWise Emergency freeze-fried food supplies. This kit has a variety pack of 104 servings and a shelf life of 24 years (Amazon Link.)

If you have the space, ability, and the way to conceal and defend your ground, then you can attempt to grow fresh foods. Potatoes, carrots, and wheat store the longest and have multiple uses. Consider saving and bartering your seeds rather than offering your precious veggies and fruits. If you have space for livestock, chickens are an excellent option. They are surprisingly loyal, hardy, and expert foragers and composters. When they stop laying eggs, you can make chicken soup! Eggs and chicks are invaluable bartering items.

3-First Aid and Medical Supplies

Medical supplies are a must because accidents, injuries, and illnesses happen and every person will need some kind of aid at some point. It is much better to be prepared than to do without. As humans we are vulnerable and it is only a matter of time before someone needs antibiotic ointments, burn salve, or some kind of pain reliever for a pesky headache.

Don’t focus solely on consumable first aid supplies. Make sure that you have plenty of room in your stash for bandages, gauze, medical tape, alcohol wipes, examination gloves, and other personal protective equipment (PPE.)

Your First Aid Kit SUCKS // This One is Better

4- Heat source or light

Heat and light sources will be on many wish lists when it comes time to barter. Non-preppers never have enough candles, flashlights, lanterns, and fire-starters. Thankfully we know better.

Visit this article to learn 7 ways to make emergency candles.

The Ultimate Home Blackout Kit for Emergency Power Outages ⚡ 11,623 Hours of Illumination!

5- Floss and Hygiene Products

You will hear me stress over and over again, the importance of stashing lots of floss. It’s one of those things that we don’t think about until we need it so here is your reminder: PACK LOTS OF FLOSS! Hygiene products are vital to have especially in a survival situation where bathrooms with hot running water are a thing of the past. Search for items that can store for a long time without degrading. Baby wipes and wet wipes will be in demand, but they don’t store as long as dry paper products. You will want to trade those items first.

Toilet paper will become a sought after luxury. Hang onto it as long as you can so that you can get the best trades later. Toothbrushes, toothpaste, FLOSS, and mouthwash will store for a few years. Stock up on these items for a good return later.

6- Feminine Hygiene Products

Feminine products are universally useful. Female preppers and survivalists aren’t generally the delicate and dainty type, but we still want to be healthy, fresh, and clean. I know that I would trade some of my valuable items if I were in need of feminine products. They also work really well as bandages in a pinch and a tampon can serve as a candle wick in a variety of ways.

Tampons may not be useful for everyone because not all women use them, but they are compact and you can store them for every so it’s worth it to have a few boxes in your stash.

Emergency Preparedness: Feminine Hygiene

7- Tools

After the world collapses it will need to be rebuilt and this cannot be accomplished without tools. You should have a wide variety of tools in your stash. Pack screws, screwdrivers, nails, hammers, adhesives, wrenches, and saws (to name a few.) You should skip electric tools even the battery powered ones. People won’t want to waste time and power on a drill when they can use a regular screwdriver. Plus hand tools are lighter and easier to pack.

8- Alcohol

You can accomplish more with alcohol than just getting tipsy. Many preppers keep a nice stockpile of their favorite top-shelf liquors for drinking, painkiller, wound care, and fuel.

Alcohol Bartering

9- Condoms

Let’s just be honest. Nobody wants a pregnancy of a baby in the midst of a catastrophe. That would take a lot more extra planning and supplies. Stockpile this little treasures and they will be sure to pay off at your next trade.

They last for ages and even if the expiration date passes, a condom is better than no condom.

10- Sugar, salt, herbs, and spices

Sugar, salt, herbs, and spices will be sought after luxury items. As people run through their food supplies, they will be stuck with dry and flavorless foods to sustain them and they will be craving some spice in their lives.

If you store salt in sugar in waterproof airtight containers (separately of course) they can last indefinitely. Spices and herbs have a shorter shelf life, but even if they lose flavor and potency people won’t really care. Some spice is better than no spice. Some good options are chili powder, Italian seasoning blends, and granulated garlic.

11- Honey

17 of the absolute best bartering items

Honey can literally last longer than you can. I’m not joking. It will crystallize and change color and texture over time, but it never spoils. And when it does crystallize, simply put the container in some hot water and the crystals will dissolve.

Long after everybody else’s sugar supply runs out, you can roll out your golden jar of honey and reap the sweetest of rewards. On top of being delicious, it is a nutrient dense energy source that has many uses.

12- Hunting and Fishing Gear

Hunting and fishing supplies last forever, are easy to store, and you can trade them for high value items. Savvy preppers will want to snatch up your gear the minute they see it because it allows them to procure their own food.

Survival Hunting Kit

13- Entertainment

Entertainment will be much rarer than you think. We will be left with no internet, no devices, and no emails to write. At this point a good book and a deck of cards will be super appealing.

Be sure to store notebooks, pens, pencils, and board games in waterproof containers. You will be delighted by the offers that you get in return.

14- Duct Tape

Duct tape is a very versatile bartering item. It can last for years without degrading if you store it properly and it has many uses. Most people don’t store a lot of duct tape and they end up swiftly depleting their supply during a disaster. This is why duct tape will hold its value in the post-apocalyptic world.

10 Genius Uses For Duct Tape In a Survival Situation

15- Plastic Bags

Plastic bags and sheeting are easy to stash and pack. They take up very little space and have a plethora of practical uses in survival situations such as: quick shelters, sanitary disposal, water collection, and much more.

15 Trash Bag uses for Survival

16- Clothing

Clothing is a lot more valuable than people realize. You shouldn’t avoid donating your old clothes, but I do think that you should hang on to a few select items for your stash. There is always a need for coats, gloves, socks, hats, and pants especially when the grid goes down and the temperature drops. This is another reason why I can’t recommend the Big Island of Hawaii enough. You can survive outside even in the winter.

17- Your skills

Best bartering items
17 of the absolute best bartering items

You can work what you got and barter your skills and services! Many people underestimate the value of skills, but in a SHTF scenario, the knowledge and know-how is invaluable.

If you take the time to learn valuable skills now, then you will have amazing bargaining chips when it comes time to trade. Water purification / collection, hunting, fishing, gardening, farming, building shelters, carpentry, welding, foraging are all skills that people are willing to pay for.

It’s not all about survival either. People will get bored and if you can sing, play an instrument, or tell stories then people will pay well for your time and talent.

20 Items Every Prepper Should Stockpile (Food Shortage Preps) Barter Items

These are all items that you can easily get at a store.

Why didn’t coins and precious metals make the list?

The honest truth is that coins aren’t much better than paper money, and they are heavier. Very few people will be able to turn them into usable materials. Many people may disagree with me, but this also applies to gold and precious metals. As far as I’m concerned, if you can’t eat them, build with them, or use them as tools then they are worthless. Gems and precious metals are ornamental and do not offer intrinsic value to nomads and preppers.

If you want to stockpile gold and precious metals for when SHTF then go for it. Just make sure that it is well hidden so that your stash doesn’t get raided.

What about weapons and ammunition?

Would you rather be well armed or responsible for arming the weirdo on the street? I would rather keep the biggest and best weapons and ammunition for me and my family in a post-apocalyptic world. I’m not about to barter away my weapons and ammo. Keep your weapons for yourself if you hope to live to see the world rebuild itself one day.

Should you BARTER Ammunition? | What to Consider Before Bartering Ammo


Best bartering items
17 of the absolute best bartering items

This was not a comprehensive guide or an exhaustive list. I wanted to arm you with the bartering items that would bring you the most value. Everything on the list is either cheap or easy to acquire today. Most of the items are easy to store and will last for a very long time.

Now go spend your someday-worthless-dollars on some key items that will be worth a lot when society collapses.

What do you plan to barter with when SHTF? Comment below to share the items that you would share and the prized items that you cannot live without.

See you soon!

The post 17 of the Absolute Best Bartering Items appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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10 Supermarket Foods that Have a Long Shelf Life Tue, 23 Apr 2024 02:27:50 +0000 Here are 10 supermarket foods that have a super long shelf life. The best part is that these items are super affordable and you can start picking them up at...

The post 10 Supermarket Foods that Have a Long Shelf Life appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Here are 10 supermarket foods that have a super long shelf life. The best part is that these items are super affordable and you can start picking them up at your supermarket today. See? Prepping can be simple!

10 supermarket foods that have a super long shelf life

Food:Shelf Life:
Granulated sugar30 Years
Beans30 Years
Pasta30 Years
Rolled Oats30 Years
Popcorn30 Years
Powdered Milk20 Years
Potato Flakes15 Years
The shelf life listed for each item is approximate

1- Honey

10 supermarket foods that have a long shelf life
10 supermarket foods that have a super long shelf life

Though it may crystallize with time, raw honey will keep almost indefinitely. In fact, archaeologists in Georgia unearthed the world’s oldest honey in a 5,500 year old Egyptian tomb. Honey contains a high acid level and is less than 18 percent water. This environment makes it undesirable and most bacteria and microbes cannot grow or reproduce in honey.

Honey has more uses beyond being a nice sweetener. It often helps allergy sufferers and can be used to treat wounds and burns. If it does crystallize, simply place the container in some warm water and the crystals will disappear. Ideally, honey should be stored below 80 degrees with a humidity level less than 70%.

I love to use manuka honey to make skin products / salve.

2- Salt

10 supermarket foods that have a long shelf life

If it is properly stored, salt can last indefinitely. It can add flavor to your food, including the popcorn we listed above and it is perfect for preserving meat. You can create an electrolyte drink by mixing salt, sugar, and water. Additionally, salt works well as a cleaning agent and can clean many surfaces.

This mineral is one of the most useful to have on hand. The best way to store salt is in a clean and dry two-liter soda bottle. You can put salt in a 5 gallon bucket, but it will weigh around 50 pounds and this would be heavy to carry if you need to move it.

3- Rice

You will want to skip brown rice because it has a high oil content that will eventually cause it to go rancid. Luckily, most types of rice will last nearly forever when properly stored. In fact, archaeologists found the oldest farmed rice in Korea. 15,000 years old and it is still edible. Can you imagine that? The key to storing rice forever is to keep bugs out of it.

You can buy specialty buckets for storing rice, but if you’re thrifty like me then head to your local hardware store and buy some 5-gallon buckets with tightly fitting lids. Each bucket will fit around 32 pounds of rice. Take the rice out of the bags and put it into mylar bags. It is a good idea to add an oxygen absorber then seal the bag with a hot iron before putting it into the bucket. Put the tight lids on the buckets and store them at least 3 inches off the ground (pallets work well for this) in a cool, dark place.

The Ultimate Survival Food: Rice in Mylar 101 | Canadian Prepper

4- Granulated Sugar

10 supermarket foods that have a long shelf life
Here are 10 supermarket foods that have a long shelf life.

You can still feed your sweet tooth while you are running from zombies, hiding from radiation, and escaping a hurricane! Granulated sugar will last at least 30 years when properly stored and IF you can keep it from turning into a rock. At that point, it can morph into a weapon. As soon as you purchase your sugar, you need to immediately take it out of the thin paper sack that it comes in.

Store your sugar in glass canning jars and make sure that you tightly screw on the lids. As long as the lids are secure, your sugar will be protected from moisture in the glass jars. If you want to diversify your sugar sources: confectioner’s sugar will last for about 18 months and brown sugar about a year before they both harden.

How We Store Sugar For Our Prepper Pantry ~ Easy Long Term Storage!

5- Beans

10 supermarket foods that have a long shelf life

Beans are an outstanding protein source and they can be prepared in a variety of ways. You can easily stock up on your favorite variety of beans at the grocery store or grow your own. In an emergency, you can even grind beans to make your own flour.

While beans will store for more than 30 years, their vitamin giving qualities will start to fade after about 5 years. Luckily, they will still fill you up and provide protein so they are worth stocking up on.

Dry Canning Beans And Rice For Long Term Storage (How To)

6- Pasta

You can make endless delicious dishes with pasta. The problem with pasta is that it can quickly become contaminated with bugs. It has the potential to last for up to 30 years (10 years for whole wheat pasta), but in its original packaging, you would be lucky to get 3 years. Instead, use the same mylar bags + 5 gallon bucket storage technique that we used for the rice. That way, you can be sure that your pasta will be preserved and ready to provide some much -needed energy in an emergency. Try to store your pasta in a location that stays under 70 degrees.

7- Rolled Oats

In an emergency, probably won’t have much time for food prep because campfires may give away your location to and call unwanted attention to your hideout. Rolled oats + oxygen absorbers, stored in mylar bags in 5- gallon buckets could be the perfect solution. You will want to store your oats in the darkest place possible. When stored in the dark, rolled oats are more likely to last up to 30 years. Additionally, you can grind your oats into flour if you like.

Oats: A Sensational Survival Storage Food

8- Popcorn

10 supermarket foods that have a long shelf life

If stored in ideal conditions (away from moisture and light), popcorn can last up to 30 years. The kernels have a very hard shell which makes them impervious to pests and vermin. Archaeologists even discovered ancient popcorn that is over 5,500 years old and still safe to eat.

Don’t buy the popcorn with butter or flavorings because it doesn’t store well. If your popcorn doesn’t come in a good long term storage container, you can store it in a clean milk jug or 2-liter plastic soda bottle. Did you know that you can grind popcorn into flour?

How to Store Popcorn Long Term Food Storage

9- Powdered Milk

The amount of vitamin A and Vitamin D in powdered milk will begin to decrease by 20% per year after 5 years, but you can store powdered milk for over 20 years so it is worth adding to your pantry. Do not put it in plastic bags because it will take on the plastic flavor. Instead, store it in glass jars.

Milk For Long Term Food Storage

10- Potato Flakes

Dried potato flakes are an excellent food source for the modern-day prepper. Potato flakes need to be stored in sealed mylar bags with oxygen absorbers. Storing them in this way means they will last 10 to 15 years.

Potato Flakes: Super Scrumptious Survival Food Storage Staple

Remember to pack multivitamins!

10 supermarket foods that have a long shelf life

Make sure that you include multivitamins in your emergency supply stash! Unfortunately, this is often overlooked. If you ever have to depend on emergency food for a prolonged period of time, you may have gaps in your nutrition. You should do your best to store foods that have nutritional value, but this can be challenging especially since many of those foods expire.

The easiest way to fill in those nutritional gaps is to include a daily multivitamin. Avoid gummy vitamins or gel caps because they expire sooner than tablets. It is usually safe to consume vitamins beyond their expiration date, but their potency may be reduced.


These 10 foods are affordable, last for at least 10 years, and are available at your local supermarket. If you’re looking to create and nice little stockpile, these are the foods that I would start with. Which prepping foods are your favorite? What are your tips and tricks? Comment below to share!

See you soon!

The post 10 Supermarket Foods that Have a Long Shelf Life appeared first on Prepper Facts.

]]> 3 6009
How to Find the Best Bug Out Location (BOL) Sun, 07 Apr 2024 07:45:16 +0000 Preppers are often labeled as paranoid, weird, and downright crazy because a prepper’s lifestyle is far from conventional. Those labels would have bothered me back in middle school, but now...

The post How to Find the Best Bug Out Location (BOL) appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Preppers are often labeled as paranoid, weird, and downright crazy because a prepper’s lifestyle is far from conventional. Those labels would have bothered me back in middle school, but now as a grown woman the thought of leaving home and being fully prepared to start over in a new, safe location sounds super exciting. Even when you’re not running for your life or escaping danger, starting over can be complicated and takes a fair amount of prep work. Let’s talk about how to find the best bug out location.

You should never feel ashamed of being prepared

How to find the best bug out location (BOL)
How to find the best bug out location

Disasters frequently happen with no warning and especially in our ever-changing, turbulent world, preparedness is never something to be ashamed of. Having a supply of water, food, toiletries, fuel, and other necessities is a really great start, but serious preppers will want to have at least two good Bug Out Locations (BOL) to head to when “SHTF.”

You should have more than one BOL because different disasters will have different safety requirements. For example, high ground is the perfect location for flood-prone areas, but being underground is best for avoiding the radiation of a nuclear war. Also, high ground is not the best for wildfire-prone locations.

BOL Essential Requirements

How to find the best bug out location (BOL)

1- The Physical Location

  • With in the range of a short hike or one tank of gas.
  • Multiple access points available.
  • Quick escape routes available.

The first step is choosing your location. It is important to look at simple logistics from the beginning. A good bugout location will be within hiking distance or well within one tank of gas. The farther away your retreat is from home, the less time you will be spending there. You might set the intention to make the 5 hour drive and 2 mile hike to work on setting up your bug out location at least once a week. And for the first few weekends, you might actually do it, but over time, you may get busy and run out of the motivation to make the trek. Also, if the worst does come to pass, if might be very difficult to reach your location especially if you have to travel miles on foot to get there.

Imagine the potential disasters that could take place. Is it easy to get to your bug out location? If the answer is no, then it’s not a good BOL. Make sure that you have multiple access points and quick escape routes.

2- Knowledge of Your Location

  • Make sure that you can easily access your location without a map.
  • Have a good understanding of the climate and weather patterns.
  • If there are neighbors nearby, get to know them.

You must know the ins and outs of your location. Your BOL will be useless if you can’t find it or if you get lost on your way there. Take the time to visit your site often, thoroughly explore and hike the surrounding areas. I like to make sure that I spend all 4 seasons in an area. This doesn’t mean that you have to live there full time, but make sure that you visit the location a few times during each season during the day and also at night. A location might transform in darkness and it’s good to be familiar with all the subtle nuances. This is also a good time to plan where you will set up traps, hunt, and possibly store some food for a rainy day.

3- Seclusion

  • A remote area that is difficult for outsiders to get to.
  • Accessible year round, yet inconvenient to get to.

You don’t want your location to be easy to find. It should be off of the main roads and have plentiful tree coverage. You want to be properly concealed so that anyone who is passing through the vicinity would not even know that your place exists during the day or at night. Try to be invisible. This means that you don’t want your lights to be seen.

The goal is to be completely concealed from all senses. You will need to take special care if you build a fire because the smoke from a fire is visible from a long distance so it is best to do that at night. You should only cook at night and because cooking smells can travel up to half a mile.

4- Shelter

  • The presence of cabins, caves, or cellars
  • Something to keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
  • Will withstand common natural disasters for the area

You will need a cabin, camper, tent, cave or other shelter that will keep you safe during the worst kind of emergency. What do you plan on living in? Keep in mind that it may take you longer than a day to reach your bug out location. Make sure that you are prepared to camp regardless of the season. If you can purchase a property that already has a house or cabin that would be great (the Big Island of Hawaii is ideal because it is remote and has a good climate year round). However, to get something remote enough to serve as a bug out location, you may need to buy land and build on it.

Prepare for a long-term stay

A root cellar type shelter is an excellent low cost alternative for creating shelter. It is a cheap, but labor intensive process that will benefit you in many ways. I like it because it is very easy to disguise and camouflage and it will stay cool during the summer. It is safe in most weather conditions except flooding.

5- Accessible water sources

  • Potable water is an absolute must. Make sure that there are nearby lakes, rivers, wells, or other water sources that are available year-round.
  • Must have necessary water purification supplies

Dehydration is deadly and happens quickly after a disaster and access to clean, drinkable water is an absolute must. There is no way of knowing how long you will need to stay at your bug out location so it is vital to have water sources nearby. You may be there for weeks, months, or longer and stored water bottles will only last for so long.

Make sure that you have supplies for purifying water in addition to a good cast iron pot, fire pit, and strainer to ensure that you can always provide clean water for your family. You will also want access to a place for bathing and washing dishes and clothes especially if you have to bug out for a prolonged period of time.

6- Available supplies

  • Have the ability to stock your BOL before SHTF
  • Your BOL needs some kind of secure storage.

You will need to stock up on supplies until you have a complete store of necessities at each of your bug out locations. If you cannot safely store supplies then you will need to find a solution. Can you safely conceal a bug out bag or install some shelving? Or build an in ground root cellar that is connected to your shelter? It is important to have a secure way to conceal your supplies.

7- Self-sufficiency / renewable food sources

  • Game rich lands for hunting or lakes for fishing
  • A food garden
  • Good soil quality, sunlight, and irrigation source for growing food.
  • A source of electricity (solar, wind, and/or water)
  • A source of firewood
  • Space and resources for livestock

Keep in mind that you might be at your bug out location for an indeterminate amount of time. You will no longer be able to rely on the power-grid and you won’t be running to the store every time you need to restock your pantry. We can only store so much emergency food at any given location. If there is a place nearby for hunting, trapping, fishing, and foraging, you will be much better prepared for a potential long-term stay. Self-sufficiency will be vital. You must have everything that you need on your property or be able to produce it.

8- Security

  • Have at least one vantage point and one natural barrier.
  • Good locations for alarms, traps, and weapons are a must.

In the worst of times, unprepared people will try to take from the people who have things. It will be important for you to have a place that you can easily defend. If your bug out location is well-concealed then you are well on your way to having a secure place. However, you need to make sure that it is not only concealed, but also difficult to access.

Be inconvenient and inaccessible

No one should ever be able to approach your bugout location without you being aware of it. Make sure that you know which roads and paths lead to your property and monitor them at all times. Is there a waterway that will lead to your location?

You need to have an intimate understanding of the strengths and vulnerabilities of your property that way you can plan an offensive that will keep you concealed while you defend what’s yours.

PRO TIP: Get yourself some sentry alarm mines then load them with .22 blank ammo and attach them to a trip wire.

9- Beware of Natural Threats

  • Understand the potential natural threats of your area
  • Plan accordingly

When it comes to the location of your BOL make sure that you understand the potential natural hazards and threats of the area. Is the area prone to flooding, earthquakes, forest fires, hurricanes, or tornadoes? Do your best to find a location that is as safe from natural threats as possible.

Sadly, not all of us have access to regions that are free of hazards so you need to assess the threats in your area ahead of time and prepare accordingly. For example, if your area is prone to forest fires then clear the areas around your structures so that the fires cannot easily burn them down.

10- Red Tape

Make sure that you know the requirements and government regulations. Does your property have specific zoning? What kinds of permits do you need to build on or alter your property? Once SHTF this will probably not be an issue, but you’ll want to deal with the red tape before that happens.

11- Storage

  • Storage solutions should be secure and safe
  • Have multiple storage locations. Just in case.

You will need to keep your food and munitions dry and organized. It is absolutely necessary for you to be able to access your supplies from within your shelter. A root cellar that is located within your shelter may be great for storing food, but the damp conditions are poor for storing anything made of metal. Consider dedicating a dry room to storing your weapons.

Remember to stash a few around the land and in multiple locations just in case you are caught unaware. It’s also good to have an additional stash / bugout bag to grab if you have to make a swift getaway.

12- Bathroom “facilities”

  • This is a necessity. Make sure that you have one ready before SHTF
  • Your bathroom “spot” needs to be a safe distance from your food and water source.

Again, this is a topic that people don’t really want to think about, but you need to figure out how to deal with bodily waste if you BOL doesn’t have a septic tank. Bodily waste is a smelly bio-hazard material that can give away your presence if it is dumped in the same place over a span of time.

If you’re prepping for a long-term bugout a compost toilet is the way to go. It is easy to use, traps odors, and provides needed nutrients for your garden. Talk about not wasting your waste and making it work for you!

CAUTION: Never dump stool into a stream or close to your food. It will contaminate food and water and potentially spread disease.

Proximity: How close should your bug out location be?

In an emergency services and supplies will be limited and most people will try to escape at the same time. Keep this in mind when you are selecting your location. Ideally, you want your location to be no further than what one tank of gas and a short hike can take you. You also want to be able to get there within one daylight period.

Plan for the harshest situations and inclement weather such as extreme heat, ice/snowstorms, and flooding. Are you able to climb that steep bluff in the pouring down rain or in the snow? Is that windy road accessible during the December blizzards? Would you be able to make that river crossing during a flood? Take all of these different scenarios into consideration and plan for them.

When selecting your location, keep the proximity close and accessible in all weather conditions.

Supplies to stash at your Bug Out Location:

You should tailor your supplies to meet the specific needs of your family, but there are some basic essentials that should be present at every survival retreat. Here are some ideas.

10 Foods with the longest shelf life:

Available at your local supermarket. The listed shelf lives on the chart below are approximate estimations.

Food:Shelf Life:
Granulated Sugar30 years
Pasta30 years
Beans30 years
Rolled Oats30 years
Mashed potato flakes15 years
Powdered Milk20 years
Popcorn30 years


  • Large and small containers of purified water prepared for long term storage.

Clothing and Bedding

I prefer synthetic clothing because it is easy to wash and dry. Cotton panties will stay wet for a very long time and this can get uncomfortable. The list below is obviously a list for a fully stocked bugout location. I would never bring all of these items with me if I were on the run or backpacking.

  • Shirts
  • Pants
  • Underwear
  • Wool socks
  • Belts
  • Jacket
  • Coat
  • Coveralls
  • Boots
  • Hiking Boots
  • Hat
  • Earmuffs
  • Sleeping bag, sheets, blankets, pillow cases
  • Laundry detergent to wash your clothing and bedding

Toiletries (Bring LOTS of Floss! This is something people don’t talk about)

  • Start stocking up on floss right now. I don’t believe in stockpiling a lot of items, but floss is something that I will stock.
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Mouthwash
  • Comb/brush
  • Dry body brush (useful if a shower or bath is unavailable)
  • Hand and body soaps
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Lotion
  • Feminine Hygiene Products
  • Deodorant
  • Hair elastics, clips, headbands

Kitchen Supplies

  • An aluminum or teflon pot (for boiling water, soups, and pasta)
  • Cast iron skillet (ideal for grilling, meats, eggs, veggies, and toasting bread)
  • A cast iron dutch oven
  • Can opener
  • Cooking utensils such as tongs, serving spoons, spatula, knives, ladles, etc.
  • Plates, bowls, cups, forks, spoons
  • Reusable food storage: mason jars, bowls with lids, tupperware, etc.
  • Matches or lighter
  • Fuel for fire such as cardboard, camp wood, charcoal, axe / hatchet to access more wood

First Aid Kit

  • Insect Repellent
  • Sunscreen
  • Acetaminophen
  • Allergy medicine
  • Aspirin
  • Tums
  • Any prescription medication that you or your family requires
  • Bandages
  • Burn cream
  • Ointment / healing gels
  • essential oils
  • Arnica
  • Epsom salt
  • Anti-bug sting cream


  • Bear spray (works really well on people too)
  • Pepper spray
  • Guns
  • Ammunition
  • Bow and Arrows
  • Rope
  • Fire Extinguisher

Gardening Supplies:

  • Loppers
  • Shovel
  • Buckets
  • Seeds
  • PVC pipe (if you need to create an irrigation system)
  • Pruners

Fishing and Hunting Supplies:

  • Fishing Poles
  • Extra string
  • Long-lasting bait (or the ability to dig up your own bait)
  • Additional leads, bobbers, hooks, and sinkers
  • A good knife (for filleting, field dressing, and skinning)
  • A strong pair of shears
  • Trash bags (for meat)
  • Ziploc bags (for innards, liver, heart, and other organs you want to save)
  • Hunting rifle
  • Rope
  • Cooler

Bug out location checklist:

  1. Easy to access in all weather.
  2. Well concealed, off the highway, maybe on a dirt road that you haven’t talked about on Facebook.
  3. Multiple access points.
  4. Multiple escape routes.
  5. Property touches or is near state or public land.
  6. Has a sufficient shelter.
  7. Has at least one lookout /vantage point.
  8. At least one natural barrier such as a cliff, mountain, river, etc.
  9. Lots of storage.
  10. Storage can be stocked before a natural disaster.
  11. Has a water source nearby such as a stream, lake, or well.
  12. Available renewable food sources such as fishing, hunting, foraging, or available farming.
  13. Access to a latrine.
  14. You are very knowledgeable of the area and can access the location without a map.
  15. The location is at a low risk or highly prepared for a natural disaster.

Buying a Bug Out Location

There are a number of ways to find a good bug out property. Talk with a local real estate agent and search for wooded lots or fishing or hunting cabins nearby. These cabins would be well equipped with some of the aspects we discussed above and additional features like access roads, cooking equipment, and septic / toilets.

Make it a point to personally visit any potential property. Bring a real estate agent or someone that you trust. You need to make sure that it is exactly what you expect and if someone is selling it for a good price you need to know why. There might be a negative aspect that you cannot see online. It is best to buy your land in cash and keep it a secret.

If there are no cabins nearby, you can also look at public land. National forests are better than national parks. Get some topographical maps and look for secluded areas that have good access to water.

Where can you find your perfect BOL Getaway?

  1. Craigslist is a great place to find listings that aren’t real estate agent’s sites. There are listings that often include very remote plots of land.
  2. Word of mouth. Speak with locals in the area that you plan to bug out. Of course you shouldn’t talk about your specific bug out plans, but you can chat with them about different areas and lots that might be fore sale.
  3. Survival Realty. This might be the best place to find your BOL. They work nationally with both real estate agents and owners who are selling very remote properties.
  4. boasts that it is America’s number one source for off-grid properties, farms, and ranches.
  5. lists isolated areas for sale across America.
  6. United Country Real Estate offers land for sale in the US, Mexico, and Panama.
  7. You can also search nationwide real estate websites like Zillow, Redfin, Realtor, and Trulia.

A good bugout location is accessible all year round and easy for you to find, well-hidden and difficult for others to detect. Keep it a secret so that others don’t show up during a disaster and raid your stash.


Just imagine the sense of peace and reassurance you will have once you have a bugout location that meets all of these requirements. What do you look for in a bug out location? Would you stay close to home or completely relocate? Comment below to share!

Thanks for joining me today!

The post How to Find the Best Bug Out Location (BOL) appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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Is it safe to drink urine for survival? Mon, 11 Mar 2024 23:57:55 +0000 Is it safe to drink urine for survival? Isn’t this the question we secretly ask ourselves when we’re stumbling through the wilderness with just a few sips left of water?...

The post Is it safe to drink urine for survival? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Is it safe to drink urine for survival? Isn’t this the question we secretly ask ourselves when we’re stumbling through the wilderness with just a few sips left of water? Let’s take a serious look at this question, do some investigating, and find out.

Urine is not completely sterile as some folks suggest. It contains toxins and bacteria that were already present in your body before being flushed out. While these contaminants are unlikely to directly harm you by themselves, they can put additional strain on your kidneys and immune system. This may eventually lead to health complications. If survival is your goal (as it should be for everyone), before you take a sip of the golden brew (ew), let’s take a closer look.

Can you drink urine?

Technically yes, but you should abstain in most cases (I’m not suggesting that it’s enjoyable… Not all golden things are good.) You may find websites and people who praise the magical qualities of drinking your own urine to treat or prevent issues. Remember to take everything that you hear or read on the internet with a grain of salt. Even medical professionals tend to agree that it’s not a good idea. The Army Field manual (PDF) for Survival, Evasion, and Recovery specifically lists urine on it’s “DO NOT DRINK” list followed by fish juices, blood, seawater, and alcohol.

Is it safe to drink urine for survival?
Is it safe to drink urine for survival?

This advice would be very easy to heed for people who carry jugs of water everywhere they go, but what if (heaven forbid)you find yourself in a survival situation where consuming pee is your only option? The “good news” is that it might work as a last ditch effort, but the bad news is that the benefits wouldn’t last for long.

It’s not without it’s risks

There are stories of survivors who have survived horrendous accidents and have said that they drank their urine to survive. This includes American mountaineer and mechanical engineer, Aron Ralston, who amputated his own arm in 2003 to escape a boulder in a Utah canyon. However, this practice is not widely advised as a survival technique. Think about it, how many articles have you read about the lasting effects on those survivor’s bodies? Probably not many because people don’t want to talk about the possible repercussions of drinking pee. I have to admit that I was even personally apprehensive to write this article at first. I’m glad that I decided to proceed with my writing because I think that it is important to talk about it since I plan on covering ALL aspects of prepping and survival.

Drinking urine can be especially risky for survivors of crashes or crushing injuries. When the muscle fibers are damaged, the cells can start leaking phosphorous and potassium into the bloodstream. Even a survivor with healthy kidneys may not be able to flush out the dangerous build-up. Someone who has been drinking their own urine would be at an even greater risk. For this same reason, a person who drinks urine should stay away from high potassium foods like bananas.

Is it safe to drink urine for survival?

As a super short term solution and absolute last resort, yes. Keep in mind that drinking urine for an extended period of time is a bad idea. The whole purpose of your kidneys is to filter waste products from your body then excrete them through urine. Your pee is composed of 95% water which sounds great when you’re dying of thirst, but the remaining 5% has the potential to kill you in slow and painful ways.

Is it safe to drink urine for survival?

What is urine composed of?

  • Sodium
  • Urea
  • Nitrogen
  • Potassium
  • Creatine
  • Ammonia
  • Hormones

That’s the short list, but the full list has over 3,000 compounds! Every individual person has their own unique recipe based on their overall health and what they put into their bodies. This stuff could be harmless in small doses. The problems start creeping up after the prolonged consumption of urine and it becomes more concentrated with each trip through your kidneys.

If you’ve reached the point where you are considering urine as a hydration option, then you are probably extremely dehydrated and your kidneys won’t be able to process the minerals in such concentrated amounts. In addition to the growing danger of bacterial infections, subsisting on your own urine for a prolonged or even abbreviated stretch of time can cause catastrophic damage to your kidneys.

Wait, isn’t urine sterile?

I hate to kill this myth and crush the hopes of all the pro-pee peeps out there, but urine is not sterile. You should NOT use it to dissolve sea urchin quills, treat jellyfish stings, rub it in your wounds, or use it to clear your sinuses. Sorry, not sorry (I usually hate this phrase, but it feels appropriate here.) ??

Is It Safe To Drink Your Urine? | Seeker

This bad information was unintentionally spread in the 1950’s during a study of urinary tract infections (UTIs.) Samples that had no UTI bacteria were labeled as “negative.” That label only referred to UTI bacteria, but not all bacteria. Unfortunately enough people assumed that “negative” meant sterile, hence the myth. Yikes!

Your bladder and urethra are lined with bacteria so when urine passes through your system it picks things up along the way. Where do you think all the bacteria goes when you drink your pee? It’s probably worth noting that while urine isn’t sterile, the bacteria is generally harmless to you. As with any “harmless substance,” bacteria can multiply and become too difficult for your immune system to fight. That coupled with dehydration, malnutrition, and exhaustion really works against your survival.

Is it safe to drink other people’s urine?

Is it safe to drink urine for survival?
Is it safe to drink urine for survival?

I never thought that I would be asking and answering these kinds of questions, but here we are. There aren’t huge differences between drinking your urine and someone else’s, but there things to keep in mind. When you pour from your own source, you’re reintroducing waste and bacteria that already existed in your body. You’re unlikely to contract a new disease by drinking your own fresh urine, but aged urine is another story.

However, if you drink someone else’s urine, you will be exposed to their unique blend of toxins, waste, and bacteria. What is harmless to your friend may be harmful to you. Before taking of sip of your friend’s urine ask them ask them if they have already been drinking their urine and for how long. As we discussed earlier, urine becomes more concentrated every time the kidneys have to filter it. If they have been drinking urine for 3 or more days, skip it because you won’t be getting 95% water. Instead, it will be recycled waste products that have been concentrated into something toxic and dangerous.

Beware the Presence of Prescription Medications

Preppers are known to keep a supply of medications in their stash. This means that even 5 days into a disaster they will likely still be taking their prescription meds. Prescriptions like heart medicine are necessary for their survival, but they could kill you.

Will it make you sick?

If you drink urine for survival you could get very ill. Whether it be from the buildup of concentrated minerals that your kidneys cannot filter or a growing colony of bacteria, you could end up worse off than if you never drank urine in the first place. At the same time, if you cannot find any other source of water and you risk dying from dehydration, then it might be worth the risk of infection, to survive another day.

What are the side effects of drinking urine?

Now that we’ve made it this far, let’s talk about the side effects.

  • Dehydration- Drinking urine can be just as bad as drinking seawater. With each pass through your kidneys, the urine contains more sodium and less water. High sodium levels can make dehydration symptoms worse or trigger more symptoms sooner.
  • Gastrointestinal issues- Drinking urine can cause mental and physical reactions like vomiting, diarrhea, and a general feeling of illness. There isn’t much you can do about the mental yuck-factor, but the real danger is in dehydration. If you are vomiting and have diarrhea then dehydration is inevitable especially if you don’t have a water source.
  • Infection- Infection can occur when bacteria is introduced to existing bacterial colonies. This reintroduction could encourage them to grow far beyond normal proportions. It could also spark infections in other areas of the body. This is especially dangerous if you are suffering from injuries or mouth sores brought on from dehydration and malnutrition.
  • Heart Attack- Continually drinking your urine can elevate your potassium to a dangerous level and cause a heart attack. This is less likely if you are healthy, but too much potassium is bad for everyone.
  • Kidney Failure- Kidney failure is the biggest issue that could result from drinking urine. Once your kidneys go, there isn’t much you can do to reverse the damage especially in a survival situation where you can’t access medical care. Kidney failure happens when the toxin level gets so high that your kidneys can no longer function.

This all sounds really awful, but don’t lose hope. It is definitely not ideal to drink urine, but if you have no other option then there are some steps you can take to make urine safer to drink.

Does it help to boil urine?

Again? I never thought that I would be thinking about this, but there is some “good news.” Yes, boiling urine can make it safer to drink, but only if you distill it. This means that you will need to capture the vapors and condense it back down to a liquid.

Distilling almost any water-based liquid can save your life. American astronauts drink recycled water which includes condensation from their sweat, breath, shower steam, and urine. While it may not be as cool and high tech as NASA’s methods, boiling urine the old fashioned way and collecting the steam works just as well.

It’s important to distill it

If you were to boil urine and drink it without distilling it, then you would be drinking a more concentrated and dangerous solution than what you started with. If you decide to do this, make sure you follow the distillation process.

Is it safe to drink urine for survival?
Is it safe to drink urine for survival?

Will water filters work?

Water filtration systems and purification tablets will not work for urine. Water filters are rated in microns and a filter rated at 0.1 microns can filter out bacteria and parasites, but bacteria isn’t the major issue here. Also, many of the waste products in urine are too small to be filtered with those methods.

Activated charcoal is slightly better, but still not perfect. It can remove organic chemicals, but it will not remove sodium and sodium is what is going to cause or worsen dehydration. If you can’t boil and distill urine, but all you have is a water filter or purification tablet, then it can’t hurt to use what you have. Just know that you won’t have pure water and be prepared for the side effects of extra sodium and minerals.

When should you drink urine?

It’s hard to recommend a time that would be good to sip on pee. However, we are talking about survival here so I would say that if I have no other source of water and I can distill it in some way then I would take a sip after that. Another thing I never thought I would ever say.

If I have no way of distilling urine and have to drink it straight… I would wait until it was my absolute last resort. And hopefully we will be properly prepped and able to prevent this kind of situation. Only you can decide when the time is right.

It’s more important to consider the times when you shouldn’t drink urine

  • People with crushing injuries should avoid drinking urine at all costs. Damaged muscle cells will release phosphorous and potassium into the bloodstream. Your kidneys already work hard to remove these substances, but if you add urine to the mix then you could quickly overtax them and cause kidney failure.
  • If you’re already dehydrated then drinking pee isn’t going to help. You would put more sodium into your system and this would only make matters worse.

Properly prepare and avoid this situation

The best way to avoid the kind of situation that would put you in the position to have to decide whether or not to drink urine is to always have access to drinkable water. Plan ahead and prepare, stay hydrated, and make sure that you have a good grasp on several different water purification methods.

How long can you survive drinking urine?

There is no hard and fast rule. It is always better to err on the side of caution and use this as a last resort because urine becomes more concentrated over time. On the first day, you probably won’t have ill side effects beyond stomach upset and the yuck factor. You might even be okay after the 2nd day, but after that you could be at risk of getting kidney failure and other complications from dehydration.

It should always be your number one priority to find a source of fresh water because you can’t live on urine alone for any meaningful amount of time.

The end is here!

Is it safe to drink urine for survival?

At this point, I hope you can understand how essential it is to have a reliable source of potable water. I thought that this would conclude my “water series, ” but I think that I also need to write an article about safe water storage methods and options. More than anything I hope and pray that neither of us will ever end up in such a desperate survival situation, but I’m glad to know that we are equipped with options.

What are your thoughts on all of this? Would you drink urine if your survival depended on it? Comment below to share if you dare.

See you soon!

The post Is it safe to drink urine for survival? appeared first on Prepper Facts.

How To Find Water in the Desert Reliably Mon, 29 Jan 2024 01:40:50 +0000 The arid, hot, and unforgiving desert is one of the toughest places to survive. While it is extremely difficult, it is possible with the right knowledge and skills. In this...

The post How To Find Water in the Desert Reliably appeared first on Prepper Facts.

The arid, hot, and unforgiving desert is one of the toughest places to survive. While it is extremely difficult, it is possible with the right knowledge and skills. In this guide, I will share tips and practical advice on how to find water in the desert reliably.

Is there water in the desert?

Yes, of course there is water in the desert! Since you cannot see puddles, lakes, and other water sources, one might assume that the desert is a barren and dry wasteland. Thankfully, water does exist even if you can’t see it at a glance.

How To Find Water in the Desert Reliably

Animals and plants that live in the desert need water just like any other living thing. Even the smallest plants growing out of the parched cracks in the landscape need water to survive.

Follow the animals

How To Find Water in the Desert Reliably
How To Find Water in the Desert Reliably

A seemingly obvious way to find water is to follow the animals to their water source. While this may sound like a reasonable tactic in most survival situations, the problem is that larger desert animals don’t come out in the blistering heat of the day. In fact, you should avoid the blistering heat, too.

Tracking an animal at night in any condition is challenging, but it’s a nightmare in the dessert because it is cold, hard to see, and you are probably lethargic from dehydration. You can still follow creatures to water sources, but you will need to think smaller.

Flying Insects

We often ignore or try to repel insects. If you have the kind of blood that doesn’t make you popular, consider it a blessing because mosquitoes and bugs love to feast on me. I try to repel them because they carry diseases and can give bites that can get infected, but they are great water detectors. In the desert I would allow the flying insects to lead me to water. If you see them, there’s a good chance that there is water nearby. Bees are an especially lucky find because they tend to fly directly from their hives to the water. This means that you will spend less time searching.

Ground Insects

Ground insects are more challenging to find because they have excellent camouflage and they hide when they feel the vibrations from your footsteps. They must conserve energy because they lack the advantages of wings and light bodies. This means that they tend to stay closer to the water source. A one-off bug isn’t an indication of water, but if you see several bugs in a small radius, it could mean that water is near.

Snakes and Lizards

Snakes and lizards can set you on the path to water. It is easy to spot their trails in the sand and they often burrow or sun themselves near insect nests or high activity areas. And as we mentioned earlier, insects stay close to water. so if you find snakes and lizards, it’s only a matter of time before you will be able to locate water.


Birds are able to fly long distances and may hunt further from home, but they are still a good way to find water. They spend a significant amount of time hunting insects, lizards, and small desert rodents that live near a water source. Birds are like the desert’s billboards. If you see a bird circling high in the air, take it as a sign that water is nearby. The best time to find a flock of birds is in the early morning or right before the sun goes down.

Landscape features can help you find water

How To Find Water in the Desert Reliably
How To Find Water in the Desert Reliably

Search for dense, green plant life

Just a single plant is a sign that there is water. Of course, the more vegetation you can find, the better your chances of finding water, but you’re more likely to see a single plant first. Search for vegetation that gets thicker and greener. If you follow the signs, you might get lucky and find a lush greenbelt or an underground water source.

A Tree -any tree

Since trees take a long time to grow, you can be almost certain that water is nearby if you spot a large tree. Cottonwoods and willows are especially nice to find, but any broad leaf tree is a treasure because they often have water at their bases. If you don’t find a spring or watering hole near the tree, trying digging a hole near its roots and the hole should fill with water. Another nice bonus is the shade that a large tree can provide for you in the desert.

Check downed trees and stumps

Downed and dead trees often absorb and hold water. If you get lucky and see insects going in and out of a stump or hole in a tree, there may be water stored inside. Don’t reach in! That’s the type of thing that nightmares are made of. Instead, tie a piece of cloth to the end of a long stick and poke the inside of the tree. If it comes out wet, then you’ve hit the jackpot! Squeeze the water into a container then go back for a few more rounds.

Search around rocks

A rock is generally impermeable to water so you can often find small amounts of water hiding in and around rock formations. Look for dividing lines between rock formations and in any natural dips or chips. You can also check the ground below where the rock slopes into the sand or soil. Water may have settled underground near the rock’s base.

Dig in dried riverbeds and ponds

If you come across a dried stream, riverbed, or pond, you may be able to find water just below the surface. The surface water might have evaporated, but if you find damp sand a few inches below the surface, it means there is more water to be found. Keep digging. The best place to start digging is right in the bend because this is where the water has eroded the bank and probably got stuck and settled into the bed. Once you have a deep hole that appears to be moist, cover it (so critters don’t contaminate your water hole) and wait a few hours. When you return, the hole will hopefully be full of water.

Search for desert trails

Search for desert trails created by animals, dried up running water, or other survivors. It’s a good sign if a trail is well worn because it is likely that you’ll find water at the end of it. Make sure that you follow the trail cautiously because you never know what could be waiting for you around the bend. Animals, other survivors, or a dramatic drop into the sandy abyss could cramp your style.

Look around the hills

Water will always rest at the lowest point of the landscape. This means that if you see hills, you may find water at the base. The hill is still a wonderful tool even if you don’t find water. Climb to the top for a view of the surrounding area. Search for signs of water like trees, birds, greenbelts, dried rivers, or ponds.

Search North-Facing Canyons

Canyons are the lowest point and tend to fill up with water when the rain falls. North-facing canyons are an ideal place to search because they get the benefit of the shade throughout the day which slows the evaporation of water. If you happen to find water in a canyon it will probably be stagnant and mucky from sitting for a prolonged period. Make sure that you purify the water you find before consuming it.

How To Find Water in the Desert Reliably

Other Water Sources

Collect moisture from plant leaves

You can collect a few sips of water from a plant’s natural vapor. Simply place a plastic bag over a plant. Next, place a small pebble into the bag to create a dip for the water to collect in and tie the bag snugly around the stem. Check on the bag at the end of the day. While this isn’t a quick fix and you won’t get a ton of water this way, you could get a few sips to wet your whistle in the blistering desert heat.

How to Collect Clean, Drinkable Water from Plants

Can you drink cactus water?

I hate to tell you that Hollywood fooled us into thinking that the desperate cowboy could simply cut into a barrel cactus and drink water from it. This is a dangerous lie because it turns out that barrel cacti are NOT big, friendly barrels of water waiting to re-hydrate you. While, you can find some moisture inside of a cactus, it is difficult to get and it is not water. The liquid you could get from mashing cactus flesh could greatly tax your kidneys and increase your suffering. As a result, you could end up vomiting during a time where you need your fluids more than ever.

There is only one type of barrel cactus that won’t inflict torturous suffering. The Fishhook Barrel Cactus(Ferocactus wislizenii) can still cause some gastric upset and it tastes super bitter, but it is not toxic like the others. It lives in Northern Sonora, Mexico and South-central Arizona. You can also find them in New Mexico and Texas. This cactus can be identified by its thick (2 foot diameter), barrel shaped body, and long hooked spines. Its red / yellow flowers always grow at the top of the plant.

What about cactus fruit?

Once upon a time, in my early 20’s, I lived in the Bay Area of California and was thrilled to find ruby colored prickly pears adorning a giant cactus. I reached out to grab some and was able to fill a shopping bag of cactus jewels, but I quickly learned the prickly lesson of glochids and the reason why they are called PRICKLY pears.

How To Find Water in the Desert Reliably

Cactus fruit can provide hydration and some nutrients and is less likely to make you ill. As I learned, the hard way, the spines and prickly hairs can cause injuries and much discomfort. Quickly burn those off with a few seconds in a fire or flame. If you don’t have a fire, you can peel the spines away with a knife. It is honestly a long and arduous process that may not be worth-it if you have access to other water sources.

If you do opt to choose cactus fruit for hydration, they are easy to spot with their vivid red and yellow colors. I think that prickly pears are the best because they are easy to identify and grow well in a variety of climates. They are a staple in Central American diets and also found in the Southwest of the US, Australia, The Galapagos Islands, and in Northern Africa. They have also been spotted as far north as British Columbia.

How to Pick and Eat Prickly Pear Fruit

How to collect dew in the desert

Morning dew is often an overlooked desert water source. An individual droplet may not seem like much, but collecting morning dew could save your life. There are a few proven methods for collecting dew, but don’t be afraid to experiment with new methods along with the tried and true.

  • Method #1: Hang clean clothing on a stick, plant, or rock overnight. It’s as simple as that. The clothing will absorb the morning dew and you can wring it into a cup, bowl, or right into your mouth in the morning. Be sure to rise early and wring the water out before the sun gets too hot, otherwise, the water will evaporate.
  • Method #2: If you happen to have mesh inside of your backpack, clothing, or other gear, you can use it to collect dew. Remove the mesh from your selected source and stretch it between two sticks, trees, or rocks. Tip at a steep angle and stick the bottom of the mesh inside of a canteen, bowl, or other clean container. The mesh will collect fog and dew like a spider’s web. Gravity will help to guide those dew drops into your collection container. Additionally, you can use a cloth to absorb the dew from the dew catcher.
  • Method #3: Cactus spines are not only designed for protection. They also catch water from the rain and fog and direct it towards the base of the plant. You can use a little cloth to absorb dewdrops from cactus and other desert vegetation. Squeeze the cloth into a container or into your mouth. This is a long and slow process, but it can keep you alive if you can’t find water anywhere else.

Use a stick to find water (Dowsing)

The ancient practice of “dowsing” has gone by a variety of names. Twitching, water witching, or simply “the gift.” It’s all about using a stick or other small object to find water. I haven’t personally used it, but I know other preppers who swear by it. It’s because of them and some interesting research that I have decided to include dowsing in this article. If I’m ever stuck in the desert with no water and no other options, I won’t allow skepticism to be the death of me.

Most experts believe that dowsing is a pseudoscience or old wives’ tale, but there was a German study that attracted some interest. In the 1990’s over the course of a decade, researchers had dowsers and geologists work together in several dry locations to test the accuracy of dowsing. Those researchers discovered that dowsing was surprisingly accurate. Additionally, well-drillers were able to find water 96% of the time thanks to dowsing techniques. Those techniques not only predicted where the water would be, but also told drillers the depth and how much water there would be.

If you’re curious and would like to give dowsing a shot. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Find a Y-shaped stick (think sling-shot.) The ideal sticks are 12 to 16 inches long.
  2. Hold the short ends (the top of the Y) with one tine in each hand. Use an underhanded hold (palms up) where the palms and heels of your hands are facing the sky. Face the long end of the stick (the tail) directly in front of you.
  3. With a loose grip, slowly move around the terrain.
  4. Concentrate on the dowsing rod and when you feel it tug downwards, it means that you are close to water.

Some dowsers claim the tug is hard to miss and you need to tighten your grip as you get closer to water otherwise the stick will drop.

Do you know how to find water with a dowsing stick?

Drink your urine

I covered the topic of drinking your own urine for survival in great detail in a previous article. I know that it’s gross, but it is worth mentioning here. You can drink your urine for survival, but it should be your absolute last resort and you should take the time to distill and filter it. If your only option is to drink it straight from the tap with no filtration, make sure that you have exhausted all other hydration options first. Once you drink your urine, it is only a matter of time before it becomes dangerous and puts significant strain on your kidneys. Eventually, it will further dehydrate you. Drinking urine can buy you a few extra days in a tight situation.

Dig holes for water

You can dig a hole in any area where you believe there may be some moisture below the surface. Generally, the deeper you dig, the more moisture you’ll find. This is probably the most reliable way to locate water. Utilize the information to identify an area with moisture then start digging!

  • If you don’t have a shovel, use a sturdy stick or a flat, broad rock.
  • If you don’t have a shovel, stick, or rock, wrap your hands in your shirt to protect them.
  • Dig approximately 1 foot. If the soil or sand is still dry after 1 foot, find a different location. If it’s damp, it means that there is water deeper down. Keep digging!
  • Sand can swiftly fill your watering hole so scoop it out and push it away from the edge.
  • Pat the sides of your hole to shore up the edges and prevent caving.
  • If you don’t have a bottle, cup, bowl, or container, use your shirt or other clean fabric to soak up water from the source and wring it into your mouth.
  • Always filter your water. Underground water sources are less likely to be contaminated by parasites or animal feces, but that doesn’t mean that it’s safe.
  • Be patient. It may take a few hours for your hole to fill with water.

Finding Water in the Desert | Primal Survivor


If you ever find yourself in the desert with no water, don’t give up hope. With this guide and a little determination and perseverance, you will be able to find enough water to survive while you work your way out of the hot zone. Do your friends (and me) a favor and share this article so that they will be equipped with this knowledge too! You might save a life!

Now I would love to hear from you! Do you have some strategies for finding water in the desert? Please comment below to share!

See you soon!

The post How To Find Water in the Desert Reliably appeared first on Prepper Facts.

SODIS Method: How to purify water with sunlight Mon, 22 Jan 2024 04:59:43 +0000 How to purify water with sunlight: If you ever find yourself in a survival situation in desperate need of safe drinking water, the SODIS Method could literally be a lifesaver....

The post SODIS Method: How to purify water with sunlight appeared first on Prepper Facts.

How to purify water with sunlight: If you ever find yourself in a survival situation in desperate need of safe drinking water, the SODIS Method could literally be a lifesaver. Learn how to purify water with sunlight. All you need to use the SODIS Method is clear plastic bottles and sunlight.

What is SODIS?

SODIS is short for “Solar Water Disinfection.” This method is simple and easy. All you need is a clear plastic water bottle and natural sunlight. SODIS is a free and decentralized water treatment that is usually applied at the household level. It is recommended by the World Health Organization. The SODIS method uses a combination of UV light and increased temperature (solar thermal) for disinfecting water using only sunlight and repurposed PET plastic bottles.

How does SODIS work?

SODIS is a portable method of water purification that harnesses the UV rays in natural sunlight and utilizes them to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites that may be present in your drinking water. Isn’t it amazing that you can put questionable water into a clean and clear plastic bottle, expose it to direct sunlight for the proper amount of time, then render it safe to drink?

FYI: Water that is contaminated with non-biological agents such as toxic chemicals or heavy metals requires different purification steps.

Harmful contaminants that are destroyed by 6 hours of sun exposure:

  • E. Coli
  • Vibrio Cholera
  • Salmonella
  • Shigella Flexneri
  • Campylobacteria jejuni
  • Yersinia enterocolitica


  • Rotavirus


  • Giardia
  • Cryptosporidium (this needs an exposure of 10 hours to work)

Cheap water purification using SODIS

Is the SODIS method safe?

A common concern is whether toxins from the plastic bottle will leach into the water when the SODIS method is being performed.

This method was tested by the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research and they discovered that the toxins that are emitted from the bottles are extremely low (according to the standard set by the World Health Organization.)

WHO, Red Cross, and UNICEF referred to SODIS as ‘User-friendly, Cost effective, and a measure of The Proven Health Impact. In addition to killing biological-contaminants, the SODIS method is known for its ability to prevent diarrhea, which is a leading cause of death in developing countries.

Portable UV Water Purifier | SteriPen

UV light is so effective at destroying micro-organisms that outdoor gear companies have started to take notice and capitalize on it. When I don’t have the time to wait for the sun to purify my water, I use this SteriPen. It shines a powerful UV light into your water and can render 1 liter of water safe to drink within 90 seconds. This is the quickest and easiest way to purify water with UV light.

How to use the SteriPen and why I switched

SODIS Method Supply List:

A clear, plastic bottle

  • Your bottles should be plastic rather than glass because they will not break easily due to temperature changes or heat exposure. Also, plastic bottles are easy to find all around the world.
  • Use clear PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) plastic bottle
  • The recycle code at the bottom of the bottle should be Recycle Code #1 (A recycling symbol with the number 1 inside). 
  • The bottle should be smaller than 2 liters
  • Use a bottle that is in good condition and free of scratches or visible signs of wear


  • Make sure that you water is visibly clear, clean, and odorless
  • Use the very best source of water possible. A running source such as a river or creek is ideal
  • Do your best to ensure that the water isn’t polluted with chemicals (avoid acquiring water from sources near industrial areas, sewers, or latrines)

Filtering Cloth

  • You will need something to filter out particles and impurities like leaves, rocks, or sand in the water. A bandana or a shirt will work.

Natural Sunlight

  • This method requires natural sunlight. Avoid shady, dark forests or thickets. Meadows and wide open spaces are ideal.

Reflective Surface (optional)

  • Bottles will heat faster and hotter if they are placed on a sloped sun-facing reflective surface
  • A corrugated metal roof (opposed to thatched roof) or slightly curved sheet of aluminum foil will increase the light inside the bottle
  • A mirror, metals, glass or even white surface (such as a poster board or box) can improve your sun exposure

Salt (optional)

  • Take it easy with the salt because you don’t want to accidently dehydrate yourself
  • Adding salt to murky water gets the particles to stick together and settle at the bottom of the bottle. This makes the water clearer for better sanitation.

Lime Juice (optional)

  • It’s less likely that you will have limes lying around, but if you do, you’re in luck!
  • Lime juice can help cut down the purification time from 6 hours to 30 minutes! Thanks to chemical compounds called psoralens, that are present in lime juice and shown to kill pathogens in both blood and water. 
  • Did you know that lime juice has been known to kill malaria and other bacteria?

SODIS Method Instructions:

Step 1- Sanitize the bottle

Make sure that the bottle is clean and free of dirt and dust. Remove the label from the bottle. This will allow the sunlight to quickly infiltrate the water and get to work on destroying the harmful contaminants.

Step 2- Find out of the water is “turbid”

Check to see if the water is cloudy, murky, opaque, or thick with suspended matter. To test this, fill the bottle with water and put it on top of a newspaper headline. Now look down into the bottle and try to read the headline. If the water is to turbid to read the headline, you will need to filter it with the cloth or add some salt.

Step 3- Fill, Cap, Shake!

Fill the bottle with water 75%. Now screw the top on securely and shake the bottle for a minimum of 30 seconds. This adds oxygen to the water which will help to kill germs and improve the taste.

Step 4- Fill additional bottles with water

This is a good time to add lime juice to the bottles. Even if you are just filtering water for yourself, filter as much as you can. This method is dependent on the weather and you don’t know exactly when you’ll have another sunny day. You don’t want to wake up dehydrated in the middle of the night with no water to drink. This filtering process takes some time so plan ahead!

Step 5- Place the bottles in direct sunlight

It is important to lay the bottles on their sides rather than upright. This allows more UV rays to penetrate the water. If you have reflective surfaces, this is the time to use them. A mirror is the best option, but you can also use white cardboard, shiny tin (a metal roof), or white tree bark will even help reflect more light into the bottles.

Step 6- Wait and let the magic happen

If it’s a sunny day leave the bottles in the direct sunlight for 6 hours. If it’s a cloudy day then this process could take up to 2 full days. The temperature doesn’t matter. It is the UV light that you are trying to capture and use. Not the heat. If it is so cloudy that it rains, collect that water and drink that instead. Either way you’ll have clean water to drink!

Drink up and enjoy!

Congratulations! You now have safe, drinkable water! Enjoy it and repeat these steps when necessary. You can drink the water directly from the bottle or pour it into another container. Make sure that you keep the cap on because you don’t want it to spill, get contaminated, or evaporate.

SODIS Method: How to purify water with sunlight


This method is easy and cost-effective which makes it one of the best methods for purifying water in a survival situation. Once you learn this skill, you can take it with you everywhere you go and have an easy way to access clean, drinkable water.

For more water purification methods visit read my article “The 5 Best Methods of Purifying Water for Survival.”

Thank you so much for joining me again! Have you ever tried the SODIS method? Comment below to share your tips and tricks!

See you soon!

The post SODIS Method: How to purify water with sunlight appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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How to use bleach to purify drinking water Fri, 12 Jan 2024 23:00:14 +0000 After former President Trump mused about consuming disinfectants, public health officials were quick to state the dangers of doing just that. Believe it or not, there are circumstances when diluting...

The post How to use bleach to purify drinking water appeared first on Prepper Facts.

After former President Trump mused about consuming disinfectants, public health officials were quick to state the dangers of doing just that. Believe it or not, there are circumstances when diluting a substance like bleach in water you plan on drinking is actually a good idea. In some cases, it could save your life so it is a skill worth learning. Let’s talk about how to use bleach to purify drinking water.

Why use bleach?

Boiling water is usually a person’s first line of defense when it comes to water purification. Unfortunately, if utilities get knocked out as a result of a natural disaster, you may not have the option of boiling water.

Practical reasons to have bleach on hand:

  • It is a household product with a variety of uses including cleaning and disinfecting.
  • Bleach is very affordable and can be purchased by the gallon.
  • It is accessible almost everywhere you shop: grocery stores, hardware stores, and big box stores.
  • Bleach can make water potable and also combat mold and mildew (white vinegar works well for mold too)

Does the type of bleach you use, matter?

The type of bleach that you use matters. You may find different fragrances and extras, but there are only two classifications of bleach: chlorine and non-chlorine.

To disinfect water with bleach, you need to buy regular, unscented chlorine bleach with an active ingredient of sodium hypochlorite. The concentration (of sodium hypochlorite) should be between 6 and 8.25 percent. This doesn’t mean that you have to stop buying color safe, scented, and hybrid bleaches. You can buy both and use them for different purposes. One for prepper uses and the other for laundry.

Clorox Regular Unscented Bleach

This is regular, unscented bleach with a 7.5% concentration of sodium hypochlorite. Be sure to also get some liquid droppers to disperse the correct amount of bleach into the water you are treating.

Bleach Concentrate

A very common question is whether or not you can use the bleach that is labeled as “concentrated bleach” to purify water. The answer is found on the bottle. As long as the sodium hypochlorite concentration is between 6 and 8.25 percent, then the answer is yes! The most “concentrated” bleach is usually around 8.25% chlorine (or sodium hypochlorite) bleach.

How to use bleach to purify drinking water:

Now that you’ve established a fresh supply of chlorine bleach, it is time to put all that you have learned to use. You don’t want to wait until you’re in the midst of a crisis to try this technique. Let’s mix up a batch of treated water so that you can get your technique down.

It’s time to collect the water you want to treat. This can be water from a tap, rainfall you collected from your gutters, river, lake, snowpack, or another source. Of course, the higher quality your source, the better your water will be. This is a good time to remove particulates from the water by filtering it through a strainer or cloth.

  1. Add bleach to your water. Add either 8 drops of 6% bleach or 6 drops of 8.25% bleach to one gallon of water.
  2. Inspect your water and make necessary adjustments. If the water is cold, cloudy, or colored, experts recommend doubling the bleach to 12 – 16 drops respectively.
  3. Patiently wait. Allow your mixture to stand for about 30 minutes.
  4. Smell and adjust if necessary. When you smell your solution, it should smell slightly like chlorine. If you don’t detect a slight chlorine odor, add another 12 – 16 drops and allow the water to stand for 15 more minutes.
  5. Reduce the levels of bleach in the water. If the chlorine taste is off-putting, you can aerate your water by transferring it into another clean container. Allow the water to stand (uncapped) for several hours in the new container before drinking it. You can also pour the water back and forth between two containers. This will speed the evaporation of the chlorine in the water.

How to use household bleach for water disinfection:

This video is very informative and helpful. His instructions are based on a quart whereas mine are based on a gallon.

how to use bleach to purify drinking water

How to mix larger batches of purified water

Here are some ratios for larger quantities.

If you’re using 6% chlorine bleach:
  • 2 drops of bleach per liter or quart of water
  • 8 drops per gallon of water
  • 16 drops per 2 gallons of water
  • 1/3 teaspoon per 4 gallons of water
  • 2/3 teaspoon per 8 gallons of water
If you’re using 8.25% chlorine bleach:
  • 2 drops of bleach per liter or quart of water
  • 6 drops per gallon of water
  • 12 drops per 2 gallons of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon per 4 gallons of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon per 8 gallons of water
How to use bleach to purify drinking water
How to use bleach to purify drinking water

Let’s talk about the shelf life of bleach

Did you know that bleach has a shelf life? If you’re surprised and hearing this for the first time, then it’s a goo thing that you’re reading this.

According to the iconic Clorox Company, you need to track the age of your bleach. A company representative told Ron Fontaine -the owner of, “We recommend storing our bleach at room temperatures. It can be stored for about six months at temperatures between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

After that time-frame the bleach will degrade 20 percent annually until it’s nothing more than water and salt. Also, store your bleach in a cool place because if it is stored above 70 degrees then it’s going to degrade faster.

Tips for storing purified water

Long-term water storage is a wise move that can pay off when disaster strikes. Here are some purified water storage tips that I learned from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

  1. Only use clean, food-grade storage containers to store your purified water.
  2. If you must use non-food-grade containers, get durable containers with caps that can be tightly screwed on.
  3. Never ever recycle old containers for water -especially if they ever contained toxic materials.
  4. If you are uncertain of the origin, find out if the container you’re considering is FDA approved.
  5. Always sanitize every container that you plan to use. Mix one teaspoon of fragrance-free chlorine bleach with 1 gallon of water and pour it into the container. Shake vigorously. Let stand 30 seconds before you empty it and allow it to air dry.
  6. Label every container with a “Drinking Water” label and include the date.
  7. Replace all water at 6-month intervals to maintain freshness.
  8. Never keep your water near containers that carry gas, pesticides, or other toxic solutions.

10 Bleach facts to know before you buy too much:

  1. Bleach can purify water, but it’s a carcinogen.
  2. Bleach is sodium hypochlorite (a poison.)
  3. Avoid scented and enhanced bleach for water purification.
  4. Bleach can help you clean your dishes with minimal water.
  5. Bleach expires after 3-6 months so if you choose to use it, label it with the date, and rotate accordingly.
  6. You will need bleach alternatives for water purification.
  7. Your tap water already contains some bleach.
  8. Swimming pools contain DANGEROUS levels of bleach.
  9. Bleach is a pesticide.
  10. Bleach can irritate asthma.

I know that I would want to know those things if I were considering bleach for water purification.

Other uses for bleach

Preserve flowers with bleach

Dr. Joan Rose of the Water Quality and Health Council recommends picking flowers while you wait for your power to be restored. Simply mix 1/4 teaspoon of unscented chlorine bleach per quart or pint of water into the vase, and you will destroy the bacteria that causes your flowers to wilt.

Sanitize with bleach

You can sanitize the surfaces and dishes in your home using bleach. Sanitizing is essential in any influenza or viral outbreak (which we have learned from recent events.)

To sanitize with bleach, mix 1 teaspoon of bleach with a cup of water. Dip a cleaning towel into the mixture and wipe the surfaces thoroughly to disinfect. Rinse off the surfaces before drying.

How to use bleach to kill mold and mildew

Killing mold and mildew is especially essential if your home is powerless for weeks or months. This is because the air won’t circulate the way that it did with home heating and air conditioning units. It will be much easier for your home to grow mold and mildew and quickly become a health hazard. Thankfully, household bleach (and white vinegar) can kill these things.

To kill mold and mildew with bleach, mix one cup of bleach with one gallon of water. Saturate the mold with this solution using a spray bottle of rag. Allow the solution to sit for 10 minutes before scrubbing the surface clean. Ventilate the area, wear eye protection, and use a face mask to avoid breathing in spores that are in the air while cleaning.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warning

The EPA guidelines state that when a disaster strikes, we should only use water that has been “properly disinfected” for drinking, cooking, cleaning, and brushing our teeth. This is important to avoid the disease causing microorganisms that dwell in water supplies.

The EPA recommends boiling water and using a bleach additive to kill the organisms that could make you sick. However, this is not a perfect solutions to your dilemma. The water could still be laced with salts, heavy metals, and toxic chemicals. Some of them are added by your water company and others naturally find their way into your water supply.


How to use bleach to purify drinking water
How to use bleach to purify drinking water

Bleach has so many uses for preppers and survival, Unfortunately you can’t just store and forget about it because it has a shelf life. Make sure that you label and rotate your bleach. You should always have a fresh supply of bleach because when the next “viral outbreak” occurs (which is has), there will be no good replacement for old fashioned household bleach!

If you are looking for other methods of water purification, please check out the article below!

Would you consider purifying your water with bleach? Do you have a fresh supply of bleach? What other uses have you found? Comment below to share!

See you soon!

The post How to use bleach to purify drinking water appeared first on Prepper Facts.

How to Purify Drinking Water Using Iodine Wed, 10 Jan 2024 06:55:07 +0000 Clean drinking water is always a necessity. This is true whether you are backpacking for 2 days or 2 weeks or in a survival situation after a disaster. Water is...

The post How to Purify Drinking Water Using Iodine appeared first on Prepper Facts.

Clean drinking water is always a necessity. This is true whether you are backpacking for 2 days or 2 weeks or in a survival situation after a disaster. Water is essential, but it is also very heavy to carry. Luckily, there are multiple ways to purify water that you find along the way that way you don’t have to carry it with you. In this article we will learn how to purify drinking water using iodine.

To walk far, carry less

It is good to be prepared, but in many cases it is even more important to be nimble and agile. This is difficult to do if you are carrying a lot of baggage. If you were planning for a 2-week backpacking trip, your packing list might look like this:

  • Backpack
  • Sleeping bag
  • Tent
  • Water bottle
  • Clothing
  • Map
  • Food
  • Pocket knife
  • Lighter or matches
  • 60 lb. Dumbbell
If you didn’t purify water on the go, you would need to carry around 60 lbs. of water (minimum) for a two-week hiking trip. I know that I personally drink more water than that.

An average person should at least drink a half-gallon of water a day and a gallon weighs around eight pounds. Therefore, a 2-week trip would require about 56 lbs. of water. Add in a few extra bottles of water and the weight you would be carrying would be around 60 additional pounds. That would get heavy fast!

Also, keep in mind that your pack should weigh less than 20% of your body weight. For example, a person who weighs 150 lbs. should aim to carry 30 pounds or less while backpacking and 15 pounds or less while day hiking. How on earth will you ever stay hydrated without carrying 60 pounds of drinking water with you?

Thank goodness you can purify water with iodine! This will save your energy and your back.

Reasons to use iodine to purify drinking water:

  • It comes in liquid or tablet form and is lightweight and easy to pack / carry
  • Inexpensive
  • Iodine can kill bacteria and viruses
  • Iodine has been known to be a quicker water purification method than chlorine
  • Easy to apply

How to purify drinking water using iodine


  • 2 water bottles Any kind of container that you use to carry water will work.
  • Iodine In liquid form (Iodine Tincture) or tablets
  • A medicine dropper: If you are using the liquid form of iodine, it is necessary to measure accurate doses


  1. Locate a good water source. The clearer the water, the better it is. Ideally, you should source your water from a free-flowing river or stream rather than a stagnant pond, lake, pool, or puddle. This reduces the number of harmful microorganisms that could potentially be in the water. Iodine does not remove chemical contaminants. Be sure to avoid getting your water from places where weed killers or pesticides may have run off.
  2. Remove all visible matter from the water. Make sure that you remove leaves, sticks, pebbles, sand, mud, and any other questionable debris that you see. You can filter the water by passing the water through a bandana or a piece of cloth.
  3. Purify the water with iodine. If you are using common household iodine (or “tincture of iodine,”) add 5 drops 2% tincture of iodine to each quart or liter of water you are disinfecting. If the water is cloudy or colored, add 10 drops of iodine. If you’re using iodine tablets, drop in 1 tablet per liter of water. The correct amount of iodine will vary depending on the condition of the water. Clear and flowing water will require less iodine than murky, stagnant water.
  4. Wait then hydrate. Now celebrate the fact that you didn’t have to carry the water weight equivalent of a child and allow the iodine to work it’s magic. The water will be orange and have a funny taste, but don’t be alarmed. This is totally normal.
  • If the water is cool / cold: Mix with iodine for 1 hour for liquid. 2 hours for tablets.
  • If the water is warm / hot: Mix for 30 minutes if using liquid. 1 hour for tablets.

Warning: Iodine isn’t for everyone

Iodine is not a safe method of water purification if you are :

  • Allergic to iodine
  • Pregnant
  • Have been medically advised not to use table salt
  • Have thyroid issues

Side Effects of Iodine Treated Water

You should not use iodine for prolonged periods of time because it can be toxic. The excessive consumption of iodine treated water may be harmful. Some of the side effects include:

  • Nausea
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Diarrhea
  • Metallic taste
  • Stomach pain
  • Swelling of the lips or face
  • Joint pain

If you experience any of the symptoms above, please discontinue iodine use immediately and use an alternate method of water purification.

How to Purify Lake Water With Iodine

How to remove iodine from water

You can add iodine to water to disinfect it, but water also naturally contains iodine. Seawater is known to contain large quantities of iodine whereas, river water contains much smaller amounts. The most common way to remove iodine from water is to use activated carbon.

  1. Prepare an iodine solution in a container of your choice.
  2. Add a small amount of activated carbon to your iodine solution and mix it together by shaking.
  3. Let the solution sit for a few minutes.
  4. Filter out the activated carbon with filter paper.

The activated carbon and iodine mixture will turn into residue on the filter paper and the water that passes through will be free of iodine.

Dealing with the taste

Iodine disinfected water doesn’t have a pleasant taste, but there are things you can do to help. It definitely helps to remove the iodine from the water using the filtering method above.

Add in powdered drink mix: I brought Tang with me on one of my camping trips when I was testing out these different water purification methods. On one day I used Aquamira drops which uses chlorine dioxide to destroy bacteria. The next day, I followed the Iodine disinfection method that we discussed today and I mixed in Tang both times. I think that the Aquamira is more palatable than the iodine treatment, but the Tang made a world of difference for both methods. I can see why serious outdoorsmen pack and bring powdered drink mix with them on their excursions.

Aerate your water: I think that it is always a good practice to aerate your water regardless of what purification method you choose to use. You can easily aerate the water by shaking the bottles vigorously. After shaking the bottle, I like to transfer the water from one container to another. Just aerating the water can make a huge difference when it comes to the smell and taste of iodine.

Use Neutralizing tablets: Neutralizing tablets are truly amazing! After you treat the water with the iodine, add a neutralizing tablet, shake, and it will completely neutralize the water. I was amazed by the way that it smelled and tasted like clean, fresh water.


I think that iodine is worth keeping in my emergency pack. It has multiple uses and I’m glad to know that I can use it for more than an ointment on cuts. What are your thoughts on the iodine water purification method? Have you used it before? Would you try it in a survival situation or is there a different method that you would rather use? Comment below to share your thoughts.

See you next time!

The post How to Purify Drinking Water Using Iodine appeared first on Prepper Facts.
