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The Effects of Flooding on Future Real Estate Values

In recent years, climate change has brought about drastic shifts in weather patterns worldwide, leading to a notable increase in the frequency and severity of floods. Consequently, this has started to influence real estate values, especially in areas prone to flooding. Understanding the Effects of Flooding on Future Real Estate Values is now essential for anyone planning to invest in real estate. As homeowners and investors grapple with the aftermath of these climate-induced disasters, one might wonder: where’s the safe haven?

car on body of water

Broader Market Effects

As the consequences of increased flooding begin to ripple across the housing market, the broader economic landscape will also feel the shockwaves. From ballooning insurance premiums to evolving investment trends, the effects of flooding are poised to reshape several market sectors. Let’s delve into these broader market impacts, examining how everything from home design to rental demand could undergo significant shifts in the face of rising flood risks.

  • Increased insurance premiums: Areas prone to repeated flooding are likely to experience a hike in insurance costs.
  • Changes in home design: Architects and builders may need to adapt designs to mitigate flood risk.
  • Decreased home values: Properties in flood-risk zones could experience a significant drop in market value.
  • Increased cost of repairs: Frequent flooding could lead to higher costs for home repairs and maintenance.
  • Shift in investment trends: Investors may shift their focus from flood-prone areas to safer locations, affecting local economies.
  • Increased demand for flood defense systems: As flood risk rises, the market for flood defenses such as barriers, pumps, and home modifications could grow.
  • Impact on rental markets: Rental properties in flood-prone areas could see lower demand, affecting landlords and the broader rental market.
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What are experienced investors predicting?

An investor who profited from the 2008 housing crisis by predicting it, Dave Burt, warns of a potential repeat caused by an overlooked flood risk in the mortgage market. Burt, CEO of DeltaTerra Capital, suggests that flooding could lead to a mispricing issue impacting 20% of US homes, potentially reducing the housing market’s value by up to $800 billion. He perceives this as potentially a quarter of the magnitude of the 2008 financial crisis, which could have severe impacts on vulnerable communities.

Burt explains that homes damaged by floods are dramatically devalued, putting mortgage borrowers at risk of defaulting on their loans. He emphasizes the need for accurate information on potential climate-related costs to prevent further issues. Burt, who has expressed concerns about flood risks previously, sees single-family homes as the most vulnerable property type.

Burt uses the example of Hurricane Ian, which resulted in over $100 billion of damages, revealing weaknesses in flood insurance coverages for homeowners. This incident exposed the under-coverage of costs for damaged homes, leaving them uninhabitable post-flood. He points out that the cost of maintaining a home is a crucial factor when buying, and these costs could be significantly affected by flood risks.

In the current volatile home sales market, Burt’s comments offer a timely warning. While new home sales saw a 13-month high in April, the rate has since been adjusted downwards, showing similarities to figures from early 2018, pre-pandemic. These changes indicate the market’s sensitivity and possible reactions to the increasing risk of floods.

Alaska: house collapses into river after flooding

Discovering Paradise: The Big Island of Hawaii

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As the world moves towards unpredictable weather patterns, there are still places that remain relatively untouched by these adversities. One such haven is the Big Island of Hawaii. Shielded from the worst effects of climate change due to its geographical location, the Big Island offers a sustainable and safe investment opportunity in real estate. A particular subdivision named “Hawaiian Paradise Park”, is on average 232 feet in elevation, far above the reaches of coastal flooding, or the effects following a complete ice-melt of all the ice on earth. With approximately 2,000 unoccupied 1-acre lots, Hawaiian Paradise park is actually the second largest sub-vision in the United States. Interestingly, its one of the only places in the country that openly advertises yurt-friendly laws, allowing its residents to live permit free year round in a yurt!!!

This is why the Big Island of Hawaii Is Resilient to the Worst Effects of Climate Change

The Big Island of Hawaii is often considered to be shielded from some of the worst effects of climate change due to its unique geographical and environmental factors. Here’s a list explaining some of those factors:

  1. Volcanic Topography: The Big Island has mountainous terrain. It forms barriers against storms and rising sea levels.
  2. Trade Winds and Ocean Currents: Trade winds and currents disperse storms. This reduces hurricane impact.
  3. Rapid Land Elevation: Land rises sharply above sea level. This protects infrastructure from sea-level rise.
  4. Diverse Microclimates: The island has varied microclimates. This supports adaptive agriculture.
  5. Robust Building Codes: Strict building regulations are in place. Structures must withstand natural disasters.
  6. Investment in Renewable Energy: The island focuses on renewable energy. This reduces fossil fuel reliance.
  7. Strong Localized Water Sources: There are abundant fresh water sources. This reduces drought vulnerability.
  8. Protected Natural Barriers: Mangroves and coral reefs are conserved. They shield against storms and surges.
  9. Active Climate Change Mitigation Policies: The state has proactive climate policies. This helps adapt to ongoing changes.

These aspects offer some insight into why the Big Island may be more resilient to the more severe effects of climate change. It’s vital to recognize that no location is completely immune to the global impacts of a shifting climate.

Unique microclimates of the Big Island:

a rocky cliff next to a body of water

The Big Island of Hawaii is unique in its climatic diversity. It features as many as 10 to 14 different microclimates. These can be generally categorized into the following:

  1. Tropical Continuously Wet (Rainforest): Found mainly on the windward (eastern) side of the island. This climate receives substantial rainfall throughout the year.
  2. Tropical Winter-Dry (Monsoon): Present in certain windward areas, this climate experiences drier conditions in the winter months.
  3. Tropical Summer-Dry (Savannah): Found in parts of the leeward (western) coast, it is characterized by a dry summer season.
  4. Arid Desert: Primarily located on the southwestern side, this region sees very little rainfall, creating desert-like conditions.
  5. Continuously Wet – Warm Temperate Climate: Located in the higher elevations of the windward side. It is cool and wet all year round.
  6. Mediterranean: Characterized by wet winters and dry summers, and found in specific leeward areas.
  7. Summer-Dry – Warm Temperate Climate: This exists in some of the leeward regions, with dry summers and cooler temperatures.
  8. Continuously Wet – Mild Summer Climate: This is located in higher windward areas. It remains wet throughout the year with mild summers.
  9. Alpine Desert: Found at the highest elevations, such as Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea. This zone is dry and cold, with the characteristics of an alpine desert.
  10. Subalpine Grassland: Located just below the alpine desert, it is characterized by subalpine conditions with grasslands.
  11. Marine Influenced: Situated close to the shore, affected by the ocean’s influence, with moderate rainfall and temperatures.

The diversity in microclimates on the Big Island is attributed to the significant variations in elevation, volcanic topography, and the prevailing trade winds. This creates distinctive weather patterns in relatively close proximity to each other.

The Effects of Flooding on Future Real Estate Values: A Global Perspective

  • Decline in Property Value: Homes in flood-prone areas are losing value. This trend is observed worldwide.
  • Increase in Insurance Costs: The cost of flood insurance is rising. This further lowers property values in risky areas.
  • Higher Repair Costs: Frequent flooding leads to more repairs. The increased cost affects home values.
  • Fear of Future Flooding: The threat of future floods scares buyers. This fear contributes to the devaluation of properties.
  • Depreciation Rates: Research indicates significant depreciation. Properties at high flood risk could lose 15-35% of their value over the next 15 years.
  • Urgency of the Issue: These facts highlight an urgent global concern. The impact on real estate is profound and far-reaching.

The effects of flooding on real estate are multifaceted. It’s not just the damage from a single event that has repercussions, but the anticipation of future risks and ongoing costs. The resulting decline in property values has a broad impact on homeowners, investors, and communities, particularly in areas most susceptible to floods.

Climate Resilience and Real Estate: The Role of Adaptation Measures

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Nevertheless, various measures can be taken to mitigate these impacts, such as improving local infrastructure, adopting flood-proof housing designs, and implementing local climate resilience plans. Investing in climate resilience can help maintain and even increase real estate values in the long run. However, these measures require significant investment and are not always feasible in areas with high flood risk.

Real Estate and Climate Change: A Shift Towards Safer Havens

In response to these challenges, a shift in real estate investment is becoming evident. Investors are progressively seeking properties in areas less prone to the effects of climate change, particularly flooding. This trend is not only a strategic investment move but also a necessity for many seeking a secure and stable environment for their families. The search for such safe havens has led many to consider locations with a unique combination of climate resilience and living comfort. One such place is the Big Island of Hawaii.

The Big Island of Hawaii: A Safe Harbor Amidst Changing Climate

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One of the major aspects that set the Big Island of Hawaii apart is its geographical location. The island is less susceptible to flooding compared to many other regions. Its varied topography and stable climate make it a comparatively safer place to invest in real estate.

The Effects of Flooding on Future Real Estate Values: A Comparison between Florida and the Big Island

Flooding, a byproduct of climate change, is decreasing property values worldwide. Using Florida as an example, homes in flood-prone areas are devalued due to the increasing costs of flood insurance, home repair, and fear of future flooding events. Studies reveal that such properties may depreciate by up to 15-35% over the next 15 years.

In contrast, the Big Island provides a more secure option:

  • Varied Microclimates: Unlike flood-susceptible Florida, the Big Island’s diverse microclimates offer areas with minimal flood risk.
  • Geographical Protection: Volcanic topography and elevation variations in the Big Island contrast Florida’s low-lying, flood-prone terrain.
  • Stable Insurance Costs: The Big Island’s lower flood risk results in stable insurance premiums, unlike Florida’s escalating costs.

Florida’s susceptibility to flooding highlights an urgent concern. However, the Big Island’s geographical advantages and proactive measures offer an alternative with potentially stable or appreciating property values. It stands as a compelling option for real estate investments compared to flood-affected areas like Florida.

The Effects of Flooding on Future Real Estate Values: The Hawaiian Exception

While properties in flood-prone areas around the world are experiencing depreciation, real estate values in the Big Island are showing a positive trend. This appreciation can be attributed to several factors, including its low susceptibility to climate change impacts, particularly flooding. This has piqued the interest of savvy investors who are cognizant of the effects of flooding on future real estate values.

Why Choose the Big Island of Hawaii: More Than Just a Safe Investment

Aside from its resilience to climate change, the Big Island of Hawaii offers a myriad of other benefits for homeowners. It’s a place of natural beauty, with stunning landscapes, pristine beaches, and a diverse ecosystem. The island boasts an excellent infrastructure, a strong sense of community, and a vibrant culture, providing an unmatched quality of life. Furthermore, real estate market trends on the Big Island have shown continuous growth, making it not only a safe but also a promising investment.

Investing in the Big Island of Hawaii: A Diverse Market for Every Investor

The Big Island’s real estate market is versatile, catering to various investment needs:

  • Residential Properties: From apartments to expansive homes, find your perfect fit.
  • Vacation Rentals: Ideal for investors looking for tourism opportunities.
  • Agricultural Land: Rich soil creates opportunities for farming or gardening.
  • Diverse Landscape: Options range from beachfront properties to lush rainforest estates.
  • Reasonable Prices: Compared to other Hawaiian islands or flood-prone areas, Big Island’s real estate is still affordable.

Whether you seek residential comfort, a vacation getaway, or agricultural exploration, the Big Island offers something for every investor. Its unique mix of property types, combined with attractive pricing, makes it a promising and diverse investment destination.

The Big Island: Building a Sustainable Future

The Big Island of Hawaii is about more than just escaping the effects of flooding on future real estate values. It’s a place where you can invest in a sustainable future. With significant strides in renewable energy and environmental conservation, the island is setting an example. Utilizing abundant solar, wind, and geothermal resources, the Big Island is on track to reach its goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045. This commitment to sustainability enhances the appeal of its real estate market, making it a wise and forward-thinking investment choice.

Embrace the Aloha Spirit: Join the Big Island Community

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Investing in the Big Island is not just a real estate transaction; it’s a ticket to join a close-knit community that cherishes the ‘Aloha Spirit’. This unique Hawaiian philosophy emphasizes compassion, kindness, and mutual respect. In a time of global uncertainties, the welcoming nature of the Big Island community offers a sense of belonging and security that is priceless.

Conclusion: The Big Island of Hawaii – A Haven Amidst Changing Real Estate Landscapes

The global shift toward safer and more sustainable living spaces has brought the Big Island of Hawaii into focus. Its resilience to flooding, natural beauty, cultural richness, and commitment to sustainability make it an attractive option for real estate investment. As you navigate the changing currents of the global real estate market, consider the Big Island of Hawaii. It stands as a haven amidst the storm, promising both security and prosperity.

Would you move to Hawai’i if you had the chance?

The post The Effects of Flooding On Future Real Estate Values appeared first on Prepper Facts.

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